Making More: maximizing cum loads?


delivering the goods
Nov 9, 2012
So we love it when the spunking goes on for longer; when it’s thicker, ropy; when there’s MORE of the milky stuff pulsing out as we throb and groan, yes? How about this thread to share different approaches to achieving that: successes, disappointments, reviews, and of course peppered with stories and pics, the cream of the cream. One strand of the thread from me will be … see next post!

Si ;)
are zinc, herbs and pollen any use? : Semenax

Folks, I’m going down the herbal supplement route and, over the weeks, I’ll report here. I’m well past my max production years when it comes to cum, and I want to see if the herbal stuff will take me back to 20’s 30’s capacity for cumming. Yeah, I know, as part of a good diet and healthy lifestyle – I have that except for too much coffee I guess.

Yesterday I pumped out a measly 4ml, and today I started taking Semenax by leadingedge health. Some of the reviews suggest you can get an increase in a matter of days … I’ll post here over the weeks then. Anyone use this stuff or anything like it?

Si ;)
So we love it when the spunking goes on for longer; when it’s thicker, ropy; when there’s MORE of the milky stuff pulsing out as we throb and groan, yes? How about this thread to share different approaches to achieving that: successes, disappointments, reviews, and of course peppered with stories and pics, the cream of the cream. One strand of the thread from me will be … see next post!

Si ;)

So here's my method to maximize production of a massive load:

I find that drinking LOTS of water as well as other clear liquids (only very moderate coffee or caffeinated tea drinking) coupled with getting aroused repeatedly throughout the day (or two days for even better results) without cumming and finally, once I'm really ready to go, repeatedly get right to the edge of cumming but then stop three or more times before finally allowing myself to cum.

My wife and I have found through various "experiments" over the years that we don't see much additional increase in volume of my own semen when waiting any longer than 2 days since my last orgasm but that might not be true for everyone.

The only thing I could recommend to try for an even more intense orgasm and further increase in volume of semen, would be anal/prostate stimulation, which not everybody is into or even willing to consider but I can tell you that the most I've ever cum has been when I've had stimulation of the prostate, either via prostate stimulator, butt plug or dildo, coupled with the process I described above.

So if the Herbal supplements don't help, give those suggestions a try and I hope they help.
Thank you for making this post, and thanks to everyone participating. I will be reading with rapt attention.

*fans self*

I also didn't know supplements could affect that, so that's something new I've learned!

So excited to find out more!!!

Also, I didn't know that men produced less semen as they got older. Is this true for every man out there?
Semenax got bad reviews but this product got very good reviews.

Thanks for the link muskrat. Sounds like virectin really does it for a lot of guys. More about enhancing erection and drive in general than cum volume in particular? I guess they have to be related though. I've got a two month supply of the semenax so I'll stay with it right through.

So here's my method to maximize production of a massive load:

I find that drinking LOTS of water as well as other clear liquids (only very moderate coffee or caffeinated tea drinking) coupled with getting aroused repeatedly throughout the day (or two days for even better results) without cumming and finally, once I'm really ready to go, repeatedly get right to the edge of cumming but then stop three or more times before finally allowing myself to cum.

My wife and I have found through various "experiments" over the years that we don't see much additional increase in volume of my own semen when waiting any longer than 2 days since my last orgasm but that might not be true for everyone.

The only thing I could recommend to try for an even more intense orgasm and further increase in volume of semen, would be anal/prostate stimulation, which not everybody is into or even willing to consider but I can tell you that the most I've ever cum has been when I've had stimulation of the prostate, either via prostate stimulator, butt plug or dildo, coupled with the process I described above.

So if the Herbal supplements don't help, give those suggestions a try and I hope they help.

cpluvr, great to have this! For me, bad news about the coffee [I suspected this] but really promising about the 2 day thing; I really hope that's true for me.

Do you reckon that short sessions of clenching the muscle underneath the prostate 'counts' as stimulation enough to up the volume?

ps I love the stuff you post on here ...

Thank you for making this post, and thanks to everyone participating. I will be reading with rapt attention.

*fans self*

I also didn't know supplements could affect that, so that's something new I've learned!

So excited to find out more!!!

