Luna Joins the Army?


That's Professor to You!
Dec 30, 2001
I am deeply considering joining the a communication/radio operator....I am really unsure..I think it would do me good to understand discipline and honor.

Please note:
I haven't joined yet...I am not even sure which branch is for me...
Besides i could use the money....a war corespondent sounds intresting....
double posting...

I feel that my country has done a lot to preserve my freedoms and my liberty, I don't plan on being heroic but I do plan on serving so that others might enjoy this freedom....

My consern is that I will not be able to endure the boot camp and training.....I doubt I could even get in with my skeletal problems ....but these are again just ideas I am kicking around...
I was talking to LC about this the other day. I don't care if I was starving and on the street, I wouldn't ever go back into the military again. I just value my freedom too much. I didn't hate the military per se, but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't tell my boss to "take this job and shove it". The problem being is that there are some real losers in the military who get rank and know that you can't tell them to go fuck themselves - and they treat you accordingly.
The Heretic said:
I was talking to LC about this the other day. I don't care if I was starving and on the street, I wouldn't ever go back into the military again. I just value my freedom too much. I didn't hate the military per se, but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't tell my boss to "take this job and shove it". The problem being is that there are some real losers in the military who get rank and know that you can't tell them to go fuck themselves - and they treat you accordingly.

Mr Freaky says the same thing. 10 years was enough (actually to much) for him.
The Heretic said:
I was talking to LC about this the other day. I don't care if I was starving and on the street, I wouldn't ever go back into the military again. I just value my freedom too much. I didn't hate the military per se, but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't tell my boss to "take this job and shove it". The problem being is that there are some real losers in the military who get rank and know that you can't tell them to go fuck themselves - and they treat you accordingly.

The Colonel that was my dad's immediate boss was a good example of that type of person.
The guy was a complete jackass the few times I met him and had napoleonic syndrome. The guy was about shorter then me when I was 13 and I probably could have kicked his ass too.
Joining the military was one of the best things I ever did. It gave me confidence in myself, and I met some really great people.

That said, I am glad I'm out. It just wasn't for me....but if I had it all to do over again, I'd still join.

As for boot camp, I had myself so psyched up about it was going to be so hard and that I wouldn't make it. I was expecting it to be so terrible, that when I actually got there, it wasn't that bad.


The military...whatever branch, isn't for everyone, but it can be a very good thing.
I did 3 years in the Army Medical Corps. I actually learned alot and grew up a great deal... I was very sheltered before then... but it certainly isn't for everyone.... but one the other hand... the male to female ratio was terrific... ;)
The four years I spent in the Air Force was the best thing I could of ever done for myself.
Re: double posting...

Silverluna said:
I feel that my country has done a lot to preserve my freedoms and my liberty, I don't plan on being heroic but I do plan on serving so that others might enjoy this freedom....

My consern is that I will not be able to endure the boot camp and training.....I doubt I could even get in with my skeletal problems ....but these are again just ideas I am kicking around...

Provided that you make it in, basic training is a piece of cake. All you need to do is get in shape prior to shipping out. If you can do push-ups, run 2 miles in a generous amount of time, and do a minimal number of sit-ups it's easy.

Basic training is all smoke and mirrors -- it's just mind games. I loved basic training. When I went to basic I'd get winded just jogging a mile. Coming out of basic I could run (not jog) 10 miles while singing at the top of my lungs. And while I don't sing cadence when I run anymore, I've kept up the habit of running several times per week.
The Heretic said:
I was talking to LC about this the other day. I don't care if I was starving and on the street, I wouldn't ever go back into the military again. I just value my freedom too much. I didn't hate the military per se, but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't tell my boss to "take this job and shove it". The problem being is that there are some real losers in the military who get rank and know that you can't tell them to go fuck themselves - and they treat you accordingly.

This VN vet Dittos the above
I did 21 years in the Air Force. Things were fun when I went in but, without a war to fight the paper pushers take over and nit-pick things to death just because they can.

It CAN be a great way to get a start in life but it isn't for everyone.

If you do decide to go in make sure you are going in with the career field you really want. Talk to some people with somewhat recent experience and double verify everything the recruiters tell you. While they aren't supposed to be allowed to lie there is nothing the limits them from allowing you to have misinterpretations of what they say and they aren't going to correct those if they think it'll sway you towards enlisting.

(Minor observation: A "Communications/Radio Operator" has nothing to do with Journalism or being a war correspondent. :) )
ma_guy said:

(Minor observation: A "Communications/Radio Operator" has nothing to do with Journalism or being a war correspondent. :) )

That is very true. That position could be anything from operating a communications system at a forwad base, a regional HQ or a field radio operator working in an infantry unit.
honestly folks i don't know yet....:(

I am very sheltered....still even at I worry I will crack under pressure....really i don't know....

maybe i can and do need this?
Silverluna said:
honestly folks i don't know yet....:(

I am very sheltered....still even at I worry I will crack under pressure....really i don't know....

maybe i can and do need this?

This has something I thought about for a while. It was the Marines for me mainly because it was my best chance to learn how to fly. The Marines has a program that if you do any of their summer internships while in college, these are basicly an OCS program you do over one or two summers, that they give you a guaranteed pass into either the JAG program or flight school.

You have to pass the physical exam for flight school but that is the only other requirement.

I eventually decided against joining the marines because of some of the reasons above and because of my physical condition. I have had several major knee injuries over the years, mainly in wrestling, and my back is not in the best shape either. I can't run like i used to anymore because the impact tears up my joints too much.

I still have the physical endurance to run the distance, I have no problem swimming long distances or using eliptical machines for a long time, but my joints can't take the impact of normal running.