Males cut or uncut - what’s most common in North America these days?

My wife had to go to the ER two weeks ago. We shared a room with a man who was screaming in pain from a doctor and nurse trying to 'squeeze something out" come to find out he was uncut and was not properly cleaning himself and got a very nasty infection that could have eventually cost him his dick.

Why in this day and age anyone still thinks its okay to not have it cut blows my mind. Its gross and as this proves not easy when it comes to hygiene.
Nonsense. It's no more difficult than washing any other part of the body. You just have to bother to do it.
I have a nephew that required a circumcision in his 30s for medical reasons. I don't know what the problem was. It certainly would have been less painful as a newborn.
I have read over the years that the uncircumcised do suffer more problems, but can't offer any statistics.
Nonsense. It's no more difficult than washing any other part of the body. You just have to bother to do it.
it does not matter whether its male or female, good hygiene with body care and maintenance is equally important to both sexes! Female circumcision does exist, and I am not talking about the horrible barbaric things that happen to women that we hear about in other countries, I was referring to the slight modification of the clitoral hood, which is essentially the same principal as circumcision in men, we are created the way we are for a reason, why screw around with unnecessary surgery!
My unscientific survey (penises I have seen in real life) of around 300 is that about 80% were cut. I just accepted that most guys (my Hubby included) were cut for a good reason. But when we had to decide whether to get our son circumcized, I learned a lot. So, we decided against the circumcision.
I remember having this discussion with a true 10 who I worked with. I managed to tell her I was circumcised by saying if I had a son I would probably get him circumcised the way I was. She then shared that she finds uncircumcised cocks "kinda gross". I know not everyone thinks that, but I tended to give her opinion more weight. Lol.
A question from North of Europe where basically we all have uncut penises (not 100% these days because of immigration from cultures where uncut is not OK, but we can save that discussion for the Politics Board):

What is most common these days in USA and Canada?
My sample size of nude North Americans is unfortunately very small (8 ppl that I have showered or had sauna with) and are all in the range 35-60 years; 100% cut.
What about lower ages (hope not to run into any forum rules…)

Genuinely Curious!
Im born American and Catholic so Im cut but wish I still had my foreskin and love seeing uncut cocks!!!!!!
I was fortunate to have been born with a loose foreskin which doesn't hinder cleanliness, putting on a condom, or having sex. Growing up I never thought about it until a GF mentioned I was her first uncut partner.