Making My Money...


Apr 17, 2002
When i'd started in university, i thought that it would all be fun and frolics, but sooner rather than later i found out that i needed more money than i had. I had two more years to go and was already in debt up to my eyeballs. I'd tried job hunting, but trying to fit work around classes and study and all the assignments i kept getting... i just wasnt able to do it.

Looking down at the ad i'd just submitted, i sighed.
I was a law student, so i knew how to word it so it wouldn't be illegal. But I had sunk to a new low. Then again, if it could keep me in college, then maybe it was worth it.

Two weeks later, i pored over the newspaper.
It was there! Now, i just had to sit back and wait...


Ladies and Gentlemen
Im an 18 year old College Student, 5'8", Long Black Hair, Blue Eyes, 34C-26-34.
I would like someone to take me out for a night, and buy me something nice.
In return, i will be whoever you want me to be, and do anything you want me to do.
If this sounds like your kind of date, then please call 555-3656969
Leave your name, your number, and what you'd like our date to be like. Go on, you know you want to!
It had been two months since my fiance called things off and since that time I've been pretty depressed. All my friends constantly take me to bars and clubs and try to get me to hit on all these girls, but I can't do it. I'm way too depressed. We had gone out for four years and than she called it off because she realized she was too scared to get married... argh, it was so damn hard.

One thing that was really bugging me though was this complete and total lack of sex in my life... when I was still with her, we did it pretty often and that built up a huge sex drive within me. Now she's gone and I've got nothing...

So even though I didn't have the courage yet to walk up to a girl in a bar and ask her out, I figured there was a much easier way to do it...

I flipped through the newspaper, going through all the ads. Most of them were fairly similar, but one them finally caught my eye...

I punched the numbers into my phone, 555-3656969... an answering machine answered and I started talking in my very New York accent.

"Hi, my name is Matt and I saw your ad. You sound really nice... and I'd love to, uh, take you out sometime. I'm 27 years old and in good shape, heh, and well... I'm just looking to have some fun. I'd take you shopping wherever you wanted, than we could go out to a fine little restaurant, I've got a few favorites of mine we could possibly go to. After that, we could head back over to my place and... well, we'd see what would happen, hehh. Well, call me back if you're interested. 555-691-7700, thanks."
Doctor Mabeuse

OOC: A deep, resonant, and cultured male voice:

"I am calling in repsonse to your newspaper advertisement volunterring yourself for a date in return for a gift and an evening out. You would no doubt recognize my name were I to use it, so I will inroduce myself only as 'the Doctor' for now.

"Let me be as brief as possible. I am not proposing a night out, but I am wealthy enough to entertain you in lavish style at my own home. My personal Chef is a graduate of the Cordon Bleu in Paris and has worked in several three-star restaurants here and on the continent. My wine cellar has no equal in these parts, and my estate boasts an Olympic sized swimming pool, spa, sauna, private movie theater and many other amusements.

"Because I am reluctant to appear in public--you will know why when you learn my identity--I am unable to actually take you 'out' as they say. But in terms of compensation for your time I will make it very much worth your while. Money means little to me, as I have so much of it at my disposal.

"I am seeking an intelligent, attractive. and adaptible young woman to help me in an experiment I am conducting. She must be discrete, sensual, unattached, and intellectually and sexually adventurous. I cannot tell you the nature of the work just now as that may compromise the experiment.

"If you pass my initial screening, you will begin at once. Sessions will be held several nights a week, and you will be paid well for each session. You may leave the experiment at any time with no penalty, but your utmost discretion and confidentiality is expected at all times, even after you terminate your involvement.

"You will find me to be a man of wide experience, considerable knowledge, and most discerning tastes. I am considerate and agreeable, and quite liberal in my outlook. I will only choose those women who can pass my most rigorous standards in appearance and attitude, but for the right girl this is an unparalleled opportunity for social and financial independence for a few weeks work.

"Should you freel that you are qualified and are interested, please contact me--the Doctor--at this very address. I do hope to hear from you. I think you will not regret it.

Your most humble servant,

---the Doctor"

I got home to see the light blinking on my answer machine. I switched on the kettle, and cursed when i realised there was no milk. Typical. Realising that i had to do it sooner or later, i pressed play on the machine. The first was from a New Yorker called Matt, and althought he sounded a bit nervous, he seemed ok.

