Make your own lava lamp for funsies


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002

a 12-18 inch tall 5-6 inch wide glass tub type vase
A crock pot hot base
water and water base food dye
Oil and oil base food dye

Place the glass vase on the crock pot hot base

Mix the water and food dye with your color of choice fill the vase about 3/4 to 7/8 full with the water

Mix the oil and food color of choice fill almost to the top of the vase with it.

Place a small light behind it from your viewing position.

lower the big lights

turn on the base

smoke some good stuff and mellow on out to the grove
lava lamp

That is so awesome. I hadn't turned my lava lamp on for such a long time. I had to walk over and turn it on! Now the room is all aglow and I love.

Todd is the best! :heart:
sexy-girl said:
todd you always make cool things ... have you tried this one ?

yup I am somwhat staring at it now only without smoking anything.

as the oil heats up it globs up to the surface as it cools it falls back down agin and more globs up and down.

My oil is green my water is red

What other cool things have I made that caught your attention?

did you try that audio yet? or still down
Re: lava lamp

SpiceCake said:
That is so awesome. I hadn't turned my lava lamp on for such a long time. I had to walk over and turn it on! Now the room is all aglow and I love.

Todd is the best! :heart:


If I lived closer I would hjave to give you a big hug
lava lamp

bknight2602 said:
Gee and I thought lava lamps went out thirty years ago, silly me!

Actually BK - my lamp is about 30 years old. I got it at a garage sale and it was still in the original box from 1974! Oh happy day!:D

My daughter got one for Christmas and it looks just like mine and it's only a year old! Some things never change!:heart:
Re: lava lamp

SpiceCake said:

Actually BK - my lamp is about 30 years old. I got it at a garage sale and it was still in the original box from 1974! Oh happy day!:D

My daughter got one for Christmas and it looks just like mine and it's only a year old! Some things never change!:heart:

You got that right!