Lovers in the Mall


Literotica Guru
Aug 22, 2008
ooc: Reposting again. Looking for some flirting, buildup. PM a sample.

Erika loved her husband but ever since she was pregnant and began to show, her husband didn't appreciate her as much. Erika belonged pregnant. The pregnancy made her glow as a woman and made her already attractive breasts fuller. Most men would pay attention to her curvaceous figure but was her husband? No. She felt lonely. Sure, she could finger herself to get off but she needed a man's touch. A soft, genuine touch. She decided she would go to the mall, hopefully finding a man who would pay attention to her beyond her desires and wouldn't ask question.

She hopped in the shower. She then came out and put on a pair of maternity jeans as well as a blouse. She also put her sandals on. The blouse showed her full breasts and the jeans, well they showed off her sexy ass. As she entered the mall, she could feel eyes on her wherever she went. She smiled at them, especially the men, hoping that one of them would have the courage to come up and start a conversation with her.
Peter had gone to the mall that morning to get some new shirts. He had just walked out of the store with a bag when he saw her walking on the other side of the mall stopping and looking in some of the shop windows. He watched her as she walked and turned and stopped looking at the window of a shoe stop.

He had been planning on going home but instead he walked over towards the woman. Just as he neared her she span and turned back almost bumping into Peter.

"Oh I'm sorry" he said as he just managed to get out of the way as he glanced down at her pregnant tummy "Really sorry about that" he added with a smile as he looked up at the woman seeing how pretty she was.

"You look amazing..." he said and immediately regretted it feeling his face turn red he laughed. "I didnt mean that to sound as weird as it actually did." He said as the woman smiled at him.
She was about to give up and go home. It was evident that men no longer found her pregnant body sexy or beautiful. Her husband was a piece of work. He was the one man in the entire world who should think she was still sexy but he didn't. He was always working late hours and it was rare that he even looked at her in a sexy way, let alone touch her.

She was even more surprised when a fit, good looking man bumped into her. "I'm sorry, I'm such a clutz." She laughed a little bit. "You think so?" She asked softly. She immediately was kicking herself in the ass for saying that. She didn't want to come across as needy. "It wasn't weird..thank you." She whispered, blushing. It had been a long time since anyone complimented her now pregnant body.
He smiled as she spoke and he watched her turn a little red and he found himself looking down over her. "So out doing some last minute shopping then?" He asked "I mean I'm no expert but you look quite a bit pregnant, it cant be long now" he added laughing.

Peter glanced back at the shop window before looking at her once more "Do you fancy a coffee or something?" He turned and asked her. "I'm sorry I didnt mean to sound forward or anything, just though you could do with a rest from all this shopping and walking around." He just happened to see the ring on her finger too and gasped a little "Oh I'm sorry, you are here with your husband. I'm really sorry, I didnt see him that was all." By now Peter is turning a little red himself.
"I'm actually here alone." I say to him with such a heavy sigh. "I couldn't pay my husband to step foot in the mall." I laughed sadly. On top of my husband's lack of interest in me, he wasn't a big shocker. "I don't really drink coffee because they say pregnant shouldn't. But maybe we could grab some iced tea or something. I think I passed it on the way in. I mean...if the offer is still open." I say. It was nice to have a guy to talk to, one who actually wanted to talk with me.

And it sure didn't hurt that he was so attractive looking.
"Oh right, well yes, coffee tea. A drink!" Peter said with a smile, "and yes the offer is still open" he added.

"Yes I think I saw it too on the way in back this way I think." I say as I look around trying to remember which way I came into the mall this morning.

They started walking and heading towards the exit finding a cafe there were plenty of tables free as they walked up to the counter. Peter looked at all the sandwiches and pastries that they had as the girl behind the counter came up to them asking them what they wanted.

"One coffee and an iced tea" Peter said as he turned to her, "do you want something to eat as well?" Asking he cant help but glance over her seeing how beatufiul she looks while pregnant.