Married but available (Closed)

Apr 12, 2007
It’s the beginning of a new work week for fifty four year old Dorothy Culver. She’s the head of the Purchasing department at a medium sized chemical company in the Midwest United States. Just out of the shower she dries herself off then wraps the oversized towel around her she moves to her bedroom where her second husband Jeff of twenty years still lay sleeping. Quietly she pulls a skirt from her closet along with a blouse and a business style jacket. “These will work” she tells herself looking at the outfit in the dim light. As she stands in front of her dresser brushing out her short lightly curled naturally blond hair (She’s the second generation of German immigrants that left Germany just before the war) the towel slips off and onto the floor. She looks at her body in the dim light in the mirror. Yes, she had put on a few pounds over the years but she thinks they are in the right places. She has round hips and full breasts, and she certainly isn’t ashamed of either of them. She turns side to side to get a good look, yes, she’s happy with herself considering her age.
She rummages around her bra drawer and pulls out a black lacy one that she’s worn before with the tan blouse and you can barely see the bra underneath, but even if you can she never let that stop her, she doesn’t mind the sideways glances of the other women at work or the occasional leers from the older men. She feels comfortable in her skin and she looks more professional than most women in the workplace. Her jewelry is an accessory for her and she likes to wear it, a couple thin necklaces and bracelets along with her wedding rings and diamond stud earrings that were a Christmas present years ago from her husband Jeff, and she just loves them. Opening the other closet as quietly as she can she reaches down and takes out her black three inch heels and drops them on the floor then slips her feet into them. Adjusting her outfit in the mirror she then sprays a light mist of her perfume onto her blouse, “Just a hint of it” she thinks is plenty.
Pretending to be asleep, Jeff secretly admires his wife from the bed as she gets ready for work. There's much to admire about her. She hasn't changed much since he first caught sight of her twenty odd years ago and pretty much every day since he's thanked his lucky stars that she chose him.

Before they'd met, Jeff had been a career soldier, a veteran of both Gulf wars. He'd enlisted in the Marines at eighteen as a Private and left sixteen years later as a Gunnery Sergeant. Having never put down roots anywhere he drifted back to where he'd grown up, but found that things had changed since he was a kid. He struggled to find suitable employment and hated working in offices. He also found it difficult to make friends, not because he wasn't a nice guy, but because he felt that he didn't fit in.

Jeff had always liked motorcycles. He was an expert mechanic having been taught by his father before enlisting. He joined a motorcycle club and finally found a place where he fitted in. More than half the members were vet's, many facing the same challenges as him, some with much bigger demons. Jeff spent the next two years riding and raising hell with the club. There were bar fights and altercations with the law but fortunately nothing too serious.

Then, one night, he'd met Dorothy in a bar. She'd been recently divorced and looking for a bit of excitement, while he needed someone who could provide him with a bit of stability. They hit it off instantly. Dorothy looked fine, riding pillion on the back of his bike, and for the first time since he couldn't remember he'd tasted home cooking again. Nine months later they were married. Jeff kept up the riding but not the hell raising.

It was Dorothy who'd persuaded him to open his own Cycle Shop, 'Jeff's Cycle Shack". He was his own boss and it suited him. The shop did well, offering quality work at much less than the main dealerships charged.

Jeff didn't do half as well as Dorothy though. She had made it into management and was now doing very well for herself. Jeff would have hated her job but he was proud of her.

Dorothy zipped up her skirt and smoothed it down, she bent over to slip into her shoes and Jeff felt his erection growing.

"Come here, " he growls affectionately at her and she delicately plants herself on the bed beside him.

He doesn't kiss her, he knows it will spoil her lipstick and he knows there’s no time for sex. Instead he runs his hands down her body and she giggles appreciatively.

