Martin Luther King - and other real civil rights leaders


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
that fought for freedom and equal rights, must be rolling in their graves as the obama has enslaved 50% of America.

why are people willing to surrender their humanity in order to live off welfare?

don't these people have hopes, dreams, or pride?
Well, no, he fought to take freedom from private businesses and property owners, if you want to be technical.

Maybe freedom to choose your customers based on race is a freedom that should not be permitted, but to say it somehow expands freedom is not correct. Goldwater, despite being against discrimination, made that point at the time.
Well, no, he fought to take freedom from private businesses and property owners, if you want to be technical.

Maybe freedom to choose your customers based on race is a freedom that should not be permitted, but to say it somehow expands freedom is not correct. Goldwater, despite being against discrimination, made that point at the time.

True, I wanted to put something moderately recent. If I had posted anything related to the Civil War, well those on the GB couldn't understand due to their limited ability to process information.

I just find it funny, how those who support obama have willingly become SLAVES.

if we add in some 'higher power' I can only imagine the conversations as this generation goes to 'heaven' and has conversations with their ancestors that were real slaves and how ashamed they are for those following and supporting obama

just makes me shake my head, during the civil war people died to be free yet now we have millions willingly becoming slaves
democrats should be ashamed .... sad.

the queen is dead. long life obama's slavery
Well, no, he fought to take freedom from private businesses and property owners, if you want to be technical.

Maybe freedom to choose your customers based on race is a freedom that should not be permitted, but to say it somehow expands freedom is not correct. Goldwater, despite being against discrimination, made that point at the time.

so you're saying restrooms, buses, public areas should still be segreagated based on race

there should be different standards when it comes to voitng based on race

there should be laws on marriage based on race

jesus christ, and you still wonder why people think you're a racist shit stain
Well, no, he fought to take freedom from private businesses and property owners, if you want to be technical.

Maybe freedom to choose your customers based on race is a freedom that should not be permitted, but to say it somehow expands freedom is not correct. Goldwater, despite being against discrimination, made that point at the time.

renard, jen this she's smarter than you.

just sayin'
that fought for freedom and equal rights, must be rolling in their graves as the obama has enslaved 50% of America.

why are people willing to surrender their humanity in order to live off welfare?

don't these people have hopes, dreams, or pride?

What's up with those documents dealing with MLK and the events before he was killed. All those documents are sealed until something like 2024... Why is that? What was there to hide for so many years?
What's up with those documents dealing with MLK and the events before he was killed. All those documents are sealed until something like 2024... Why is that? What was there to hide for so many years?

that's because Herbert Hoover spent years spying on him... jesus fuck you're stupid
The government enforced Martin Luther King Jr.
Holiday celebrates a sexual deviant, communist and
plagiarist. Learn what the schools are not allowed to
teach for fear of political persecution.
Martin Luther King Jr. had well documented ties
to the Communist Party, USA. On several documented occasions he met with Communist Party organizers to plan civil disturbances and unrest in the
Southern United States.
Martin Luther King Jr. was also one of the worst
plagiarists of the last century. King lifted sentences,
phrases and entire paragraphs from texts like Paul
Ramsey's 'Basic Christian Ethics'. Large portions of
MLK's doctoral thesis were copied from the thesis of
another student, and from the works of eminent theologians.
Is this the type of man our children should revere
equally with our Founding Fathers? No! It is time
White Americans repeal the King Holiday. White students should not be taught to honor a traitor to our
country, a sexual deviant and plagiarist fraud.

M.L.K. Jr. also had an uncontrollable lust and
propensity for violence. The night before King was
shot he had spent the night with three women having sex with two of them and viciously beating the
third. Documentation is readily available on the
internet with all source material showing Michael
King for what he was, a degenerate sexual deviant
with no original thought. WHITE PEOPLE get the

A little feed for racists alts like badbabyshitter and cjh.... well whatever alt you log into I wont see you.. Ignore is a wonderful function...