Also, I didn't know that men produced less semen as they got older. Is this true for every man out there?

me too mate. The nature of the beast is that this will take time I guess. For me I confess it tends to be *gropes self*


[days later ... Sorry, lady, to refer to you as 'mate' ... even though I know very well that a lady can make a stunning mate ... Si ;)
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Trial Report 1

Two days into taking semenax, I have two initial indicators. Both could be placebo effect from the fact that I feel kind of eager about this! Here goes:

This morning I woke with a nice fat dong like you do, but there was something different: the veins and the deep main-feed blood vessel up the length of the top the shaft were ‘ridged up’ like they get in the heat of sexiness. But this was me just going to the bathroom to pee and shave before staggering off to work. So, yeah, a better than usual morning glory. I liked it!

Then in lunch break I googled a couple more reviews of semenax and read a guy who wrote wowee of what it was doing for him two months in. It really did excite me and I was big. Then I went for a pee not because I needed to but because I had a two hour drive to begin. Unzipping myself I found this splurge of pre-cum oozing out of me. Perfectly clear of course, but viscous like honey. I scooped it on my finger, awed that I have never seen that much pre-cum in one ooze, nor did it run into a dangling drip. Nice.

I’m hoping both these are good omens of what this stuff will do for me. Too soon to measure another cum load, and anyway we have better things to do with the one on its way …

Si ;)

Hey Si!

I find it interesting that you are looking to increase the size of your load....... Time has taught me more to focus on the quality and ultimately the delivery of my hot creamy seed (things that I can control rather than those I can not). I will admit that edging for a while before sex seems to increase my output. I miss the velocity or pressure that I had twenty years ago. I used to love sending hot slippery streams all the way up my lover's back. She hated it when I cum in her long sexy hair. Time is tough on us all ;) Great thread by the way!!!
Also, I didn't know that men produced less semen as they got older. Is this true for every man out there?

Speaking only for myself, yes. At 65, orgasm/ejaculation is almost unreachable. The upside is, I can fuck all weekend, a state of affairs that pleases my lover greatly.:) I'd be lying, though, if I said it wasn't frustrating.
cpluvr, great to have this! For me, bad news about the coffee [I suspected this] but really promising about the 2 day thing; I really hope that's true for me.

Do you reckon that short sessions of clenching the muscle underneath the prostate 'counts' as stimulation enough to up the volume?

ps I love the stuff you post on here ...



Yeah, the coffee thing is bad news for me too as I love my coffee, unfortunately anything with caffeine in it causes your body to have to use more water (taking away from what it can use towards semen production) to flush the caffeine out of your system, the same is true of alcohol of course. The more you take in, the more water your body needs to flush itself out.

As for the 2 day thing, if you are not drinking enough water, like I described in my post, it will take longer to reach the "maximum volume" that you can produce.

As for the the muscle clenches you are talking about, if you are talking about doing kegels, they do help strengthen the muscles in that region and strengthening the muscles often leads to stronger, more intense orgasms and will help you to shoot farther. As for that providing Prostate Stimulation, that is not enough for me but everybody is different. Not sure what effect simply doing the kegels has on the volume of semen, although typically the stronger (and longer) the orgasm, the more that comes out...

Finally, I want to say thanks, it's good to know that people enjoy my posts.

I look forward to reading about your continued results with your current undertaking and what works best for you!
Folks, I’m going down the herbal supplement route and, over the weeks, I’ll report here. I’m well past my max production years when it comes to cum, and I want to see if the herbal stuff will take me back to 20’s 30’s capacity for cumming. Yeah, I know, as part of a good diet and healthy lifestyle – I have that except for too much coffee I guess.

Yesterday I pumped out a measly 4ml, and today I started taking Semenax by leadingedge health. Some of the reviews suggest you can get an increase in a matter of days … I’ll post here over the weeks then. Anyone use this stuff or anything like it?

Si ;)

I don't know how you or your partner feel about it, but a little "prostate massage" with her LUBED finger up you asshole while she blows you or even while you fuck her, can stimulate the production and release of an increased volume of semen. She doesn't have to do this constantly or at the time you cum, but for a few minutes while she's blowing you or while you're fucking. Fucking her with your finger in her ass and her's in yours can be fun.
Trial Report 2

No chance of lovy-doving tonight so I thought I’d to the business to get a measure … and, know what? Exactly the same amount as the pre-trial: flipping 4ml. But, Ah! Really good white colour. Mine’s been streaky with yuck grey/green for a good while but this looked like we like it to look.

Early days … Si.
So, a healthy diet, time for the testicles to produce more, supplements, and anal play (if you're into it). Is there anything else? A certain food that is shown to help or anything?
So, a healthy diet, time for the testicles to produce more, supplements, and anal play (if you're into it). Is there anything else? A certain food that is shown to help or anything?