"I love you," he tells her.
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“I love you too Sweetheart” she whispers quietly as she stands up “I’ll see you tonight” as she turns and leaves the bedroom. Her BMW suv is a pleasure to drive as she cruises to her favorite Starbucks for her morning Latte. “Good morning Mrs Culver, two lattes this morning” the cute young man at the drive up window asks. Dorothy has gotten to look forward to seeing him before work for her coffee. “ Yep, same order Sammy” she tells him with her trademark smile and twinkling blue eyes. The drive to work was only a few miles and she made every light there, “It’s going to be a good day” she thinks to herself.
Arriving at work she steps out of the beemer and sees her assistant Adrienne walking toward her. Adrienne is a pretty gal in her early thirties with wide hips and a small bust, but a great personality and engaging smile. Dorothy has found something about her quite erotic since she started working for her a few years ago. Her and her husband Brian have been to Dorothy and Dave’s house and vice versa over the years, extra nice couple. Dorothy has confided in Adrienne more than a few times about private matters. They meet in the parking lot and Dorothy hands her the extra Latte. “Time to face another day” Adrienne says with a big smile. They both walk to the building.
“Busy day today,” Adrienne tells her boss. “You’ve got the Operations meeting at nine then there’s the tender presentations for the new filtration system starting at ten.”

Adrienne didn’t know how her boss coped. Especially being a woman in a man’s world. But cope she did and Adrienne admired her for it.


Bull Hopkins sat in the conference room and watched it fill up with representatives from the various operating functions. Ultimately, he was responsible for whatever the company produced and this daily meeting was how he made sure he kept on top of things.

Bull’s real name was Richard but everyone called him Bull. It was a hangover from his college football days and the name had stuck, since Bull was now in his mid forties. He was a big imposing man but he’d kept himself in pretty good shape too all things considered. He was calm and pragmatic, got on well with everyone. If you were straight with him he was straight with you. But you didn’t want to get on the wrong side of him.

He watched as Dorothy Culver walked into the room. He caught the curve of her hips and the shape of her legs, oh and those breasts!! How long had it been since he’d last had the company of a woman? Too long. Bull let his mind wander for ten seconds then brought things back into focus.

“Right, let’s get this meeting started,” he began.


Thirty five year old Tom Peterson sat in the breakfast room of the local Mariott Courtyard along with two pre sales support engineers. They’d flown in from Milwaukee the night before. As junior sales director for ART filtration he had invested hours of his life in preparing the tender and now it had come down to a three way shoot off with his competitors. He was nervous.

The three of them took an Uber to the company’s office and were met by the head of procurement’s secretary.

“You’ll be presenting to the head of procurement, the head of engineering and the head of operations,” the secretary told them. “They’re in a meeting at the moment but if you want to take a seat in reception I’ll call you when they’re ready.”

Tom thanked the girl and sat down. The butterflies that had been in his stomach were now replaced by elephants.
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Ten minutes prior to the meeting Dorothy is in the bathroom refreshing her make up, lipstick and running a brush through her shortish blond hair. Looking in the mirror she cocks her head and decides to unbutton a few of the top buttons on her blouse. It really didn’t reveal a whole lot but you could see some cleavage if you looked closely. The meeting was going to be all men but her so she had to look her best she thinks with a grin in the mirror. “Perfect” she thinks after she’s through unbuttoning the buttons.
Walking into the the big conference room she’s greets and is greeted by the heads of the various departments that have a stake in the project. She’s there representing Purchasing and has to make sure that pricing is within guidelines that the company has determined. She has her large yellow tablet she uses to make notes and tosses it’s on the table in front of her. She’s known for that tablet, she’s told where as almost everyone else uses an Ipad or something similar, Dorothy is old school.
“Hi Bull“ she says softly and with a smile as she sits down. She’s always liked Bull Hopkins, he’s always been a gentleman with her at all times and he’s certainly not hard to look at.
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The Operations meeting lasts an hour. There are no dramas, Just business as usual.

As everyone leaves the room, Bull catches up with Dorothy, keen to talk to her.

“So we’re going to be spending the rest of the day with the filtration tenders,” he begins. “You know there’s only one company that can do the job, ART. The other guys might be cheaper but their quality is nowhere near as good.”

Bull knows that Dorothy is mainly about the money. But he is all about production and he can’t afford costly delays or breakdowns.

“Just look at the bigger picture here Dorothy,” he pleads then realised that might have sounded condescending. “My back’s against the wall on this one to be honest. I cant afford any delays. If you could work with them on the price I’d appreciate it.”


