Lover, Teacher, Brother (closed for ilikeitlikethat18)


Really Experienced
May 19, 2012
Alex was just your average guy. Born into a family of four, he was the older sibling in the household, which made his life all the more difficult when his sister always got higher grades than him in school. His parents never seemed to forget at least. Ever since he was old enough to understand what sex was, he became enthralled by it and made it his quest in life to find as many sexual partners as he could. In high school, he had been with nearly half the cheerleading squad and girls from all walks of life, popular, nerdy, beautiful, plain.

He could not say the same for his baby sister though. Alex had been five years old when she was born, and he could remember that as soon as he saw her screaming and crying in his mother's arms, he knew that he would take good care of this strong and innocent child. All through her childhood, Alex was always her guardian. Once, when she was in the second grade, several boys in the eighth grade thought it would be mighty fun to steal her doll and break it in front of her face. Alex had just come in time to see four guys surrounding her crying sister and thoughtlessly charged them. He caught the first one by surprise and knocked him to the ground, but his buddies quickly reacted and attacked too. Needless to say, Alex was torn up pretty bad that day, and ended up in the hospital to get eight stitches on his arm. However, the ferocity with which is defended his sister made the bullies think twice before bothering his baby sister again, and that was all that mattered. That day when he got home from the hospital, he remember how her sister cried when she saw how beat up he was. He rubbed her head roughly and pretended he didn't care about his sister at all like any boy his age and brushed her away. But that night when he slept, he remembered being proud of being able to protect his sister from danger.

As they grew up, his social agenda caused him to drift away from his sister and he found himself spending less and less time with her. Alex studied little and was always out playing sports with friends, or making out with girls. Really, the only times he talked to her was when he asked her to yell when mom or dad got home as he took his girlfriend with him upstairs to 'study' in his room. Whether or not she knew what they were actually doing up there, Alex never knew, and never bothered to find out.

College was a wild time for Alex. The parties were crazy, the girls were loose and the pickings were aplenty. He could get a new girl in his bed every night if he wanted to, and for the longest time, that's exactly what he did. It's no wonder that he failed a year and had to stay back. He was 23 years old when he finally graduated with a crappy degree in sports management. There weren't many job opportunities with that, and he soon found himself living back at home with his parents and sister for the first time since he left for college five years ago. She was 18 years old now, and she had definitely blossomed from that lame, insecure 13 year old nerd to a beautiful young lady. He found himself wondering more and more if his sister had a boyfriend, but never tried to find out.
Alanna was not a shy girl. She had lots of friends her whole life and that trend didn’t end when she came to her senior year of highschool. Many girls and guys alike surrounded Alanna and her friends, wanting to be part of their group. There was never a lack of guys around who were interested in her as a friend or more, but she never got involved more than a PG date to the movies or out for dinner and ice cream. Most of her friends assumed that she was just a late bloomer or that she was really private about her romantic life, but with a protective brother like Alex, most people just assumed that he kept the lock down. Fortunately, it kept Alanna’s reputation pretty clean.

On the other hand, Alex’s reputation was almost as dirty as it could get. She had heard story after story about her brother’s conquests ever since she was much younger, and none of them were from him. Before he had gone away to college, when he was still going to the highschool she attended now, he had always brought girls home to study. At first she had wondered why he would tell her to let him know when their parents got home, but it didn’t take long for her to put two and two together; her brother was obviously not really studying with these girls. Even when Alex went away to college, she still heard second-person and third-person stories about his conquests. Obviously college was treating him well.

Though she and her brother had never been close or talked about personal things, them being five years apart, but she had known from the time she was in the second grade that Alex had her best interest in heart, even when he did things that pissed her off. He was excessively protective of her and sometimes it even made her wonder if he was secretly telling guys to leave her alone and not try to have sex with her.

It wasn’t that she had no interest in sex. She actually had a pretty high sex-drive, she just didn’t really know what to do about it. And the stories she heard from her friends about drunken fumblings by high school students did not sound like the way she wanted to rid herself of her virginity or other first experiences. Instead, she learned how to please herself. And boy did she do it often. She couldn’t even count the amount of times her brother or parents had almost caught her pleasuring herself.