The second piqued my interest straight away. I was intrigued.
The Doctor seemed cultured, interesting, sadly something that was missing from the men in college.

But first come first served, and realising that if i hesitated i probably would never go through with it, i picked up the phone and dialled Matts number. After a couple of rings, the answer-machine clicked on. I listened to his short message, and took a deep breath.

"Hi Matt. This is Sarah, the girl from the ad? I got your message and i'd like to take you up on your offer. Can you pick me up at seven tomorrow evening? I live on campus, number 43c, in Birch House. If you have any problem finding it, give me a call on this number. I'll look forward to seeing you... Bye"

I hung up. I hated those bloody machines! Well, at least i hadnt stammered and stuttered my way through it. I had no problem inviting him to my rooms on campus. In fact, i felt safer meeting him there as i had lots of friendly neighbours to look out for me.

Now for the doctor. I replayed his message again, and wondered who he could be. I felt confident that i'd meet his requirements. I didnt need to look in the mirror to know that i looked good. My long dark hair hung in soft waves halfway down my back, framing my face to perfection. My green eyes were large and expressive, my nose was slightly small by comparison. My lips were full and had a shape that most women would pay a fortune for. I had a natural hourglass figure, and i kept in shape by swimming regularly. My breasts had a nice rounded shape, and at a 34C i was quite happy with their size. My legs were long and toned, and my ass was high and firm. All in all, i thought i was a pretty nice all round package. As for attitude, well, i was confident and open-minded, and obviously willing to do what he wanted.
So, without further ado, i rang back.

"Doctor, this is Sarah. You replied to my ad and i must say that i am... intrigued by your proposal. I would be delighted to meet with you to discuss your... experiment, and i hope that i meet with your obviously high standards. If possible, i would like to meet with you this Friday evening. Please let me know if this would suit, and also how i am to get to your home. I look forward to learning more. Until then, goodbye."

Replacing the handset, i wondered exactly what i had let myself in for.
Phone message for Sarah

OOC: The following sounds as though it was a mixture of spontaneous speech and portions of text read into the phone by a woman’s voice with the slightest trace of oriental accent:

Hello Sarah, my name is Amy Liu, and I’m the Doctor’s personal and administrative assistant. The Doctor regrets that, for the sake of discretion, he cannot reply to you directly just yet, and he begs your forgiveness for this minor impropriety. He means no disrespect and is honored that you have favored him with a positive response to his proposal, but I have been delegated to act in his interest in setting up your initial session. Should you be accepted for the experiment, the Doctor will thereafter deal with you directly. We hope you will understand.

Friday night would be ideal for your interview, and we shall reserve the entire evening for you. If you would give us your address, we shall send the limousine for you at seven PM if this is convenient. Please be advised that, for reasons of security, the windows of the limousine will be blacked out. Reading materials, television, and a stocked bar will be provided for your entertainment and comfort during the drive, which takes perhaps thirty minutes.

Dress is fairly informal, but—if I may be so bold as to speak woman to woman—the Doctor does like a certain amount of elegance in women. Again, forgive my presumption, but sexy without being cheap would best describe his tastes.

The screening session itself is a very informal affair, so I would not worry myself unduly about it. I would imagine that it would comprise the kind of normal dinnertime conversation you might expect on any first date, and so you are urged to relax and be yourself. There may be some questions about your background and sexual history necessitated by the nature of the experiment, but the answers will be held in the strictest confidence and are for the Doctor’s information only. They will never be released nor will your participation in this experiment ever be divulged. The Doctor’s word is his honor, I assure you.

That being said, there are some requirements on your part I have been charged to relate to you:
(1) The Doctor requests that you wear nylon stockings, either control-top or with a garter belt.
(2) The Doctor requests that you wear shoes with at least a three-inch (7.5 cm) heel.
(3) The Doctor requests that you wear only new underthings, comprising a bra and knickers of your choosing, preferably in either white or black. They should be chosen so as to be flattering and enticing.
(4) The Doctor will reimburse you twice over for the cost of these items whether you are accepted or not.

The menu shall consist of fresh oysters &/or shrimp cocktail, poached salmon with dill-wasabe sauce, cold crab and spinach salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing, rack of lamb with baby carrots and new potatoes in dill-butter, and tira masu for dessert, followed by cheese, fresh fruit and port or cognac. Appropriate wines shall be selected at table.

