Marines On The Move....

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Rattling the saber?

The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit is scheduled to sail to the Straits of Hormuz and into the Persian Gulf region beginning Christmas Eve, according to U.S. Navy sources.

The unit will transit to the region and be ready for any potential conflict with Iraq on the USS Austin, the USS Tortuga and the USS Nassau.

The Marines have been participating in amphibious ready group operations off the coast of Africa for the last three weeks, the sources told WorldNetDaily. The Marines number about 2,000 and are accompanied by Harriers.

Military officials said late yesterday that no final decision on whether to invade Iraq had been made. Nevertheless, large-scale mobilization orders are set to begin in January, which appear to support earlier reports that U.S. commanders prefer to battle Iraq during cooler months.

An earlier report said the U.S. may amass up to 300,000 troops before striking Iraq. Baghdad's ground forces are said to number around 375,000 men, with 70,000 of those Republican Guard troops.

WorldNetDaily reported Wednesday that a decision to strike Iraq has been postponed until at least the end of this month to give United Nations weapons inspectors a chance to make their report.

Despite Iraq's vehement denials that it has no weapons of mass destruction, the Pentagon is already well aware of numerous arms violations by Baghdad. The U.S. has intercepted communications from Iraqi officials discussing the hiding of weapons of mass destruction and their components, sources told WorldNetDaily.

Those weapons are being hidden in steel mills, parts factories and even in weapons and ammunition plants, sources said.

*Buries head in sand*

*Ignorance is bliss*

*There's no place like home,there's no place like home*

*Sits in the corner,humming and rocking*
Tony announced yesterday that...

our troops have been mobilised too...

Ah well...

Looks like they didn't get the best Christmas of their lives after all...

As I noted to T.H. on another thread. Germany and France have decided to mobilize, too. After all that American/German/French/British election babble about show me the proof, not a threat, no justification...

Of course, we've BEEN given no firther justification as p_p_ so delights in exposing, so what's changed?

Elections comfortably far off if we all move now with each other as political cover...

They did it, too!


Wow The Germans and French

I guess Iraq is really quaking in their boots now :D

What are these two Superpowers gonna do......Peel potatos?
In the political aftermath of the war, the Iraqis will need a hero to rally around, a colonel victorious in the war in at least one battle somewhere. That will be the responsibility of the French. Someone will need to make all that Chinese junk work, this will be the job of the Germans. The British will be in busy establishing a Diplomatic corps, a Parliment, the Peacock Throne, a Royal Inagural Ball/Rugby match, in short order, establish civilization...

The Americans, of course, will be in charge of the oil!


The Russians will show up late at the airport and take it over...

Bush plans to Federalize their happy drunk asses. Russians decide, what the hell, job security, and toast ol' Dubya as One Hell of a Great Russian Hero to the People...

REDWAVE is finally pushed over the edge and tries to assassinate the head croupier at the Mirage.


p_p_ already has his application in!

Yeah, let's begin the war. Kill the solders.

Less solders in the world the better.
I'm very good friends with a Marine who just got back from a sudden trip that took him away for over two months.

We spoke only once since he returned, he didn't phone as he promised to this week. (which is really unlike him)

So I've been worried that he's been suddenly sent off again, I hope that isn't the case.
I have friends just back from normal deployment scheduled to go back in X number of months...

Pretty routine.
SINthysist said:
I have friends just back from normal deployment scheduled to go back in X number of months...

Pretty routine.

What he does isn't really routine.

When he left at the end of September it was originally for a TDY (is that correct?) that was only suppose to last for a week. His mother didn't even know he'd been sent out of the country.

He can (and has often) get a call and be gone within hours. Sometimes for days, weeks or months.

I just worry is all. :)
SINthysist said:
I have friends just back from normal deployment scheduled to go back in X number of months...

Pretty routine.

Yes it is. It's not uncommon to have 2 MEU's in the same area. MEU's are the smallest of the Marine Expeditionary forces.
Historically, the Iraqi military has a limited kill ratio outside the use of gas. Personally, I think the officers in the field are more afraid of us than Saddam so when push comes to shove and they know for sure we're coming and they can surrender in safety, they will also surrender in numbers. So they won't use any gas or anything even if ordered to. This ain't the Iranians they're up against and they know it.
SINthysist said:
Historically, the Iraqi military has a limited kill ratio outside the use of gas. Personally, I think the officers in the field are more afraid of us than Saddam so when push comes to shove and they know for sure we're coming and they can surrender in safety, they will also surrender in numbers. So they won't use any gas or anything even if ordered to. This ain't the Iranians they're up against and they know it.

That depends on how sesperate they are!
My prayers and good wishes go with the Marines and other soldiers from the US, the UK and all the other countries that are supporting the war on terrorism.
They still remember how we treated them after they surrendered last time :D !

And they know sticking with Saddam is playing a losing hand. The generals will probably bug out first... Saddam can't hold EVERYONE's family hostage.
SINthysist said:
Historically,...... So they won't use any gas or anything even if ordered to. This ain't the Iranians they're up against and they know it.

Hmmm much debate here.

IMO The Iraqi Generals have WMD at thier disposal as protection from invaders and internal conflicts. Many Western Intel agencies report wide dissention and distrust up the chain of command to the highest level. WMD would give them a hand in bidding for power and self preservation.

History of the Iran/Iraq war. I wouldn't trust either sides accounts. Too much propaganda was used and facts were lost. The Iraqi's were (pre 1991) a formidable force in the Middle East. They didn't expect an air assault never before seen on the planet.
Happy Holidays to you too Heavy. I haven't interacted with you a whole lot, but I always respect your posts and read them with great interest. Best wishes to you and your family too.
I'm hoping that Saddam caves in, but his previous behavior doesn't suggest that he would.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
Happy Holidays to you too Heavy. I haven't interacted with you a whole lot, but I always respect your posts and read them with great interest. Best wishes to you and your family too.

Thank you.

I wish your family the same.

Have fun and take care.
Yeah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and now, back to death and destruction...

Yeah, which is why when the planes hit the airways... I think they'll use control of the WMD's to bargain for a say-so in the newly formed government.

And, Saddam ain't givin' in. They'll need a suitcase bomb placed on the INSIDE leg of the table to get that fawker out gracefully.