Now it was 5 years after the time Alex had gone off to college. He had just graduated, which she and her parents had attended the ceremony for, and was now moving back into his old room for a while until he found a new job. The graduation ceremony had been the first time she had seen him in over a year, and he had definitely grown up since then as well as in the five years since he was away. He obviously spent a lot of time running and in the gym. It had only been about a week since then and now the family and a couple of close friends were supposed to head to dinner to celebrate. Their parents had told them they could each bring a friend, just as if they were both still little kids. Alex had chosen one of his jock friends from college and Alanna had decided to take her friend Brittany from school. Little did she know, Brittany had a crush on her brother and had ulterior motives.
The dinner with family was going to be so awkward. No doubt his parents were going to embarrass him like crazy in front of all his friends and family since they didn't get the chance to do it for the past five years while he was away. Alanna might even jump in it too. She loves to bring up that time when she caught him trying to smuggle a Playboy magazine into the washroom when he was 13. She would never stop laughing when describing the shock on his face when she called my name, and the how he turned bright red when the magazine fell out of his shirt, and the centrepiece with some naked woman opened up right in front of them. Right after that, his parents sat him down and gave him 'the talk.' Thanks a lot sis.

His parents said he could bring a friend, and his friend Zack from college was in town, so he asked if he could come. After confirming that Alanna would be bringing a friend, Zack agreed to come along. Alex warned him not to try anything with Alanna though, and Zack joked that any relative of him was bound to be ugly any ways. As soon as they arrived at the house for dinner, Alex caught a glimpse of Alanna and her friend. They exchanged pleasantries and he found out that her name was Brittany. Apparently they had met before he left for college, but he did not remember her at all.

Like his sister, Brittany had grown into her body. Unlike his sister, she was as conservative and seemed to have no problems flaunting it. Her ample chest pressed together in a tight tank top instantly got the attention of Zack who began to flirt with her. Alex rolled his eyes and grinned at Alanna as he tried to play wingman for his buddy. He brought up things from how Zack was the captain of the varsity hockey team in college to how he saved a cat from a tree. Brittany seemed engaged enough, but nothing was set in stone when the table was set. "See you later Alex...", she said sweetly as their eyes locked, "..., Zack." As she headed towards the dining room with Alanna, she gently rubbed Alex's arm and grinned suggestively.

Zack's mind was blown. Even he knew that Alex was playing the perfect wingman, but somehow Brittany seemed utterly uninterested in him. Being a complete bro, Zack swallowed his pride and suggested that Alex go for her instead. There was no need for both of them to go home empty handed tonight. Alex grinned as the womaniser in him took over, and at dinner, he and Zack sat in the middle of the table. Sure enough, Brittany took the place beside Alex not long after and Alanna beside her, but not before flashing Alex a grudging look.

The first rule of womanising is always to listen. Women love a man who listens to them, and that's just what Alex did when Brittany flirted openly with him and told him about how she was still virgin since she wanted to save herself for someone special. Somehow, he doubted that story. Brittany dressed like one of those girls who would run through three guys in one night and leave them all with fake numbers to call back. But still, he smiled when she lied and laughed when she fed him bullshit, and soon enough, he felt her leg grind up against his and her arm snake over to his thigh. So far, everything was going great tonight.
Alanna had been annoyed when their parents had changed the plans on them. Instead of going to some awesome, expensive restaurant to celebrate, their friends would be coming over to the house and they'd have dinner there. Her mom really wasn't the best of cooks, but she certainly felt like she was. She loved to show off what she thought were her wonderful chef skills. Alanna and Alex shared a look when their dad told them he'd try to slip them something before dinner. He was a kind man, but certainly felt the same way. When she found out which friend Alex had invited over, Alanna had to force herself not to roll her eyes. Zack was a real womanizer from what she had heard, just like Alex. The two of them would likely be tag-teaming Brittany in no time.