When Tom Peterson and his team are called into the meeting room there are more people in it than he expected. But he knows there are only three people he needs to impress. The heads of procurement, operations and engineering.

He’s met the heads of engineering and operations several times now but this is the first time he’s met the head of procurement and he’s surprised to see she’s a woman. Not only a woman but a bit of a fox too. He may be twenty year her junior but appreciates a good body when he sees one.

He and his team have two hours to make their pitch and it’s a gruelling two hours. Every part of their proposal is examined.

The proposal seems well received but he doesn’t know if it’s enough. He’s pretty sure Bull is on his side but foxy Dorothy looks less convinced. Tom knows they are vulnerable on price but they have quality on their side.

“Well, thank you for listening, “ he says at the end. “We’re staying in town tonight and flying out in the morning. So if you fancy continuing this over dinner then we’d be more than happy to entertain you. I realise you’ve probably got a lot to talk about but please feel free to call me any time “

There is nothing more Tom can do now and afterwards the secretary escorts them back down to reception and out to the waiting taxi.
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ARTs presentation went well as far as she is concerned, she had taken quite a few notes during it and still had a few small lingering questions as the meeting wrapped up. She still felt there was room to negotiate the terms of the deal. Net thirty was too short, she wants Net ninety and ten percent if paid in thirty. She knows ART could swing that if they truly want the business. When Bull approaches her about and it she knows something can be done. Bull has her in the hallway after the meeting pleading with her to allow some them leeway as he wants them to have the business. She also knows that it’s her ass if the deal goes south because of pricing.
“Just look at the bigger picture here Dorothy,” he pleads then realised that might have sounded condescending. “My back’s against the wall on this one to be honest. I cant afford any delays. If you could work with them on the price I’d appreciate it.”
“We’ll, I’m not opposed to meeting with them again before they go back” she tells Bull. She knows she can get the net ninety and ten percent if paid in thirty it may just take a bit more negotiation. ”They said they’ll still be in town tonight, can you contact them and arrange for a dinner meeting?. She sees Bull breath a sigh of relief.
“Thanks Dot. I appreciate it. I’ll make the call,” he tells her, calling her by her nickname.

Bull normally calls Dorothy by her proper name but the situation calls for more personal thanks. They’ve worked together successfully for a couple of years now and other than one secret alcohol fuelled kiss outside her hotel room at a Christmas party a couple of years ago their relationship has been very professional.

They both knew the kiss had been a mistake. Bull, being the gentleman took the blame for both of them and made the excuse that he had just come out of a messy divorce and was having a hard time adjusting. Besides he respected Jeff her husband. He had a bike himself and Jeff serviced it much better that anyone else would.


Tom was out running when he received Bull’s call later in the afternoon. He was training for a triathlon and a sales director’s job wasn’t the ideal occupation for that. But Tom used the same dedication he had for his job. Making his life work for him. The trouble was that after working and training there was little room for anything. There was no mrs Peterson, not even a girlfriend.

Bull suggested a restaurant and a time and told Tom it would be casual.

“There’s no need to bring the Techy guys. This is all about price,” Bull told him

Tom ran back to his hotel. He showered then ordered a taxi to the the local mall to buy some casual clothes.


“8pm at the steak house” Bull texted Dorothy.
Dorothy looked at her phone then up at Jeff, “Looks like they made the meeting at eight o’clock“ she says. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go, it’s a free dinner sweetie,”She asks. “No,no, I’m fine, I‘ll watch the game instead, you go and work your negotiating magic, tell Richard I said hi” referring to Bull, he knew him as Richard from him bringing in his bike. Dorothy had an hour to spare so she relaxed watching TV with Jeff before she had to get ready.

Going through her closet she finds a nice pair of black slacks that she likes the fit of, they accentuate her bottom without making it look too big. A white blouse always looks good with black slacks along with a white lacy bra underneath. She has a pair of two inch heels she liked wearing with pants those were the choice tonight. Looking in the mirror she sees the bra is quite noticeable under the blouse but she figures they’ll be in a dimly lit place so “no biggie”. Moving to the dresser she refreshes her make up going with a bit of a darker look than what she wears at work.

