Make me feel SEXY!

Hanns_Schmidt said:
<shoots the bitch stone dead>

Ahhh thats better

Now this thread can sink.

Aren't you such a sweetie, Hanns! I'll take what you said in your PMs as how you really feel! :rose:
SpiceCake said:
I challenge you to AROUSE me! Yes, YOU! :devil:
I am sure with you it doesn't take much - just a little nibble in the right spot. Here, let me nibble on your ear a little. :p
Re: Re: Make me feel SEXY!

The Heretic said:
I am sure with you it doesn't take much - just a little nibble in the right spot. Here, let me nibble on your ear a little. :p

Dang - good start! I love that. :D
Mona said:
I'm here to arouse you with my happy tittes. :D :nana:

They are very nice and very arousing. *takes her tongue and licks each of Mona's nipples* Sweet! :p
Mona said:
Hey, I'm here to arouse you remember? :D

Licking your nipples is arousing, sweets! *gives her nipples a little nibble* See the way your nipples perk up - yummy! :p
SpiceCake said:
Seeing how popular you are, I'd insist on it, hannsy! :D
This was brilliant.

I like witty women.

I'd give you a full-body massage just for that. :D

Hiding behind the tree, he waits patiently for Spicecake....

"What's this?" he asks himself as he sees her skipping down the path..

"She's wearing bright red hot pants with a matching bikini top, and a hooded cape?"

"And they're crotchless hot pants!"...

He jumps from behind the tree, startling Spicecake...hearing her scream, The wolf says "fuck the rest of the story... I'm gonna eat you!":p