
It's a lung with lung cancer caused by smoking tobacco. Your chances of getting that horrible disease go up by 200% by simply working in a smoke-filled environment. If you are a smoker yourself, your chances go off the charts. I'd tell you to talk to my uncles but both of them are dead (lung and throat cancer each) and wouldn't have much to say on the subject.
Smoking in the bathroom

Smioking after school,

Go and light one up,

Cuz smoking's really cool...
I'm a non smoker. I work in a smoke free environment. Thankfully.

I'm sorry about your uncles.
Smoking is for the weak.

On a separate note: Indigo Rose has the most obnoxious sig page in along while. happiness is a warm ignore feature.
April said:
I'm a non smoker. I work in a smoke free environment. Thankfully.

I'm sorry about your uncles.

Me too. The worst part is the length of the disease. Years of struggle against something you've done to yourself while you were in perfect health.

Glad you don't smoke April. Now we can have sex and do the tango.
modest mouse said:
Smoking is for the weak.

On a separate note: Indigo Rose has the most obnoxious sig page in along while. happiness is a warm ignore feature.

I have my sigs turned off. Maybe that's why I haven't experienced this annoyance that you speak of.
Her sig was worse yesterday. I still like her though.

My parents were heavy smokers while I was growing up. I sometimes fear that affected my health. I cannot draw a deep breath without some pain. That seems to be the extent of it so far. It's an evilly addictive substance.

Teach me to tango Marxist. ;)
Ruby, you should quit. Soon. You have some pretty good reasons to do so.
April said:
Her sig was worse yesterday. I still like her though.

My parents were heavy smokers while I was growing up. I sometimes fear that affected my health. I cannot draw a deep breath without some pain. That seems to be the extent of it so far. It's an evilly addictive substance.

Teach me to tango Marxist. ;)


You bring the dress. We'll make the magic.

Secondhand smoke is a really weird thing. It's unfiltered by the lungs and the cig filter. It's classified as a Class A hazard. Yet it's not regulated by anyone beyond local authorities. Go figure.
Marxist said:

Secondhand smoke is a really weird thing. It's unfiltered by the lungs and the cig filter. It's classified as a Class A hazard. Yet it's not regulated by anyone beyond local authorities. Go figure.

But it makes that cheeseburger taste so good.
Marxist said:

You'll do anything to get a hand on your rear...

you've found me out!

(and i only have TWO gnomes...but...I WILL HAVE MORE!!!)
That man looks rather scary.

I've heard you're really short. This could be a problem. I wouldn't want to step on you or anything.
modest mouse said:
Ruby, you should quit. Soon. You have some pretty good reasons to do so.

Yep. You are more than correct, Mr. Mouse. It's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm getting there.
April said:
That man looks rather scary.

I've heard you're really short. This could be a problem. I wouldn't want to step on you or anything.

You tryin' to turn me on?