Low Readership: Wrong Category? Tags? Description?


Erotic Writer
Jun 9, 2012
Title - Jeremiah-Wolf Progenitor
Category - Non/Human (new), Nonconsent/Reluctance (old)

I submitted the above story maybe a month or so ago, rating-wise it's done okay. My question has to do with the number of views.

Why are people not viewing (let alone reading and voting) the story? Are they unable to find it? Is it in the wrong category or is it just not a very interesting topic?

I had the category changed from Nonconsent/Reluctance to Non-Human, as well as changing the description and tags. Hopefully that will help get it "out there".

What can a writer do to help secure the broadest readership?
I'm sure that you are aware that any time you post a new story, it receives the most views during the first 48 hours. After that, it continues to draw a smaller number of views for the next 6-7 days while it lingers on the new story list. After that, views drop off precipitously.

Viewers scanning the New Stories list have four pieces of information to consider when deciding whether to click on your story: Your name, the title, the tag line, and the category. If you have a large following, your name will draw viewers no matter what you post. Beyond your fans, the title, tag line, and the category are crucial.

It appears to me that your category was just wrong. It sounds like your story should be in Nonhuman, but you posted it in NonCon. I can't speak for all readers, but as an author and reader of Noncon stories, I can tell you that I don't want to read a werewolf story when I click on that category. If it's not a werewolf story, then your title is the problem as it leads to that inference.

I can understand your frustration. I struggled with the category selection for my latest story, and I think I picked wrong. Views are much lower than I expected. Sometimes that just happens.
Firs thing, the Non-Human category is not very popular. It's rare to have a "hit story" in the area.

Secondly, your story description is "Reluctant Mating: The Werewolf and the Girl."

That's not eye catching. You need a story description that grabs peoples attention and gets them interested.

Take a look at the Top Lists


You can get an idea of how popular stories make titles/descriptions that get attention.
You're doing reasonably well for the NonHuman category, from what I can see of your stats. To match the kind of stats you might get in a "mainstream" category, you're going to have to write long, interesting, multi-chapter stories with updates posted frequently ( at least weekly )

You have to weigh the performance of a story by the category it's in. You also only have three stories up. As your name gets out there more, you'll steadily gain a readership.

If you're writing what you enjoy, then rest assured that you're doing just fine for the type of story that tickles you. Keep writing, and you'll see those numbers slowly climb as you post new stories.
Firs thing, the Non-Human category is not very popular. It's rare to have a "hit story" in the area.

It's not? News to me. Or perhaps it has a small but devoted base. I had some NH stories in a couple of years ago and all did very well. And JazCullen wrote a few that I know people loved. And as big as Twilight, etc., are, it's hard for me to think that NH isn't popular.
I'm surprised that with that title the site just didn't move it to non human on their own, but at least its there now.

You were fortunate not to get trolled over in non con
Firs thing, the Non-Human category is not very popular. It's rare to have a "hit story" in the area.

Secondly, your story description is "Reluctant Mating: The Werewolf and the Girl."

That's not eye catching. You need a story description that grabs peoples attention and gets them interested.

Take a look at the Top Lists


You can get an idea of how popular stories make titles/descriptions that get attention.

Non human does not have huge readership totals, but they are loyal and also soft voters and many stories have high scores over there. Look through the lists only romance comes close as far as having so many very high scores
If you want the fewest reads try non-erotic, then wait for NOT ENOUGH SEX!
Thank you all for your helpful replies, they were all welcomed and appreciated.

Though I submitted a new story for approval last week, I think I may have made the same "error" of putting it in a possibly inappropriate category.

Initially to my mind it was primarily non-con, with elements of D/s, anal, force, rough sex. Now after several days of second guessing myself I'm not sure if non-con was the right category. It would be so nice if there was a quick, simple "formula" or set of guidelines one could use :).

Well too late now, will just have to wait and see what happens. When/if it is approved, please let me know what you think.

Title - A Matter of Discipline
Category - Non Con

You know as I'm writing this, I'm starting to think I'm making too big of a deal out of this, and that it might be better just to go with my first impulse and then try and forget about it and move on to my next story . . . less sressful.

Thanks again to all of you :rose:
I'm sure that you are aware that any time you post a new story, it receives the most views during the first 48 hours. After that, it continues to draw a smaller number of views for the next 6-7 days while it lingers on the new story list. After that, views drop off precipitously.

Viewers scanning the New Stories list have four pieces of information to consider when deciding whether to click on your story: Your name, the title, the tag line, and the category. If you have a large following, your name will draw viewers no matter what you post. Beyond your fans, the title, tag line, and the category are crucial.

It appears to me that your category was just wrong. It sounds like your story should be in Nonhuman, but you posted it in NonCon. I can't speak for all readers, but as an author and reader of Noncon stories, I can tell you that I don't want to read a werewolf story when I click on that category. If it's not a werewolf story, then your title is the problem as it leads to that inference.

I can understand your frustration. I struggled with the category selection for my latest story, and I think I picked wrong. Views are much lower than I expected. Sometimes that just happens.

That is a great reply! You've inspired me to think more carefully about the metadata. I'd treated it as an afterthought.
This 2001 How-To by whispersecret is still relevant:


I would recommend entering the Literotica themed contests to get more people looking at your stories.

My How-To is: http://www.literotica.com/s/entering-a-themed-literotica-contest

The Summer Lovin' Contest has just closed, but if you look at the statistics for those stories that have been entered, they are much higher than stories submitted normally. The contest entries get noticed for far longer than normal stories which drop off the New List in a couple of days.

The next contest is Halloween.

It doesn't matter if you don't win. Even if your story gets abused by anonymous you are likely to get more views on the entry, and any other stories you have already posted.
Last edited:
This 2001 How-To by whispersecret is still relevant:


I would recommend entering the Literotica themed contests to get more people looking at your stories.

My How-To is: http://www.literotica.com/s/entering-a-themed-literotica-contest

The Summer Lovin' Contest has just closed, but if you look at the statistics for those stories that have been entered, they are much higher than stories submitted normally. The contest entries get noticed for far longer than normal stories which drop off the New List in a couple of days.

The next contest is Halloween.

It doesn't matter if you don't win. Even if your story gets abused by anonymous you are likely to get more views on the entry, and any other stories you have already posted.


I've learned that 500 views and a good score at NON-EROTIC, isn't worth as much as 10,000 views and a low score at LOVING WIVES. The NON EROTIC story got a Green E, but so what. Its like winning a Pulitizer for the best farm report in a rural weekly.