Giving her husband a kiss she heads out the door, “I shouldn’t be too late but don’t wait up for me” she says back over her shoulder.
Tom changed into his new clothes then met his two colleagues in the bar for a quick drink before heading to the restaurant. He felt overdressed in his Chinos and smart shirt. Business casual could be a minefield. He ordered a sparkling water while the the two techs had already started on the beers. It looked like it could be a heavy night for them but there had to be some compensations for the semi nomadic lifestyles their job demanded.

Having said goodbye, he got a taxi to the restaurant, sat at the bar and ordered another sparkling water while he waited for his guests to arrive.


Bull took work casual to the limit. He was known for it. He wore a faded Ramones tee shirt and a pair of classic Levi’s. On his feet were his favourite beaten up cowboy boots. The boots he often used to ride his bike in. Outside of work, he liked to think of himself as a bit of a rebel but, in truth he knew he was a senior manager in a chemical company who got to see his kids every weekend.

Bull's cowboy boots made him look even taller than his normal six feet and his bare arms looked like they'd been hewn from tree trunks. He’d always worked out and since he’d got divorced there'd been more time for it than ever. Too much time.

Bull’s philosophy for these sort of events was that, since he wasn’t getting paid to give up his evening, the food and the beer should be compensation. He loved the steak house he had chosen. It was Argentinian and the food was out of this world. If you liked steak that was.

He’d planned on taking an Uber. He intended to drink and had no intention of risking his license. But when he checked the app none were available. Time passed and he kept checking, but no luck until he eventually managed to secure a ride.

Now he was going to be late….
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It was a bit of a drive across town but Dorothy arrived in good time, ten minutes early. It was a cool evening and the slight breeze when she stepped out of the SUV stiffened her nipples without her realizing it. She made her way to the entrance of the restaurant feeling confident she’d get the deal done this evening. The place smelled wonderful as she walked in, her head on a swivel trying to locate Bull or The guys from ART, “Ah, there was one of the guys at the bar, Tom is his name” she thinks to herself as she makes her way to him.

She catches his eye and gives a small wave of her hand as she approaches. She offers her hand when she gets to the bar “Hi Tom how are you?” she says with a smile. She sets her purse on the floor next to her as she sits next to Tom. “I see we’re early“ she’s says looking around the bar area.
Tom had been on the lookout for his guests since arriving and he noticed Dorothy the moment she walked in. Yep, she still looked foxy.

He makes eye contact with her and stands up then shakes her hand in greeting.

“Hello Mrs Culver. It’s just me from ART this evening. Mr Hopkins said that the discussion was mainly going to be a commercial one.”

As Dorothy sits down her white blouse is momentarily pulled tight across her chest, temporarily exposing her erect nipples. Tom can’t fail to notice and is slow in averting his gaze. He feels both a flush of embarrassment wash over him and a stirring in his groin.

“What would you like to drink,” he asks trying to move the conversation on and calling over a waiter.
“Please call me Dorothy Tom” she says softly as she sits down. “I’ll have a Cosmopolitan thank you very much” Dorothy didn’t notice Tom too much during the meeting earlier in the day as she was taking notes plus he had been seated on her side of the large table so she could see him very well even when he was speaking. Now that she has seen him close up, he’s a very good looking gentleman and in fine physical shape as well. She holds her comments about that to herself for the moment, chatting about that with a strange man is not lady like in her book.

“I’m a bit surprised Rich isn’t here, he normally is either right on time or a bit early” she says. Her bracelets catch the dim light of the room as well as her wedding rings she’s so proud of, her thin necklace is on display too. She notices Tom glancing at her wedding rings and decides that’s not a road she going down either, at least not yet.
When Bull finally arrives, he is very apologetic.

“Im sorry,” he tells them both. “You can never get a cab when you want one.”

He gives Tom a firm handshake but is unsure how to greet Dorothy, deciding on a light embrace and a peck on the cheek in the end. Something he manages to fumble a bit. Putting a hand on her waist he can feel the soft flesh of her midriff. She returns the embrace and he has to resist the temptation to pull her closer to him.

Bull is slightly disappointed that Dorothy’s chosen to wear slacks. He likes looking at her in a skirt. But then she’s probably not a big fan of the Ramones either.

