Mafia: Honor and Respect. (Closed for PrincessAmelia)


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000

Vincent Desmond Moretti III had some legendary shoes to fill and he knew it. He'd put aside more than one passion for the sake of the family name, but women wasn't one of them. So when, through sheer luck, or maybe fate... Who knows. He found himself sitting at a table with a wizened old Asian man who stared him in they eye, not saying a single word, but somehow knowing they had similar minds, at least as far as honor and respect went, he was more than surprised by the offer he was presented with.

The old man's virgin daughter as a token of his respect.

Vincent had dealt with the Sato family long enough to know it was suicide to turn down such an offer. He also knew better than to appear too eager as well. The tension of the moment made everyone but Vincent and the elder Sato squirm. But Vincent finally nodded and the air finally calmed as more than one person took an audible breath of it.

Rising, Vincent and the elder gave each other the proper respect in a mutual bow before they went their separate ways.

"Time's, they are ah changing... Boss." Vincent's right hand quipped once they were alone in one of the family's limos. Vincent gave him the slightest of smirks and scoffed mildly. "Only on the surface. We're all only a few short months away from our basest instincts, Reggie. Some more than others."

*Seven days later.*

The day that the young Asian flower was to arrive from the land of the Rising Sun by private jet. Vincent remained in his limo as Reggie stood with a sign that read "Sato", waiting for the woman to appear.
Name: Tai Sato
Age: 20
Looks :

Tai was very nervous she had been told why she was coming here and she felt sad about it but she was hiding how she felt. She knew she had to do as she was told so she wasn't going to fight. She was going to keep herself emotionless and just do as she was told.

She sat on her flight playing with her hair she was in

Her flight wasn't that long when She finally landed. She got her bag she put a fake smile on her face. She walked down the stairs of the jet. She saw the sign with her last name on. She headed over to the man.

"Hello I am Tai Sato." She said in her quiet and soft voice.
Reggie looked Tai over as she approached him. By the time she introduced herself to him, he had lowered the sign and offered her an arm to escort her to Vincent's limo. "I'm Reggie, Vincent's... Right hand... Come with me Miss Sato, he's waiting for you in the limo."

It wasn't long before he opened the door for her to slip in across from Vincent.

Vincent was focused on the screen of his smart phone as she sat across from him. Something he read made him laugh a little and he glanced up, noticing her long, glossy hair. The sight of which drew his eyes up to the vee at the base of her throat.

Raising an eyebrow, he found that she had a very angular face, not at all the round, soft look he was expecting. Not bad at all though. He blinked a couple of times before breaking the silence by offering her a drink. "Care for a glass of champagne, Miss...?" He asked, opening the mini-bar next to him.
Tai took his arm politely. She walked with him to the limo she was nervous but she was very good at hiding how she really felt and thought. She slipped into the limo she crossed her legs. She kept quiet looking at Vincent on his phone to her surprise he actually was handsome.

The silence was very awkward but she didn't care she didn't want to talk to him and she doubted he really wanted to talk to her. She was here to please him and that's all it was to her.

She nodded her head when he asked "Care for a glass of champagne, Miss...?"

She was feeling shy and didn't really want to talk to him until she had a drink to calm herself.
With her nod, Vincent began making her a drink, but he kept glancing up at her, as if expecting something more from her.

He handed her the long stem glass and leaned back in his seat, folding his hands in front of his mouth elegantly to conceal a subtle grin. "Your name... What is it?" He prompted again while really looking at her. He traced every conture of her body with his eyes, really sizing her up.

Reggie slipped into the drivers seat and looked up into the rear view. He couldn't help but chuckle softly and shake his head over Vincent's calculating form. He was almost acting like he was interrogating the poor girl. "It's T..." Vincent's eyes snapped up at him and he instantly silenced him with a single warning finger. "No... I want to hear it from her." He said firmly, never taking his eyes off of her.
Tai watched him making her drink she fidgetted with her hair. She took the glass. "Thank you." She said before taking a sip. The champagne tasted sweet on her lips. She licked her lips. She felt like he was trying to stare into her soul when he was looking her over.

