Main Website Question - Viewing the 'Second Page' of the most current stories?


Jul 4, 2022
Sorry if this has already been asked and answered before?

We all sort of dread watching our newest story or chapter slowly, or quickly, move down the 'First Page' list of our chosen category.

Each day, new submissions keep knocking it further down. Then it happens. You log on, and it's just GONE! Sentenced to oblivion. Or the Alphabetical list. Or the Tag Search roulette. Or the vagaries of the Advanced Search tool.

Is there a simple way to just 'Click' and see the most recent stories, in a desired category, that have just fallen off the first page?

In the Advance Search tool, you seem to have to 'enter something' into the fields, rather than just being able to 'say' - "Show me the last month's worth of stories for this category, in order."

By entering info there you can only see PART of the latest offers by authors, skewed by your data.

Any people out there with better knowledge of the main websites tools?
Or is falling off the first page, for those readers who search only or mostly that way, a quick trip to the dark shadows?


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You're going to get the bulk of your eyes in the first couple of days. It's always been that way. Even if you're in a category that doesn't get as many entries so you stay on the top longer, everything still tails off significantly the farther you are from the release day.

Unless there are so many entries that you get bumped to page 2 on day 1, the impact isn't going to be huge.
Is there a simple way to just 'Click' and see the most recent stories, in a desired category, that have just fallen off the first page?
There's a seven day list, down the bottom of the category front page, but that's it.
After the first seven days, your best bet is the 30 day toplists. There are 30 day toplists for the stories with the most views and the stories with the highest scores. There are also category lists that show the top 250 highest rated stories in each category for the previous 30 days.
Sorry if this has already been asked and answered before?

We all sort of dread watching our newest story or chapter slowly, or quickly, move down the 'First Page' list of our chosen category.

Each day, new submissions keep knocking it further down. Then it happens. You log on, and it's just GONE! Sentenced to oblivion. Or the Alphabetical list. Or the Tag Search roulette. Or the vagaries of the Advanced Search tool.

Is there a simple way to just 'Click' and see the most recent stories, in a desired category, that have just fallen off the first page?

In the Advance Search tool, you seem to have to 'enter something' into the fields, rather than just being able to 'say' - "Show me the last month's worth of stories for this category, in order. By entering info there you can only see PART of the latest offers by authors, skewed by your data.

Any people out there with better knowledge of the main websites tools?
Or is falling off the first page, for those readers who search only or mostly that way, a quick trip to the dark shadows?


This sounds like you are looking for a tool READERS would need to use to find YOUR stories. But that's not going to happen.

We have what the site is designed to provide users to find stories. So, we need to write stories to remain within their parameters, and just trust to luck to remain in the top whatever listing for New or within the category.

You can't train the readers to find your story.
I don't know what you're finding on the category hub that you can't get someplace else. Personally, I don't watch my story on the category hub unless I want to compare my results to other contemporary stories.

Your Works page shows all the information on all of your stories, all the time. And the numbers on your Works page are more up-to-date than they are anywhere else on the site.

To get from here to your Works page, select "Lit Control Panel" at the top right of the forum page, then select "Works" on the left of the control panel.
The saddest thing is when your story is the 11th one approved on a given day, and never appears on the category front page at all...
Great responses!

The "Today/7 Day/30 Day" viewing options is the closest to what I am used to. That will help.

The flow of reader interest seems to be a bit different in the "Novel/Novellas" category and I'm just now getting used to that.

The main reason I was asking was, using my stats and 'works' features, I was pleasantly surprised to see how many readers took my advice and went BACK to chapter 01 to start reading this time.

I put a more prominent note about spoilers affecting their enjoyment if they peeked. Warning them to go back to Chapter 01 and start reading there seems to be helping. Each time a new chapter is released, I get a lot of traffic on the earlier releases.

< < < < > > > >

So, WITHOUT affecting the flow of the story and planning, I will consider writing smaller sections and posting more often. That should help continue driving more interest to the beginning of the story.

< < < < > > > >

Personally, I look at the category hub first when looking to read other's work. But if I have been offline a while, so many good stories have been pushed off the first page. Ratings are secondary to me when browsing. Story title, description, and the first few paragraphs of the first scene either hold my interest or I move on.

Ratings are better for longer serving and popular authors. Newer writers are still earning their fans. So I try to be even handed on my choices.

The infamous "Red H" though, does break a tie for me, so I make sure to vote well if I enjoy another author's work and effort.

Thanks everyone!