He takes a seat next to Dorothy, facing Tom on the other side of the table.

“What would you like to drink ?” Tom asks.

“I’ll take one of those Argentinian beers.” Bull replies

When the waiter comes he hands out the menus, Bull studies the card but he’s already decided that he’s going to have the one where the waiters keep coming round serving you different cuts of meat.
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Dorothy sees Bull enter the restaurant surprised to see him dressed in a old T shirt and jeans but he certainly was easy on the eyes. His upper arms and chest were well developed and he is also narrow waisted. She’s so used to seeing him in dress shirts and sport coats at work she’s a bit taken aback. She glances quickly at Tom, then back at Bull, so different in appearance but both have her attention. Bull shakes Toms hand and then kisses her on the cheek as his hand finds her waist, his touch there feels electric, her eyes close briefly during the kiss then open slowly looking into his eyes. Just for a moment she was taken back to a kiss they shared at a Christmas party years ago, a night she remembers fondly.
The waiter provides them with menus, Dorothy having to rummage around in her purse for her readers. She gets embarrassed having to use them as it shows her age but she doesn’t have a choice, she couldn’t read the menu if she didn’t wear them. Slipping them on the menu comes into view. “Would you care for another drink?” she hears Tom ask. Looking up and over the menu Dorothy replies in the positive. Tom orders for all three of them
Bull convinces them all to order the "Churrasco Experience" which the menu describes as 'continuous table side service of signature cuts of fire roasted meat'. It's the most expensive option on the menu but Tom, or rather his company, will be paying. Bull has no qualms about that, especially if ART win the business. Then it will have been money well spent to sort out a commercial deal with Dorothy.

He takes it up on himself to bring up the subject of work before the food starts arriving, in the hope that they can enjoy the meal and more drinks without the spectre of negotiation hanging over them.

'Thing is, Tom," Bull begins, "we like your solution, but you know yourself that you're way more expensive than the competition and that's a hard thing for Dorothy to sell to the finance guys."

They aren't 'way more expensive' just more expensive, but Bull exaggerates for effect.


Tom had been expecting this. He knows he's more expensive, but he also knows he has a quality product, which he's pretty sure Bull's sold on. He has no idea how foxy Dorothy views things though. He also knows his company needs this deal. They've lost out on a number recently and Covid hasn't been kind to their order book either. If the work doesn't start coming in soon then there will need to be redundancies on the shop floor.

"What do we need to do to walk away with a deal tonight?" Tom asks.
Dorothy, her eyes looking over the rim of her almost gone Cosmopolitan says “ten present net thirty”. Dorothy knows that that option is quite doable from Toms standpoint. The drinks are having an effect on her and she wants this negotiation over with, shes not good with it when she’s had too much to drink. Before Tom can give his answer she excuses herself to the ladies room. She stands, turns and walks away from the two men left to haggle it out, her hands smooth out her slacks once shes on her feet reaching around the back and smoothing out her backside as well. As she leaves she has a bit more swing to her hips than she had before the drinks.
once in the ladies room she refreshes her make up, applying more lipstick and brushing her hair. Looking in the mirror she decides that she can afford to unbutton the top three buttons on her blouse, “Maybe this will help the negotiation” before she leaves the ladies room.
Tom and Bull watch Dorothy's ass as she leave the room then realise they are both doing it.

"She's an attractive woman," Tom says feeling the need to say something and, now that he's just in male company, loosening up a bit.

"She sure is," Bull sighs. "Beats looking at you all evening," he jokes and the two men laugh.

"I don't know if i can go to ten percent," Tom tells Bull. Tom knows he can. He's already loaded the bid with a margin for negotiation but he doesn't want to give the impression that they should have asked for more.

"That could be a problem," Bull replies. Bull could care less about the price but he knows that he needs to leave the negotiation to Dorothy. "Look at it this way. If you can then it means we get to spend to spend the rest of the evening in pleasant company and with good food."

"Let me see if i can talk to our finance guy," Tom says. "If you'll excuse me I'll go outside and give him a call."

