Manu and/or Laurel or whomever does the tweaking of the board


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
I was just wondering if you know down there where we can attach a file I was wondering if you could add to this list:

Valid file extensions: gif jpg png txt zip bmp jpeg

.qcp to the valid file extensions?

That is the file extension for the Pure Vocie audio recorder/player it can be found here:

It would be easier than zipping the file everytime to attach it.

Also for its bonuses in the same size file as a wav that is allowable here it will be about 8-10 times as long, in fact I recorder a 50 second recording on Sexy girl's jabberwocky/alice in woner land thread and in wav I couldn't even record the first stanza in under the 102,400 allowable byte size.

Thank you for your consideration and thoughts on this preposal.

Todd F
Ithought it was good where the program Pure Voice was free, small and simple to use everyone could be sending voice files back and forth