LTR, i am in girly love

she's super pretty.
also, i have hair envy.
why is it girly love and not just love? does love change depending on if its felt for a male or a female? does girly love come with ribbons and sparkles?
Oh goodness. :eek:

Sorry, I've been working OT and didn't get to post till now.
why is it girly love and not just love? does love change depending on if its felt for a male or a female? does girly love come with ribbons and sparkles?

Because Bob, girly love is Hot, more emotion, more feeling and above all, it's just HOT.
And glitter. My love always comes with glitter.

Guuuuuuuuurlll you should upgrade to the gold package..mmmmmhmmm comes with a full service vajazzling
