MacDonalds Beatdown: Excessive Force???

rosco rathbone

1. f3e5 2. g4??
Aug 30, 2002
I missed this meme somehow:

Two loudmouthed females got in an altercation with a McDonald's employee, slap his face and jumped over the counter to approach him. They were evidently intercoursing with the wrong fellow however, since he grabs what appears to be a long, thin steel rod, and delivers a very-painful looking, savage beatdown.

Excessive force? On one hand, "never strike a woman". On the other hand, two against one, and they struck first and then pursued.

He clearly keeps swinging after they are down. In the eyes of the law, that's a major no-no. Still, it seems as if street justice prevailed in this case. "Victims" got a nice lawsuit against McDonalds as well.

What say ye?
I don't have an account to open it but my feeling is: It's just a cheeseburger people calm down!
Overturn the lawsuit and subject them to another beatdown at the hands of the same employee.
LMFAO punk bitches with attitude got fucked up!!! I love it...I fucking love it. I hope he perma fucked both those dumb shits....
Well I think if they jumped the counter that was a little much. Who knows what they have on them. That is just bizarre behavior.
Probably got a little more than they deserved but,

They initiated the fight with the slap and continued by jumping over the counter to attack the man behind the counter. They looked like a couple of street thugs who, I would be willing to bet, both have rap sheets as long as my arm. Be that as it may, he defended himself and they put themselves in the position to get a serious ass-whooping. Whether male or female (I use this the word "female" lightly with these two!) they deserved what they got.
Well I think if they jumped the counter that was a little much. Who knows what they have on them. That is just bizarre behavior.

Exactly, they should have straight shot that mother fucker in the face and been done. All counter jumping hostile actions toward McDoo's employees would IMMEDIATELY stop 100% guaranteed.
I'll bet he beats his girlfriend, his wife and his kids with the same rod. Otherwise he wouldn't have had it handy and wouldn't know to keep hitting until they've been taught a proper lesson.

I hope the slap scarred his face.

I hope they sue him and McDonalds for about 250 billion dollars and put that dealer of death by diabetes out of business.
I'll bet he beats his girlfriend, his wife and his kids with the same rod. Otherwise he wouldn't have had it handy and wouldn't know to keep hitting until they've been taught a proper lesson.

The rod is for employees who take too many bathroom breaks.
Didn't realize the guy was a hardened ex con.

They're lucky all they got was a coat hanger whippin'.
It just goes to prove don't start a fight with someone you don't know. They might have done time already for killing a friend. Just think what he would do if you weren't his friend?
I've NEVER understood why people have so little self-control that they allow themselves to become physically violent... how crazy. And yeah, everyone went overboard.