Magical Moment- plagarism

What to do

I'd contact Laurel on this and provide material that can substantiate the allegations. People here don't just move on an accusation, and rightly so.
But plain copy-cat stuff should be removed, I much agree.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I was just about to say almost the same thing.
Wicked-N-Erotic said:
You took the words right out of my mouth.

Anything else I can take out of your mouth? :p

Sorry, in a weird mood

I sent an email to Laurell. I tried to find her a link but the story has been deleted, I think. I gave her the name of the offending story though and link for literotica.

Hopefully it all works out for her.

I was reading that story last night and after the first couple of paragraphs it turns into Laurell's book. I'm a huge fan of Ms. Hamilton's writing and I recognized it, I just wasn't sure which book it was in. I ran into my room, grabbed "The Killing Dance" and found the right chapter. I then sent the author a mean email and posted on here.

lol Feels kinda good to know what I was talking about.
Errr :)

Wicked-N-Erotic said:
Wouldn't it be more exciting to put something into my mouth?

Aren't weird moods great?

Wouldn't that require a different thread? ;)

Yes, weird moods can be great.

Thanks for your vigilance, Angel. As an author who hates the idea of someone else getting credit for my work and on behalf of other Lit authors, I thank you. :)
I still get the story displayed when I click the link you provided. Apparantly the story is still in the database.
I sent Laurell a new message with that old link. The story was removed from the list of new stories though, apparently not the database. Oh well, I just feel bad that people feel the need t steal other's work.

Thanks Whispersecret! I kinda felt bad about telling on Aphrodite2017.

A few month's back I received an email from someone telling me they "thought" they remembered reading a story on another sight...with a different authors name on it, but sure that they had read the same story (by me) on THIS sight.

Funny part was (not really) they're "claim" was that it was "I" who had plagerized that story. I finally got them to respond back to me with the link to the other sight...found the story in question.

Sure was MY story. Thankfully the "moderator" pulled the story when I was able to prove by "my" date posted off Lit as to who had actually written it first.

So yeah...I hate it when someone else takes credit for something someone else has written.

And the really bad part? It was probably one of my worst stories to boot!
If someone were going to plagiarize, why plagiarize a mediocre piece of drek like that?