Hey, bravename, good question. I heard a time or two about pomegranate so I googled it with semen volume and there's quite a lot there. Here's what I cut to paste, chosen for its lovely lighthearted approach [sooo much on this subject is so deadly serious it makes me limp]. Enjoy. It's got me an idea of what to put in an empty oyster shell ... Si ;)

10 Foods to Improve Sperm Count and Quality
By Laura Stanley on June 28, 2012, on … Extracts only:

Dark Chocolate - There’s no sexier food to bring into the bedroom than dark chocolate, but now, it’s not just the seductive taste you’ll want it for. Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine HCL, an amino acid related to the arginine in walnuts. It also doubles your guy’s sperm count and semen volume. Men who eat a little dark chocolate everyday have also noted that they have stronger and more intense orgasms. BONUS: it does that for you, too. *wink*
Oysters - The fact that oysters are an aphrodisiac was first presented to me in the form of Sex in the City. The process of feeding to each other and sucking down the slimy little things really gets people going. Did you know they also have sperm count increasing benefits? A good portion of a sperm cell is composed of zinc, which oysters are relatively high in. Eating oysters can not only increase sperm production but it can aid in the repair of damaged sperm.
Pomegranate - This is the most super of all super foods. It seems like it can truly cure whatever ails you from the common cold to low sperm count. Because of the intense cocktail of antioxidants in pomegranates, the juice can lower a chemical in the blood called malondialidehyde. That chemical destroys sperm, so drinking pomegranate juice is like putting a super hero cape on all those sperm so they can destroy the evil free radicals and get to the egg just in time.
Walnuts - In high school, we were given a comparison between the size of a walnut and a testicle. Strangely enough, size is not the only link between them. Walnuts contain arganine, which helps the testicles to increase sperm production and also aids in semen volume increase. It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids which improve the blood flow to the penis. These nuts also have twice the antioxidant power over other nuts so they do a great job of protecting the little guys, too. BONUS: eating 7 walnuts a day lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
Trial Report 3

The fifth day on semenax and I have an objective measure which surprises me! Ball size. Really! Hear me out: You may know from another thread [The Big O] that I’m a steel cockring junky. Well here’s the thing. My very favourite chunky weighty ring, 1.7/8 internal diameter that I have worn all day most days for months, now feels uncomfortably tight after an hour. It’s not that I’ve been aroused any more, it’s my sack that’s bulked up. Just last week I bought the next size up for reasons mentioned elsewhere, but now I find I actually need it. So I’ve got the 2 inch i.d. on as I write, and these last fourteen hours I’ve been wearing it there’s that super SNUG feeling for my package, and the magic effect when I’m aroused, when a week ago it would have been too loose for that to happen.

But I can see my balls are bigger, nice and bulgy off the ring all the time. I’m pretty pleased! Bigger doing what? – that’s the question. I’ve other stuff to say, not least about intensity of climax, but I’ll leave those things until indicators are consistent.

Si ;)

post script: Having posted this report I thought, 'come on, Si, was it really too tight?' so I changed my ring to the 1.7/8 one. I tell you, it was less than an hour by time I wanted it off, and the 2.00 back on. Reminds me of Goldilocks and the three bears.
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there are things you can add to your diet for this. I know almonds, bananas and dark chocolate are among them.
Trial Report 4

Seven days, 21 capsules consumed … and I’m feeling very well indeed. There is no question that this stuff is nourishing my vigor in general and my sexual energy in particular. I ‘get big’ more readily when aroused, even just slightly aroused; speaking as a guy in middle age, it’s more like it used to be, and we are both enjoying that. I think intensity of climax for me might be enhanced some, but that is really hard to judge as yet as there is so much variation according to the heat of the moment each time making love.

Specifics: I was home alone and randy this morning … 6ml, more of it kind of thick and globular, and, yes, the spunking took longer. … I’m happy!

Si ;)
Interesting post here: Supplements this fella used, amount, frequency, and results.

Great thread btw.

[Please don't post links to other adult websites! It's considered SPAM. Thanks so much!]
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Cheers jak for this, and the comment. I look forward to reading properly later, with my bottle of semenax contents to compare. btw, love the surname.

Si ;)
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Whatever it takes, I absolutely adore guys that cum a lot. Very erotic.