Loving you both (closed for Summer and Serena)


Literotica Guru
Sep 5, 2011
As he stood painting, he could not help but think, "things are finally shaping up."

He meant far more than the wall he was painting, but life in general. Things had been hard after his wife had died, leaving him with two young daughters. But they had done alright. His daughters were beautiful, intelligent women. One was taking college classes online as she figured out what she wanted to do with her life. The other had just graduated from high school.

Not that there had not been some bumps along the way. They were both beautiful, really lovely, and that meant that they had a lot of attention from the boys. But both of them made it through high school without getting pregnant, and weren't dating any losers. As a matter of fact, neither of them seemed to be dating anyone steadily now. The whole house was that way. He had not seen anyone in years. At first, it was out of respect for his deceased wife, and then there was simply so much work to be done, and then he didn't want to disrupt the girl's lives by introducing another woman into the family.

And while the girls were his world, he was lonely, and when he allowed himself to admit it, sexually starved. But he had been strong, and thought perhaps that he had been a good example to the girls. He had always been there for them. They were first in his life, always.

And now, they had this house, an old victorian that he was restoring, and that they would all be moving into shortly. It was a lovely building, loaded with character and charm. It was also old, so it constantly creaked and groaned, almost as though it was talking to you. The first floor was the living room, dining room, kitchen and half bath. A grand staircase lead to the second floor with two large bedrooms, for the girls and a bath. A narrower stair lead to the third floor, with the master bedroom and smaller bath. There was another room that would eventually be an office, currently unfinished. It had a hole in the floor, the ceiling of one of the bedrooms below, which would soon hold a celling fan.

Arthur finished the wall and smiled. "good enough. Now back to pack for the move."
While her father was working on the new house, Rena was at their current home working on something for her online classes. The older of the two girls, she took more after their father in looks, getting his auburn hair and his eyes. Ever since her mother died, she took a more protective role in relation to her little sister. She looked out for her all the time. She was also a best friend to her little sister, the two talked about everything. School, boys, you name it, they talked about it. Her little sister was even the reason why she remained at home and took online classes rather than go out of state or go on a nearby campus. She couldn't bear to leave her little sister.
On the way home, old home now, he stopped at their favorite pizzeria, and ordered dinner. He knew his girls were working hard, and he wanted to show them he appreciated it. As he waited, sipping a soda, he noticed a woman around his age enter for a pick up. She had a tight leotard type top on and a sheer skirt. She had body that had seen the gym and tanning booth, and the confidence of someone who knew she looked good.

She paid for her order and then noticed Arthur, giving him a predatory look of appraisal. He was not intimidated. He was a regular at his gym, and ran road races. He met her eyes and smiled. She seemed to make a quick decision, asking if her waiting for take out.

He replied that he was. "Sharing it with anyone?" she asked.

Whoa! Was she suggesting something? He hesitated for a moment, then said, "yeah, I have two young ladies who will think I am hero when I walk in with this."

"Oh," she replied, having made another decision, "enjoy then."

She gathered her purchase and walked out the door, her ass swaying as she walked.

The owner called to him with his order. He looked at him as he slid the pizzas his way, shaking his head, "Arthur, Arthur, what are you doing?"

He replied, "nothing Anthony. You know, I have two beautiful girls at home. What else do I need?"

Anthony threw his hands up, "you're not going to live forever, you know."

"I know, I know," he said laughing as he made his way to the door.

As he drove back, he briefly wondered how long it had been. Probably too long to think about, he decided.
Riley sighed, stretching out on her bed. Her room was mostly packed, but she was ambivalent about this move. She had grown up in this house, and there were lots of fond memories here. But their father had been working so hard on the "new" house that she was a bit excited to see how much it had changed. He was there now, putting some finishing touches on the old Victorian.

Rena was home at least. She loved that she had decided to take online classes so they could spend more time together. They did practically everything together. Rena was like a mother to Riley ever since their own had passed away years ago. Recently she had become a little more than that...she shook her head. 'Ill think about that later' she thought.

Riley had just graduated high school. At 5'4 with long brown wavy hair and deep brown eyes, she was the spitting image of their mother. Sometimes she felt that her father was upset by that fact, but he managed to cover it up well if that was the case. Rena got her exotic look from their father. She was so beautiful, so sexy...Riley shook her head again. No. It wouldn't do to think of her sister in any way besides how sisters were supposed to think of each other!

Her phone went off, a text from daddy. "Be home soon with dinner xo". Riley leapt up and went to knock on Rena's door.

"Hey Rena, dad is on his way with food!" She called through the door.
Rena got up with a grin. At 5'7'', she was quite a sight. Quite fit for someone who liked sitting in front of the computer a lot. But that was mainly because she took to martial arts as a kid. She headed over to the door and opened it.

