Marvel: The Mutant Outbreak (OOC)

Haha. For some reason I pictured Darth Vader singing a parody of MC Hammer's "You Can't Touch This." A few stormtroopers ask Vader if he wants any of their pizza, to which he gets angry and breaks into a rap:

I can't munch this!
Doo, doo doo doo, doooo doooo

I can't munch this!

My my my my body's burnt, so bad, took just about everything that I had, to stay, alive, but my internal organs took a dive, now I, gotta eat through a tube, and my hair's all gone, including my pubes, so please, don't offer your lunch, cuz that's just something, I can't munch!
^^^ says he's having creative problems.

It's not that the banter isn't fun, I think it's amongst the best parts of an RP. I also think it's really hard to slog through when it has no possible effect on your character or your characters actions. As someone who's traditionally a DnD player my mentality is kind of trained that if you even stay to hear things that your character can't possibly know you are explicitly expected not to act on it. Which occasionally leads to dificult situations where my character who naturally head to a bar upon arrival but now I have to roll a dice because otherwise I'm finding an excuse to go to the Blushing Mermaid instead of the first one I passed or the biggest one in town or some other more obvious pick. Anyway.
I mean, if you're having trouble with your creativity we could write a really smutty scene. That's sure to get the juices flowing. pun intended

But really, take your time. It'll come to you eventually. If you need help brainstorming or anything feel free to message me.
Well, I'm not having creativity problems in my head, I'm having problems writing them out into a coherent post, not because I ran out of ideas, but because I don't feel like writing it out. I have so many ideas running through my head at any given time. That Vader rap? I came up with it in the timespan of about ten minutes while sitting on the shitter this morning. I didn't even come up with lyrics for the whole song, just a few lines. Right after it I started thinking of Howard Hughes standing in a bathroom looking at the doorknob and rapping, "I can't touch that."

That kind of shit is easy to come up with. But it's harder to do stories because I try to hold myself to a high standard of literacy.
Gah. I feel like I'm holding you guys back. Go ahead and move the story along without me. Sean and Lexi, you can also move along with the SAO RP without me if you want. Even if I manage to get posts out this weekend, it's going to feel disjointed because it will take us weeks to make any story progress with my erratic posting. If you guys can keep the the story going at a more steady pace without me, then I am more than willing to step aside. I'm sorry I couldn't be the writer I wish I was.
While I'd love to just cus I've never gotten to know Lexi, I doubt we'll keep SAO going with out you, I'd love to keep this going though. For the love of all things unholy when yo uget back don't feel obligated to read everything. Ask for a summary. It will probably be. So and So met, fought random mooks. Since you suggested that we could eventually bring in Ben I'll drag in some of his villain base and maybe some of my custom guys so I don't step on whatever long term plans you had. Cept Sinister Six. I think I might bring in Vulture.
I was going to write so many group sex scenes with my two characters in the SAO thread, too. Drat. Was really excited for that thread.
You don't have to let the SAO thread die because of me. You can find someone else to take over my role or whatever. And as for this RP, don't worry about whatever long term plans I had. For the time being, just pretend that I am not coming back and unfold the story as you see fit. I don't want anything to hold you back, and I don't want to feel like your RP experience depends on me. For now, we'll all just assume that I am retiring from roleplaying. Because it's very possible that I will never come back.
I'll post tommorrow. Mostly cus I'm giving you all a shot to shoot me down and say my plan is terrible. I'm gonna write Jeff out basically by Spiderman listening to Isaiah's story and then leaving.

Isaiah is going to learn that Spidey is a college student. (He's wrong but all his assumptions hence forth will be made on the assumption spidey is 18-20) Spidey will vanish to protect his family.

Some of the thugs Isaiah works with will have been mixed up in that Hydra business and will tell Isaiah whats up he'll end up rushing out and meeting you. Sound good Lexi?
Well, I'll just go out on a limb here and say that everyone is alright with where you're going because nobody's said anything about it yet. Probably just waiting on a post to nudge everything along.
Sorry, life just got busy. I help a friend of mine transcribing (writing captions) and trust me after several hours of work typing which is entirely different from sitting around Lit and bullshitting you just don't have it in you. I'll try to get something up in the next day or so I just haven't had the heart in me to be creative.
Perfectly alright, life always comes first. This is just for fun, after all. If you don't have fun doing it, no reason to be doing it.
I am still around and waiting in the wings as well! Sorry I haven't been much help in getting things rolling again but I have been having trouble motivating myself to write more "Laura in a holding cell" material without a clear view of where we're going.
Outstanding gents, you too Elegant and is Lexi in on this one? We managed to use will power and the power of Lexi's Sexy to get SAO moving, this one should be easier to shake loose.