She was about to speak before Reggie started to try and tell Vincent her name. She felt more nervous hearing him snap at Reggie it made her jump when Reggie snapped. "I am Tai sir." She said in her soft voice she was being very quiet she wasn't usually quiet unless she was nervous.
"Tai Sato... Do you have a middle name?" He asked calmly, noticing her little jump and how tense she was becoming. A sly grin slipped onto his lips at that and he leaned forward, placing a warm hand on her knee.

"You can relax, sweetheart, this isn't meant to set you on edge. I'm just trying to get to know you. Thats all. My name is Vincent Desmond Moretti the third, but you can just call me Vincent... For now." He drew his hand away and leaned back again, turning to make himself a drink as well. While he did so, he glanced up at her with interest, asking. "So, what do you do, anyway? I mean, you do more than just look pretty, right?" He gave her a snarky grin then.
"Well yes my full name is Tai Miyabi Sato the second I'm named after my great great grandmother." She sipped more on her glass of champagne. His sly grin was making her want to throw herself out of the car. Her heart was racing as he placed his hand on her knee.

"Okay sir." She nodded her head trying to keep calm. She already knew his name she had been told a lot about him by her farther. "Okay Vincent." She faked a smile. She closed her eyes when he turn away she composed herself she leaned back against the chair acting calm. "Um well I haven't work a day in my life but I can cook pretty well." She ignored his snarky grin
"Do you act?" He asked, not looking at her while he took a casual sip of his champagne. He drank with practiced expertise as he leveled his eyes upon her again, lowering the glass from his lips. He still wore that grin, it was almost like a silent challenge. "Were you told much about my family and I?" Vincent asked, stretching his arms across the length of the seat, a man at ease with his fortune and responsibility.

He crossed his legs casually, spinning his glass by its stem between well manecured fingers. "You may not have worked a day in your life, but even a life of privelege is full of 'work', tell me more about the way's you've enriched yourself."
Tai was confused by his question"Do you act?" She just ignored the question and sipped more on her wine. His grin made her skin crawl she thought he was rather creepy. "Um no I wasn't told much about your family or you. I was told your name and why I was being brought to you that's about it." She said it was true she wasn't told much but she figured out that his work wasn't legitimate just like her farther but she respected that her farther would do anything to provide for her family.

"Well I have always had to behave a certain. I've always had to do as my elders say even if I do not agree with it. While my mother was away in hospital I had to look after my full family I cooked, I cleaned and had to stand looking pretty while decisions were made for me."
Vincent leaned forward again suddenly picking up on the obvious vibe that she was creeped out by him. It wasn't right, she wasn't reading him right. It was pissing him off. "And what was the reason they told you you were being brought to me? And if you didn't... Behave? Didn't act a certain way... What then? Come on..." There was a biting edge of passion in the way Vincent talked to her. He looked down at her legs as he slipped a hand along the inside curve of her knee. "Come on..." He growled under his breath. "They threw you to a god damn, gaijin dog to have his way with you in the back of a limo. That's got to piss you off, right?" His hand creeped up her inner thigh, his eyes daring her to make him stop. "Show me the real Tai Miyabi Sato the Second!"
"Well um Vincent they told me I'm here to do as you tell me and I'm here to please you. They said if I didn't do as you told me I'd get hurt and if I continued to dis-obey you my family would be hurt too. I won't dis-obey you though my purpose now is to serve you." Tai said quietly looking at him.

She started to shake a little she was scared of Vincent when he placed a hand on her. "Well everything always happens for a reason and I don't argue with my elders decision they are wise so I do not argue." She said.

She really was dying to tell him the truth about how she felt but she couldn't she knew she should only say things that would be expected for her to say. When his hand crept higher up her leg she wanted to run away but she couldn't all she could do was whisper "stop"
"I won't have a shell of a human-being, I have no use for a servant, not one who's unwilling to stand up for herself when she needs to. If I wanted a painted doll, I could buy one..." His voice was calm, but the passion behind his words was certain.

"You're shaking... You wouldn't be if you were dead inside. Forget whats expected of you, what you think is expected of you..."

It was then that Tai whispered for him to stop, faintly, so faintly, he almost didn't hear her.

His hand lingered mere inches from her pussy. "What was that?" He urged, wanting her to say it with more conviction.
"Well I wasn't informed you actually wanted me to express myself oh what a pity you don't get what you want." She said a switch had been flicked in her head she couldn't keep calm anymore.