"Thank god! I'm getting starved here. Just think Riley, soon we'll be in our new house!"
Art pulled into the drive and parked. He gathered the boxes and bags and walked in through the kitchen door. He didn't need to call. They knew he was coming. Riley walked into the kitchen first and he smiled at her, "Hi honey, how was your day?"

He looked at her for a second more, before looking back at the food, unpacking things. She looked so like her mother, at a younger age of course, the same hair and eyes, facial structure, skin, and body. Only the last bothered him. She had her mother's body, curvy with a large chest. Her mother knew how much he loved her body, and often teased him with it, before fucking him silly. So to see Riley walk into the kitchen, he chest bouncing, started his blood coursing. He knew it was wrong, and avoided temptation by not looking at her for too long. He knew it probably felt odd to her, but what else could he do.

Rena walked in next, the tom boy who had become a lovely woman. He grinned at her, "No anchovies. I remembered this time." Her smile brought joy to his heart. He would do anything for her, anything.
Rena walked over to her father and kissed his cheek. "Awesome. Thanks Daddy."

Even though she was grown now, she was still a 'Daddy's girl' and proud of it. She knew she'd forever call him Daddy and never shorten it to Dad. She took of course noticed the way Riley had blossomed and had some feelings towards her younger sister that she hadn't quite acted on.
Riley led Rena down the stairs as soon as she heard her dad come in.

"Hi daddy! Oh it was just fine I guess, got lots of packing done. Was able to lay out a bit too," she said as she bent over in the fridge to get a couple of sodas out. She was still wearing her white bikini top, with a pair of white shorts which showed off her tan nicely. She then reached up in the cabinet for some paper plates and napkins. "Mmmm smells so delicious!" She giggled with glee. "Our favorite," she said to Rena as she came into the kitchen.

Rena was looking extra sexy today. Riley had always been jealous that she was older and taller and today she showed off her perfect tanned legs. But that jealousy was turning more...lustful these days. Riley got a few slices and sat down at the table.

As her dad stood at the counter, Riley watched him closely. He really wasn't showing his age of 42. He was debonair to be sure, and quite the looker. Of course Rena was attractive. How could she not be, getting her looks from him!

Riley cleared her throat as if to clear her mind and popped open her soda can taking a long drink. She must be hungry. That's why she is thinking this way today! She reasoned.
Arthur took a couple slices and a soda and sat down at the table. It was a warm day, and like people everywhere, his girls were not wearing all that much. He took a big bite of pizza and tried to not to check out his daughter's bodies. Rena legs had always gone on forever and her short shorts were really short, showing off the bottom curve of her cheeks. Riley was wearing even less. Her small white top made her large breasts stand out. He could have looked at them both all day, if he had not been their father.

It was then that he heard Riley squeak. He turned to see a bit of red sauce on her right breast and bikini top. She scooped the saw off her breasts and put it in her mouth. Then she grabbed a wet cloth from the sink and began to scrub the stain on her top. Her movement caused her breast to shake and wobble about, as that cup began to get wet. It must have been cold, because he could soon see her nipple harden beneath the wet fabric.

When she finished cleaning herself, he turned a little red, realizing that he had been staring, and worse yet, that his cock had been hardening. He just hoped neither of them had noticed.
Rena hadn't noticed their father staring at either one of them. In fact, she wasn't even bothered with whether or not their father or Riley noticed how hard she was staring at her little sister's chest.

The things she could do to her little sister's tits alone....Stop it Rena...that's your little sister.
Riley was oblivious to anyone's stares in her direction. She was thoroughly enjoying her favorite pizza. And maybe thinking about Rena's long tanned legs and pouty lips. And her perfect ass...

"Oh!" Riley exclaimed as she felt a plop on her chest. Shit, she inwardly cursed. Her favorite suit! Swiping her finger over the sauce on her breast, she sucked all of it off, savoring the flavor. She then jumped up and went to the sink to scrub it out with a wet rag before it stained. "Shit shit," she cursed under her breath. She wet the rag again to make sure she got all the sauce wiped up. She noticed her nipples were hard under the fabric of her top and hoped it was just from the cold water not her lustful thoughts.

When she walked around to the table she noticed that her dad was red in the face like he was embarrassed or mad. "What's the matter, daddy?" She asked, coming to stand directly in front of him, her wet bikini top mere inches from his face. Had he heard me cuss? Oh no! She thought. She bent over and grabbed her piece of pizza, finishing it in one bite.
Arthur glanced up from the table at Rena. He breathed a silent sigh of relief as he saw that she was not looking at him, but over at her sister. His eyes unconsciously slid up and down her body, until he heard Riley.