Before he leaves Tom calls over the waiter and orders another round of drinks then walks out of the restaurant and stands in the parking lot for a bit checking the latest on the game on his phone.
Dorothy makes her way back to their table, her blouse and what’s underneath getting some attention from other men in the room. She sits down next to Bull, “Well, did you guys come to an agreement?”
Dorothy knows Toms company can meet her request so she has no qualms.
“Where is Tom anyway?” she asks.
Whether by design or habit she puts both hands on the table displaying her wedding rings. The waiter shows up with another round of drinks “Whew, I can feel the other two, I need to take it easy” she says under her breath.
Bull notices that Dorothy has undone some of the buttons on her blouse and can't help a quick look at her cleavage as she sits down.

"Did we come to an agreement? Of course not. I wouldn't dream of doing you job for you," Bull says with a smirk on his face. "He's outside talking to his finance people. Oh and he liked your ass by the way."

Bull notices Dorothy looking down at her rings. He reminds himself she's a married woman but he's curious as to why she unbuttoned her blouse. Maybe it was just a negotiating ploy, maybe she was just feeling hot. It was quite warm in the restaurant. Or maybe she's done it for him he thinks, the little tease.

"Jeff ok?" he asks taking a long swig on his newly delivered beer. He's got a thirst on him this evening and beer always tastes better when someone else is buying. "Is he managing to keep up with you?"
Dorothy chuckles at the “He likes your ass“ comment. She turns toward Bull her full breasts wobble within the cups of her lacy bra. “So he likes my ass huh?” she asks with a chuckle. “What brought that conversation up Bull?” she asks with a smirk, her left hand now hidden under the table, her blue eyes sparkle as she says it.
“Oh yes, he keeps up just fine”
We were both admiring it as you walked to the bathroom. You know what guys are like,” Bull replied cheekily.

Bull watched Dorothy place her hand under the table then said, “You know, I envy Jeff. Not only does he have a fine looking wife but he’s his own boss too. Nobody to answer to. None of this corporate shit to worry about.”

Bull takes another long drag on his beer and sighs a long sigh.
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Dorothy looks at Bull and sees that his divorce did take a toll on him. The look in his eyes when he said that Jeff is a lucky guy tells the story. “We’ll I have to say Bull that Jeff being a lucky guy doesn’t necessarily translate into Dorothy being a lucky girl” “He does have a thriving business with the bike shop and all but sometimes it seems to take most of his time and we don’t seem to have time for one another any more”
Dorothy finishes off her second cosmo and looks towards the bar, “Didn't Tom order another round before he left?”
When Dorothy’s left hand appears back on top of the table her wedding rings are missing.
“Of course as long as he agrees to the deal we’re all set aren’t we?”, her eyes half close as she says it while looking at Bull, and she smiles.
Bull notices the wedding rings have gone and his mind starts racing. He puts his hand on Dorothy’s and squeezes it

“A woman like you should never be ignored, Dot,” he tells her. “I’m always here for you if you need me.”

As he finishes his sentence, Tom walks back to the table. Bull let’s go of Dorothy’s hand quickly and tries to act nonchalant.


Tom however has seen the two of them touching. He makes as if he’s seen nothing though. He wonders if the meal has just been an excuse for the two of them to have a clandestine meeting. But as long as he gets the business he doesn’t really care. Besides it’s understandable. Despite her age Dorothy’s a hot piece of ass.

Tom sits down at the table and tries to look serious.

“I managed to talk to the head of finance,” he begins and then pauses for a moment. “If I can get your handshake on a deal tonight and a formal order by the end of the week then I can meet your price expectations.”

“Great,” Bull says looking at Dorothy for her agreement.

“Did our drinks turn up by the way?” Tom asks.
“No, they haven’t“ Dorothy replies. She liked that Bull had used her nick name when he spoke, rather than Dorothy. She was rather disappointed that Tom had shown up just as he had put his hand on hers. “Perhaps you could see what the hold up is” Dorothy tells Tom, then looks to Bull for approval. Bull turns and looks toward the bar, “Yeah, I wonder where he went”.
Bull and Dorothy’s eyes meet, yes it was just a touching of the hands but there seemed to be more there that either one of the them realize. Their faces told the story.