If you have any other preferences, Chef would be happy to accommodate you with 24 hours’ notice.

While the Doctor feels that it is inappropriate to discuss financial matters, I can assure you that you will receive a token of esteem worth not less than $500 (US) for your time, and possibly considerably more should you be accepted. The gift is selected by the Doctor himself, based on his perception of your personality and performance. Or you may elect to take your gift in cash money. I only stress that this is a token of esteem and in no way should be construed as payment for services rendered, whatever that might imply.

The Doctor is aware of the safety concerns of a young woman going off unescorted to meet with persons relatively unknown, and to allay such concerns, we will provide you with phone numbers of contacts through which you may be reached at any time while you are here. Please leave these numbers with those close to you in case of emergency or other contingency, but please leave them a minimum of information on where it is you are going and what you will be doing there. We rely on your discretion.

Finally, let me see how happy we are for your interest in the Doctor’s efforts. Although I am not a party to the design or purpose of the experiment, I know through others that it can be a broadening and even life-changing experience, and put you in touch with talents and abilities you had no idea you possessed. Best of luck!

Thank you and good day.

The Doctor's limousine picked her up at seven sharp. The chauffeur was young and absurdly handsome with dark black hair and a broad, strong chest beneath his livery.

The windows were blacked out as she'd been told. She could see absolutely nothing through them and soon gave up trying. She looked through a magazine as they sped quietly along, her mind racing as fast as the car.

She felt them turn off onto a gravel road. The car slowed, then stopped. She felt the chauffeur get out of the car. He opened her door.

Sarah caught her breath as she looked around her. It wasn't a house, it was an estate, a palace. She only had time to glimpse the manicured grounds and the size of the house before a very attractive young Chinese woman wearing a wonderfully tailored sapphire blue suit came down the stairs to meet her.

"Sarah?" she said with a polite smile. "How do you do. I am Amy Liu, the Doctor's assistant. Please call me Amy. WIll you come this way, please?"

Amy made small talk as she led Sarah up the stairs and into the enormous foyer. It was a palace, the furniture exquisite, the carpets luxurious, the chandeliers crystal, all extremely tasteful and elegant. Amy led her into the dining room and sat her to the right of the head, at an enormous table. She felt silly sitting there alone.

She heard him before she saw him, his heels on the marble floor. Then the french doors opened and he walked in.

"Sarah." he said, "Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the Doctor. This is such a pleasure. You are so kind to come."

If he expected her to recognize him, she didn't. He was handsome, perhaps in his early forties, because his black beard and hair were flecked with gray. He wore a tie and a sportscoat. His dark eyes sparkled as if he knew a joke that no one else did.

Sarah breathed a soft sigh of relief. All week she had been wondering about him and if she'd be able to have sex with him, because she was quite certain that it would come down to that. Why else the special underthings? But now she saw that he was hardly the ogre she had feared. She could do it if he was nice. She might even enjoiy it.

He looked her up and down appreciatively. "My, you are attractive. Truly beautiful. Forgive me, but from the nature of your ad I wasn't prepared for such a handsome young lady. Please, have a seat."

The dinner was wonderful, as was the Doctor's company, and despite the difference in their ages they seemed to connect in a special way. It was very much like a date, a wonderful date, and Sarah soon forgot where she was and why, and lost herself in his company.

The interview was brief and woven into the fabric of their conversation, and by that time she felt so familiar with him that she had no objection to answering his questions: Was she sexually active? Was she orgasmic? Was she in a relationship now? Had she ever done this, every done that? Many of the terms were new to her, and when she asked him to explain them, he said it was unimportant.

They took brandy on the terrace, beneath the moon and under the black shadows the trees cast upon the smooth rolling lawn. When he at last asked her if she was ready, she thought he was going to lead her to the bedroom, but instead he led her down a long hallway to a darkened room.

He guided her to a leather chair placed on a small raised platform under a spotlight and had her sit. He then walked off into the darkness some distance away. She heard him sit. A small desk lamp went on where he was sitting.

The room was so dark that she could not tell its size, but it seemed vast, and she felt both lost in the darkness and picked out by the bright light. She smiled nervously.

"Are you ready?" he asked

She shrugged. "I suppose so. I'm not sure..."

She saw him place a stack of bills on the desk. "Five hundred dollars, US. Cash. A gift from me to you."

