Marxist is who I think is Hanns



Somene guessed it so I may as well share what I know with everyone.

I can't believe it myself. I really like the guy. We're all praying he gets mental help. Soon.

Pray for him.

Who the fuck are you?

Storm is at work right now.
If you are storm, email me.

Starfish said:
Who the fuck are you?

Storm is at work right now.
If you are storm, email me.


another confirmation it's Marxist

she's not sure if it's really storm or not

Idiots abound.

I am just very fucking concerned that someone is trying to pose as Storm.

You need help. Get it soon.

And don't tell me I do.... cause I already know and am actually doing somthing about my problems, unlike yourself obviously.
Hanns is actually Unregistered.

Even I could figure THAT one out.
Problem Child said:
Storm is storm 1969. Not storm 1967, a guest.

Did you sprinkle extra stupid powder on your King Vita-Man this morning?

shouldn't this post be directed to Starfish?

I made the storm1967 troll post as even most idiots would have figured out

well all of them excpt Starfish

really sucks about the marxist news, but he's always been a prick

No big newsflash there.

keep in mind there are several unregistereds posting
Storm did not write this. I guess I am stupid. :rolleyes:

I just emailed him and he has no clue where this thread came from.

Those of you who are trolling are worse than anything Hanns has done or said because you are impersonating someone falsly.

This is actually effecting someone's reputation here. Marxist may or may not be Hanns, hell, I may be hanns, but no one could say for sure, so why are you people throwing his name out? Because you are bored shitless, that's why. Time for a head check.
Get a fucking life.
Starfish said:
Storm did not write this. I guess I am stupid. :rolleyes:

I just emailed him and he has no clue where this thread came from.

Those of you who are trolling are worse than anything Hanns has done or said because you are impersonating someone falsly.

This is actually effecting someone's reputation here. Marxist may or may not be Hanns, hell, I may be hanns, but no one could say for sure, so why are you people throwing his name out? Because you are bored shitless, that's why. Time for a head check.
Get a fucking life.

get a fucking clue you dumb bitch. ruining someone's reputation? it's the internet fucknuts.
Stop with the accusations, please.
It's hurtful.

Marxist would never wish for me to have an accident or call me a lying cunt. He's way too busy to spend 12 hours a day posting callous one-liners.

Drop it. Please.
Starfish said:
Idiots abound.

I am just very fucking concerned that someone is trying to pose as Storm.

You need help. Get it soon.

And don't tell me I do.... cause I already know and am actually doing somthing about my problems, unlike yourself obviously.

tell them to speed the process up. obviously its not working so far.
your fumbling now
Marxist has been named
there has not been a denial
dumbass confirmation after dumbass confirmation he is who you guys have been whispering in PM about
you all got so excited about knowing something no one else did
now everyone knows it's Marxist you suspect
poor Marxist
without one ounce of proof
you are all great friends of his
but could you?
Cheyene getting so excited about it was the first clue, so you guys don't feel to bad
Starfish said:

This is actually effecting someone's reputation here. Marxist may or may not be Hanns, hell, I may be hanns, but no one could say for sure, so why are you people throwing his name out? Because you are bored shitless, that's why. Time for a head check.
Get a fucking life.

Perhaps "Siren & Lavender, Attorneys to the Avatars" should be retained forthwith to commence proceedings in the Supreme Cream Court of Literotica, Part 69.

Treble damages!
I'd say that Marxist has a pretty okay reputation here at lit. The internet has nothing to do with anything. Most people who have been here a while know my full idenity. I have a reputation at stake here at lit, and you are not going to convince me that it isn't possible because it is only the 'net'.

There are many who don't like him, but he is known personally and respected by many. Is this really worth, just to make your pathetic, yet regardlessly invaild point, at the expense of filling the minds of others with suspicions about Marxist that may very well be false?

It isn't and you're an ass for this above all things.

If he is innocent, he knows it and that is all that matters. But those who will bite into your propoganda may come now to accuse him in their own minds, unjustly.

I will not assume that it is him 100% based on this shit, that's for sure. You seem pretty sold on the idea though. You wouldn't happen to be one of his many foes would you?

You can be a fuckwad if you want, but I will have no part of it.
Lancecastor said:
Perhaps "Siren & Lavender, Attorneys to the Avatars" should be retained forthwith to commence proceedings in the Supreme Cream Court of Literotica, Part 69.

Treble damages!
Lance, haven't enough people been hurt? Can't you just drop it?
Starfish said:
I'd say that Marxist has a pretty okay reputation here at lit. The internet has nothing to do with anything. Most people who have been here a while know my full idenity. I have a reputation at stake here at lit, and you are not going to convince me that it isn't possible because it is only the 'net'.

There are many who don't like him, but he is known personally and respected by many. Is this really worth, just to make your pathetic, yet regardlessly invaild point, at the expense of filling the minds of others with suspicions about Marxist that may very well be false?

It isn't and you're an ass for this above all things.

If he is innocent, he knows it and that is all that matters. But those who will bite into your propoganda may come now to accuse him in their own minds, unjustly.

I will not assume that it is him 100% based on this shit, that's for sure. You seem pretty sold on the idea though. You wouldn't happen to be one of his many foes would you?

You can be a fuckwad if you want, but I will have no part of it.

dont blame the trolls for this one SF

blame Storm, Badkitty and Cheyeneand yourself
Starfish said:
The internet has nothing to do with anything. Most people who have been here a while know my full idenity. I have a reputation at stake here at lit, and you are not going to convince me that it isn't possible because it is only the 'net'.


WHAT reputation? it's the INTERNET you fool. get help. quickly.

you are but a name on a board nothing more. sorry to dispel your sense of self importance.

the trolls aren't saying Hanns is Marxist

they simply got you to admit that Marxist is the one you suspect

you guys did a shitty job of handling it
Why exactly, because we said it?


O, I am so convinced. You got me. I am defeated. As if there was any real contest to begin with.

This is sooooo not worth my or anyone's time.

Oh, and troll... I am pretty sure I know who you are. Actually, I am 99% certain, and I am going to pm EVERYONE I trust, which is like four people. And we are going to laugh about you behind your back and then tell others that we care, but really, we are just after 'brownie points'.

There, Toss me on the pyre...

If you think I should name you, you can head to TN, and eat the collection of boogers and toenails PC has been keeping in his coffee can first, because otherwise it ain't gonna happen.

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Unregistered said:

the trolls aren't saying Hanns is Marxist

they simply got you to admit that Marxist is the one you suspect

you guys did a shitty job of handling it

Provide me with a quote OF ANYONE registered that aid they suspected Marxist other than a troll?

No one has admitted shit.

You are really smart, I look up to you. Hopefully I look up to you from ground level on a thirty story building you are about to jump off of.

But, don't get me wrong... I care about you as a person.
Starfish said:

If you think I should name you, you can eat head to TN, and eat the collection of boogers and toenails PC has been keeping in his coffee can first, because otherwise it ain't gonna happen.


I think my head just exploded.