

Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
You're a complete pod of shit. I hope you get run over by a MARTA train tomorrow.
More like tonight. Why dont you step out for some fresh air. Walking the tracks is particularly good for relieving stress and general ambience.
modest mouse said:
More like tonight. Why dont you step out for some fresh air. Walking the tracks is particularly good for relieving stress and general ambience.

Always good to know someone roots for Tod.
RisiaSkye said:
Stumping for votes again, Marxist?

Hardy har har....fucking writers...maybe the train gets my head, ever think about that?

Personally, I'm starting to dig this older, wiser, whiter Marxist ('s grave) because he's so crotchety that he must be ready to go.
Marxist said:

Hardy har har....fucking writers...maybe the train gets my head, ever think about that?
But it's less funny & more squishy in that version.
Starfish said:
Up here in Toledo, you'd be run over by a TARTA bus..


Getting hit by a bus is lame.

Anna Kournikova gets hit by a bus, Anna Karenina gets hit by a train.

See the diff?
Rubyfruit said:
Personally, I'm starting to dig this older, wiser, whiter Marxist ('s grave) because he's so crotchety that he must be ready to go.

I am. Take me! Fuck me to death and you get the insurance. I swear that's what the policy says.
In Chicago take your pick the EL or METRA, both will do the job.
I could video tape it and post as a Quicktime if you like.

LTR, I'll try not to. I don't endorse getting hit by a bus, train, or trolley, it was all in jest. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Don't mind the image above. I was looking for pics of a MARTA train and that appeared. Weird, no?
Heh...I was coming back to say if you did get hit,make sure it was their fault so that someone could be compensated....

That pic is gross.
Man, that RISIA av is hot!

Marxist, are the voices in your head acting up again?