Marriage advice


Feb 4, 2015
My wife and I have been married for 8 years. She has recently confessed to me that she does not love me like that anymore. We still have sex from time to time but not sure if that’s because of convenience or not. She wants to take it one day at a time but it’s been 3 months already. Do you think it’s a good idea if she has one date with someone else just to see if she still has those feels deep down still or if she feels the excitement of new dating again? I say this as an experiment purpose only so I know if it’s honestly over or if we can make it work. I fully understand the risks and all that come with this proposition whether it’s she says it’s over for good or it leads to intimacy or sec with someone else. I’m seeking honest opinions and advice here from those that have been there before. This isn’t a plea for a cuck thing or even a hall pass. It’s….my need to know I guess. I guess in my mind this may be a last Hail Mary to either fix our marriage or drive the final coffin nail into it. And how do I get it so she is in control and her decision? Please help
It all comes down to ones morals. I have read plenty of stories where it con to both ways. I personally would not let my wife date another man. It just seems that it makes it easier to leave once they have already once.
Just give her time to herself, if she doesn't have it already. She'll either find someone, (or already has) they'll find her, or she'll end your relationship first.

Ya'll need to talk about the problems with your relationship for sure. If sex is the ONLY issue and you're okay with her finding romance with someone else and she is, too, it could make you both happier.

But if you have other problems, it probably won't.

More often lack of sex / intimacy is the symptom, not the problem.
Seek a relationship counsellor - an independent third party can look at it objectively and point you both in the right direction, whatever that may be. No offence, but I don't think this is the place to find that sort of advice, not without some sort of bias creeping into the responses.