Sure enough, as everyone was seated for dinner, Brittany sat next to Alex and Zack, and her brother started being a wingman for Zack. The two had never even met, how could he already be making plans for Alanna's friend? Well, the way she was dressed certainly didn't hurt. She really liked Brittany, but the girl was what you would call "loose". Sure, everyone had the right to choose however many partners they wanted to have, but man did she have a lot. She told every guy she'd ever been with that she was a virgin, but Alanna knew that was the furthest thing from the truth. She had probably lost count of how many guys she had really fucked.

Alanna's stomach rumbled as her mom served her newest creation, some kind of turkey casserole. It looked edible, but she didn't want to risk it. She pushed it around on her plate as everyone chatted, congratulating Alex over and over. She didn't miss the discreet way Zack motioned to her and whispered audibly in Alex's ear, "I guess your sister got all the looks in the family huh? Think she and big boobs are up for a threesome?" he snickered and Alex punched him in the arm, likely thankful that their parents had gotten up to clear the table after the meal.

Once dinner was over, their parents offered to take the four of them out to the movies. Everyone seemed happy with that idea, so the six of them piled into the car, with Alex and Alanna squished on one side and Brittany and Zack on the other. "Brittany's been wanting to fuck you for years, you know. Just make sure you wear a condom." Alanna whispered rudely, her discomfort with the situation obvious.
Alex was not born yesterday. He knew just by the tone of Alanna's voice that something was amiss. Coupled with the glare that she gave him... Man, he hadn't seen that look since he walked in on her changing when they were kids. When she made that quip about Brittany, Alex gave her a quizzical look, and he was about to say something about it when Brittany got in the car and promptly plopped down on his lap. She flashed him an innocent smile as she grinded teasingly on his groin before sitting down next to him. He looked at Alanna again and found her staring out the window and decided not to pursue the issue further.

Zack was last in the car and took up as much space as possible so that Brittany was as close to Alex as possible. He felt as she pressed her soft but firm breasts against his left arm and flashed Zack a grin as he put his arm around he back to pull her closer. The conversation on the car was pretty chaste since his parents were in the front, but that didn't stop Brittany from putting her body in the most compromising angles for him. More often than not, Alex had a great view of her ample cleavage and he gladly ogled at them when he had the chance while Brittany told him how excited she was to go to college next year and learn new things. He chuckled when he saw Zack sticking his index finger through a hole made by his other hand. Clearly he was not fooled by Brittany either, the only things she would be learning in college are probably new sex moves.

The group filed out to the ticket stand and they argued what movie to watch. Zack was bent on watching some action movie, his parents wanted to watch this comedy and Brittany had her eyes on some romantic chick flick. Alex had to side with Brittany, but he couldn't help but notice how sullen and withdrawn Alanna looked. In the end, they each went their separate ways. He didn't catch what Alanna wanted to watch, but before he could ask her, he was quickly ushered into the darkened cinema by Brittany. She took his hand and led him all the way to the top left corner, and she put her purse on the seat next to them so that they would not be disturbed. It didn't matter though, this movie wasn't popular, most of the seats were not filled and the movie was about to start. Alex couldn't help but grin, they would not be watching the movie much any ways.
As Alanna's friend got up from her place in the backseat and plopped into her brother's lap, her eyes flashed. She was livid. Her friend was supposed to be there to hang out with her, not cling all over Alex! She would have rather spent the time just with her annoying brother, if she had known her friend was going to act like such a little slut. She turned away from her brother and Brittany and stared out the window, not noticing Zack trying to get her attention from the other side of the car. She was actually surprised their parents hadn't said anything, but they probably just wanted to make nice with Alex during his short stay at home.

When they got to the movie theater, everyone seemed to want to watch different movies. She couldn't fucking believe it when she heard her brother agree to seeing some ridiculous chick flick with Brittany. Did he want to get laid that badly? Alanna rolled her eyes, getting a bottle of cold water and reluctantly accepting a ticket to the same theater from her parents as they went off to see a comedy. Zack went by himself ironically enough, to see an action flick. The moment she turned around to ask her brother a question, he and Brittany were gone.