"I'm not dead inside I have feelings. I'm not happy I'm here but I'm here so I'm gonna just to have to suck it up and deal with it." She snapped a little he was making her so angry and annoyed he was pushing her buttons.

"Stop I don't want your hand on me okay I don't want your hand were its trying to go no ones every touched me there and I don't want you touching me there." She screamed at him she was nearly in tears she couldn't take this anymore. "Just get off of me."
Vincent was surprised by her fire, pleased by it, he half expected her to strike him, tilting his head just so, so that a blow wouldn't sting so much as he drew back with a triumphant grin.

"Of course." He replied, his hand drawing away slowly, even if she hadn't enjoyed being touched, he'd enjoyed the smoothness and warmth of her skin. "I got off of you, you can relax. I won't touch you again unless I'm sure you want me to."

"I'll make it easy on you, you're going to be treated like a queen, where I live, its your home now too. You're not the servant in this equasion, is that understood? There are others who are to serve you as they serve me. You'll find it quite spacious, in fact, you'll probably hardly ever see me if you don't want to. There's a pool, a library, a billiard room... You name it, I've got one. Hell, I should charge like a theme park for public admition, but I really don't want to stink up the place." He chuckled to himself as he took another sip of his champagne.
Tai looked at Vincent. "Why are you taking pleasure in me losing my cool why is it so amusing?" She asked. She started to calm down when took his hand away she was shocked that now his hand was gone she missed it and her pussy was a little wet. She ignored it.

"I don't get you at all why do you want me here?" She asked she was confused. "If your not going to use me why would you want me here its not like I'm going to want you without having too." She snapped she was very annoyed she just wanted to scream and shout. "Why do you want me here no one ever wants me my parents never wanted me I'm not a boy so they never had any time for me then they sent me away with you a stranger"

She downed the rest of her champagne. "Can I have another please?" She asked.
"I didn't want an act. You're being yourself now, even if it's not comfortable, at least I know I'm seeing the real thing." Vincent said casually as he took another sip.

He sniffed and looked at her, seeming a little disapointed. "That's fine, most don't get me. I was hoping for a little more out of you, but..." He paused and looked down into his glass.

He looked up quickly when she revealed more of her depth. "Ah, there it is. You feel unwanted. It's a damn shame, cause the woman I'm seeing, sitting there across from me. She'd make my momma proud. You've got some fire in you Tai, and if you'll let me, I'll give you a place to really let loose." He chuckled as she downed her champagne and took the glass from her, filling it up without hesitation and passing it back to her.
She looked deeply in his eyes she was starting to not feel creeped out by him.
"Yeah okay I feel unwanted but you'd have no idea how it feels and I could never make anyone proud why do you think they sent me to you because they were sick of me. Yes I do have fire in me but how can I let lose. I'm sorry I'm taking this all out on you but I'm angry I don't think I'm angry with you its the situation and how my parents sent me without even knowing I would be safe." She was starting to calm down she felt bad for taking this out on him. She took her glass and took a sip. "I can be honest with you about anything right, well I didn't mean I would never want you it was lie I was just angry because when you took your hand away from my leg I kinda of missed it being there. I was also well um wet I still am wet." She blushed saying the last sentence.
"I've dealt with your family for years and, no offence, but the way they treat women... It's always rubbed me the wrong way." Vincent shrugged, stretching out, relaxed.

"Let loose here, I'm tough, I can take any heat you wanna throw." He smiled, quite charmingly at her, being breezy and casual.

"Sure." He replied, when she asked if she could be honest.

"I know." When she admitted to having lied, and having just been angry.

"Sorry I pushed your buttons like I did." His eyes drifting to her legs closed legs as she revealed she was wet.

He casually shifted, uncrossing his legs to show that his pants were tented, then crossed them again, the other way, just as casually, a subtle grin on his lips.

"We're almost there, would you like to go for a swim?" He asked over the rim of his glass.
"Well they treat woman as if there only made to have babies and because I didn't want to marry some old fat bald guy who my dad liked I'm not good enough to them.." Tai said she leaned back against the chair she was relaxing now. "Its okay I'm glad you did because now I know you don't want me to be a human robot you want me to be truthful and that makes me feel better about being here with you." She smiled at Vincent.