He turned his head to find her at the table, asking him if she was ok. She was taking a small piece of pizza from the table, leaning over, her wet bikini top and breasts inches from his face. He held his breath and then she was standing again.

He was startled and aroused, but covered well, "what are we going to do with you? A few square inches of fabric, and you still manage to get pizza sauce on it."

This seemed to amuse them both, so thinking he was on a roll, "I'ld give you a napkin, but I don't know where you would tuck it."

The girls laughed and came to sit at the table. They talked about the schedule for move day, and it seemed as though things were back to normal, as long as his eyes did rest on them for two long...
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She laughed at their father's words. "Only Riley could do something like that. God forbid she does that while out with friends. I'm quite sure guys and girls alike would want to jump her bones after seeing that."

She ate her pizza and enjoyed the company of her sister and father. She had to fight to keep herself from staring at Riley for too long.
Riley was already embarrassed enough but now her dad and Rena were totally teasing her! She couldn't help but to laugh though. "Stop it daddy!" She giggled, swatting him on his muscular arm before getting more pizza and sitting down. She jokingly took a napkin and tucked it at in the middle of the bikini top, pushing the sides into the cups of the top. "There are you guys happy now?" She said laughing. She looked ridiculous so she took the napkin and threw it at Rena. "Here use this to cover your mouth!" She said laughing.

They finished eating and Riley cleaned up their plates and soda cans. She closed the pizza boxes and put them in the fridge. "Okay, what now guys? More packing or should we move some stuff over now?"
It was funny watching Riley stuff a napkin into her top, but almost a striptease when she pulled it off and threw it at her sister. The cups were further apart, displaying more of her abundant cleavage. Arthur's cock twitched and swelled further. "Focus on anything else," he told himself.

"Uhh, concentrate on packing," he offered,."we have hired movers."

The girls agreed, each moving to a room to pack. arthur went back ant forth, carrying boxes for them, sighing as each daughter gave him downblouse views and up short glimpses. Where they just teasing him, was he a pervert, or was heaven testing him. Who knew.
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Rena had laughed when Riley tossed the napkin at her. "You're so silly Riley."

When their father had told them to focus on packing, she got right to work. It was going to be hard for her to leave the house she and her sister grew up in but at least she'd still be with her sister and father in the new house.
Two exhausting days later, they were moved. He had signed off on the bill for the movers and given them a good tip. Although, considering how long they had ogled his girls, he thought they should have tipped them. But, the important thing was that they were in.

It has been a hot day, and they were all sweaty and dirty. The beds had been put into place and made, so they at least had places to sleep. The central air was on and cooling the house down. Arthur had gone out to get barbecue for them all, offering his daughters the chance to shower before dinner.
"What a day!" Riley flopped down on the couch and looked at Rena. "I'm so glad we hired movers. And they were cute, too," she giggled.

She looked around the house. They had a lot of boxes to unpack the next few days, but at least all the large items were moved and put in place. She was already looking forward to laying down in her bed in her new room.

She looked down at herself. Her white wife beater and jean shorts were so dirty and she was definitely ready for that shower her dad had mentioned.

"I'm calling dibs on that shower first!" Riley sing-songed, tickling her sister before running up the stairs into the bathroom.
Rena laughed and ran after Riley. "How bout we share the shower this time Riley? Then we'd both have a chance of being done and dressed again before Daddy gets home." It was really more that Rena wanted to actually be able to have a hot shower and sharing with Riley was her best chance at the moment since Riley usually used a lot of hot water.

"Or maybe it's because you want to see your little sister's hot naked body up close"
A little voice nagged at her in her mind. "So, what do you say Riley?"
Riley was already peeling her top off as Rena came through the door. Wow she was stunning. Even all dirty and sweaty she looked scrumptious.

She gulped. Take a shower together? Was that appropriate? Acceptable?

Why not? They were sisters after all. They used to take baths and showers together all the time when they were younger. What's the difference?

Riley shimmied out of her shorts and panties as she stripped off her bra. "That's fine but I get to wash first," she said, putting her hair up in a messy bun and stepping into the shower.
Rena watched her little sister undress before beginning to undress herself. What was she thinking suggesting they shower together.

She couldn't back out now though.

"Ha. You would pull that pipsqueak." She lovingly teased Riley as she shimmied out of her panties as well, tied her hair up and stepped into the shower.

Being a little taller, she wet her hands and rubbed some soap on it. "Fine, you can was first. But I'm going to wash you." She gently began rubbing her soaped hands along Riley's body. The movements seeming innocent and slow but not too slow to arouse Riley's suspicions.