She was somewhat taken back by his boldness. the sight of the money embarrassed her somewhat. It made her feel cheap.

He placed another stack of bills on the desk.

"And another five hundred dollars." he said. "If you will take off your clothes for me."

"I'm sorry?" she asked, not certain she had heard correctly.

"I'm offering you 500 dollars to take off your clothes for me. Right here. Right now. Will you do it?"
I couldnt believe it. There was one thousand dollars just sitting in front of me!
And all i had to do was take off my clothes... it should have been easy, but for the first time in my life i felt truly cheap. I didn't know if i could do it. One hand fluttered nervously at my throat, as i took a deep breath.

One deep breath followed another. My mind was racing. I wished the light wasn't so bright. I wished i could see the Doctor. What was he doing hiding in the dark anyway? I wished I had never placed the bloody ad in the bloody paper. I mentally gave myself a shake. I had done this for guys before, even if it was only when i was a bit tipsy. I had sunbathed nude on holiday. I could do this. Feigning confidence was drilled into every would-be lawyer in my class. Even so, standing up was the hardest thing i had ever done.

I ran my hands over my hips, deliberately smoothing the material of my long black skirt. I knew the way the material clung to my curves, and that the thigh high slit up one side would allow swift glances of my stocking tops. I undid the buttons of my blouse, starting at the bottom, and working my way up. When i finished undoing the buttons, i pulled the blouse close to me, ephasising the shape of my breasts. I shrugged the blouse from my shoulders and let the soft material fall to the ground, revealing my lacy black bra. A shiver ran through me. The room was not cold, but a delicious feeling of power had washed away any thoughts of feeling cheap.

I moved my hands to my waist, and undid the ties that held up my skirt. It slipped to the ground around my feet. I bent down to pick it up, feeling my stockings stretch with my movement. I turned to place it on the chair behind me, knowing that the doctor would have an excellent view of my thong clad derierre from where he was sitting. I had heard nothing from the Doctor, i didnt know if what i was doing was right or whether or not he was enjoying himself. I couldnt see or hear anything. But i did know one thing. I was sure that he did not mean me to stop there.

I slipped off one of my high heeled sandals, and lifted my leg to the arm of the chair. I rolled down my stocking, and pulled it off. I dropped it on the chair and repeated the process with my other leg. Reaching up behind me, i undid the clasp of my bra, and slipped it off. Trying to surpress a nervous giggle, i turned to lay it on top of my other clothes. Taking another deep breath, i turned to face where i assumed he was. I shook my hair out, and almost gasped at the way it felt on my naked skin. It was strange that i had never noticed that before, but then, i had never been as aware of being naked before this moment. I hooked my fingers in the waistband of my panties, and slowly moved them down over my hips, slid them down my legs, and stepped out of them as gracefully as i could manage.

I stretched, belying a confidence i didnt quite feel, sat down on the edge of the chair and crossed my legs.

Then in the most non-chalant voice i could manage i smiled and asked
"Anything else i can do for you Doctor?"
The Doctor

The Doctor watched her very closely as she disrobed, and she was aware of his eyes on her despite the fact that she could not see him. The room was silent yet the air was thick with sexual tension.

There was no sound from the darkness but the sound of his steady breathing. Then he said, "Yoiu are a very beautiful girl, Sarah. But I think you already know that. You carry youself as if you know that."

She could hear him in the darkness, doing something.

"Being beautiful is not the same as being desirable though, is it?" he said. "Most people would say that it is, but you and I, I think we know better, don't we? You are beautiful, but are you desirable? Are you sexual?"

She say him hand come back into the light and lay down another stack of bills. His arm was bare.

"Another offer." he said.

A light clicked on over the Doctor's chair, and Sarah was surprised to see his body illuminated by the light, stark naked. His head and face were still in shadow.
He was muscular without being overdeveloped, and beneath a dusting of black hair he appeared lean and hard. Her eyes were drawn to his cock, which lay upon his thigh, soft and deflated, like a thing asleep.

He was perhaps twelve or fifteen feet from her, closer than she had thought, appearing relaxed. Naked, and relaxed.

"There's another five hundred dollars for you if you can arouse me, Sarah." he said. "I believe you know what I mean. I want you to do it without touching me. I want you to arouse me from where you are. I daresay you will be able to gauge your success without too much trouble.
"I will give you ten minutes."