She may have never had sex but she knew what was happening to him. She had touched a cock before but that was it. She had given a guy a hand job the guy had wanted to go further but she didn't. She didn't no why but she wanted Vincent. "Um I don't have anything to wear my dad hasn't let me swim for years."
"How medieval of them..." Vincent quipped over the way she discribed her families way of treating women.

Vincent couldn't help but sniff disdainfully over the notion of Tai marrying such a man. "I mean no disrespect to your family, but its obvious to see that your potential would have been wasted if you'd concented to such a marriage."

Vincent only nodded and smiled at Tai as she expressed her growing comfort with him before finishing his first glass of champagne in one long gulp. "I may have a... Forceful way of showing respect, but it's still respect." He explained as he poured himself another.

He watched her closely as he poured, getting a sense that she was starting to look at him as a sexual being. Just something about the way she looked at him, now that her anger had passed. "We could swim naked." He suggested casually.

"It's a private estate and the pool is huge. I promise I'll keep my distance. Hell, you can even watch me strip first, I'm comfortable in my skin. But hey, no pressure, skinny dip with me, or don't, either way, I'm gettin in the pool soon as we arive." He flashed her a charming smile before taking another sip of his champagne. He nodded for her to drink up as well. "Mmmh, plenty more of this too." He added, lifting his glass, in salute, to her.
"Well if my grand mara didn't die I would of been forced into it but her dying wish was I married someone I wanted to so she kinda saved me from a loveless marriage. I'm not a big fan of marriage my parents divorced but I think if the right person comes along I could be happy. Tell me about your family" Tai sipped on her drink.

"Um sure why not but you have to strip first and you don't have to keep your distance. You know I have seen a naked man before I've just not gone all the way with a man." She blushed she had never admitted this to anyone. His charming smile calmed her a little. She finished her drink. "You know I'm sorry for the way I acted no one normally cares about what I think or feel."
"My old man was far too busy running an empire to give a fuck about me. My momma was a good woman, feisty though. Thats all you need to know, for now." Vincent said with a guarded look. He was obviously not comfortable talking about his family.

He grinned and began undoing his shirt with his free hand, revealing more and more of his fit physique. He kept good care of himself and he knew it. His air of confidence was bordering on the egotistical, but not quite. He raised an eyebrow over her admition that she's seen a man naked before. "And, how do I compare?" He asked with a knowing smirk. "Hey, don't worry about it." He said casually over her appology for having blown up at him.

"You havn't done it... But have you ever played with yourself?" He asked, drawing his shirt open wide shrugging it off his shoulder, so that his right side was bare, then switching his champagne glass to the other hand, he slipped out of his shirt fully. The dark curls of his chest hair formed a clear happy trail down along his stomach, disappearing beneath the hem of his brilliant white dress pants.

He uncrossed his legs and sat casually as the limo rounded a corner and pulled up to the estate's front gate. He wasn't quite as erect as he was a few minutes earlier, but his bulge was still very apparant. He shifted and casually rested a hand over his belt buckle, giving her a pointed look as if he were waiting for an answer to his last question.
Tai smiled at him listening to him talk about his family. She felt a bit bad for probing him about his family because it was obvious he was a bit uncomfortable talking about his family. She didn't like making people uncomfortable. She couldn't help but watch his ever move. She bite her lip looking him over. She liked he was confident. "Well Vincent your more handsome then the other guy and you look after yourself more so your way better." She smiled at him it wasn't a normally smile it was seductive smile.

"Well yes I've played with myself and I've played with a man just with my hand though." She looked at his crotch she thought he looked bigger then the guy she saw naked. Her panties were getting even more wet she was blushing. "I could show you what I know if you'd like or I could show how I've touched myself ?" She asked her eyes still on his crotch. She felt comfortable with Vincent and she wanted to know more about being with a man. She wanted him to be her teacher.
"Show me how you touch yourself first, please." He instructed, taking right to the role of 'teacher' with natural ease. He sipped his drink and ran his finger tips along the hem of his pants, secretly eager to undo them, push them down and take himself in hand, or let her. But he felt she had to earn that, honestly. Because he knew she would.

Without a word, Reggie pulled the limo to a stop, put it in park and left the engine running, slipping out of the vehicle, giving them their privacy. "Take you time, get comfy, you have my full attention." Vincent said, teasingly, yet encouraging her to go on now that they were completely alone. He played casually with the button of his pants his eyes fixed on Tai's face, seemingly reading her like a book.