She found her way to the romantic movie theater and saw that Brittany had taken Alex to the back. That was where she was known for her infamous hand jobs and even sometimes having sex with guys. Alanna followed them up, picking Brittany's purse up from the seat on the other side of her brother and literally threw it in her lap, leaning over Alex, "I'm not going to fight you, but you seriously need to step off. My brother is not a sex toy for your use and I didn't invite you over here to try to fuck him." She raised her eyebrows and linked her arm with her brother, leaning into him. She had meant every word of it; she wasn't being dramatic. She was definitely known for standing up for herself!
Brittany had been gently groping at the bulge in Alex's while their lips were locked together when he saw her purse fly across the corner of his eye. He instinctively flinched away and found himself face to face with Alanna, her face a mask of rage and disgust. He got angry for a second, why was she doing this to him when he was so close? He was about to retort, and say something along the lines of how it was his own life when he remember how he had vehemently sheltered Alanna in her youth too. He grinned sheepishly at Brittany, slightly embarrassed at the situation and she responded with a little squeeze to his crotch, and put her hand to her ear to signal for him to call her later. She seemed not to be perturbed at all by Alanna's outburst. Alex nodded and and smiled back politely but seriously doubted he would see Brittany again.

As Alanna curled up against his arm, he couldn't recall the last time they had been so close together. Maybe it was when he saved her from those bullies and she cried in his chest while he tried to soothe her. The movie started and the theatre quickly grew quiet. As expected, the acting was horrible and the plot, paper-thin. The only thing that kept the people watching was how attractive the female lead was, but even that appeal was starting to run out. Throughout the movie, Brittany continually touched Alex, rubbing his arms, kissing his neck... she even tried to unzip his fly once but was quickly stopped by a smack from Alanna's hand. To say it was awkward for him was an understatement, trapped between two girls who seemed to be warring for his attention. The fact that he had a full-on boner only made it worse.

The movie seemed to drag on for hours, but when it finally ended, Alex was disappointed in more than just the film. He came to the theatre with a hot girl on his arm, wet and willing, and left with an aching boner in his pants. He would have given anything for Alanna to disappear right now so he could run with Brittany to the washroom and take her right there. Zack had texted him that his film ended before his and he had already taken the bus home, and Brittany took her leave since she lived nearby, but not before planting a long french kiss on Alex, much to Alanna's chagrin. Finally they were alone in the lobby of the theatre, which was mostly empty. He wanted to go take a leak, but Alanna seemed adamant to clinging onto his arm, as though Brittany might be waiting around the corner if she let him out of his sight to suck his dick.

Their parents finally walked out of their theatre, all smiles, still laughing at the jokes they saw on the film. When they asked how their film was, Alex just snorted in derision and cast Alanna an accusing glance. He pulled his arm away from her and stormed out of the theatre by himself, only to have to wait for them at the car. Mom and dad had better sense than to ask what happened, and the car ride home was quiet as the grave. The air was saturated by the tension between Alex and Alanna. When they finally got home, Alex quickly got out of the car and marched up to his room without a word. He heard his parents ask Alanna what happened, but couldn't hear her answer.
Alanna was fucking repulsed and made livid by her friend’s actions. “Friend” was more like it. She was definitely never inviting Brittany over again or speaking to her in social matters. Sure, she had friends in the past who thought Alex was hot or even crush-worthy, but never in her life had she seen someone act so disgusting right in front of her. Had she no class or tact? She had not only started flirting with him but was literally about to give him a handjob in the theater. She barely knew him! And Alanna knew Alex didn’t know that she wasn’t eighteen. He sure as hell wouldn’t be happy about Brittany leaving that part out.

And to make it even worse, the movie sucked. It was boring and sappy, just like Brittany’s taste in everything. Why had she even invited her or thought it would be fun? If her friend hadn’t been all over her brother, she would have gotten up and gone to join Zack in the action flick.

When the movie was finally over, Alex told her that Zach had taken the bus home. Brittany took this as her cue to leave, but not before sticking her tongue in Alex’s mouth. Their parents were watching and just shook her head, as disgusted as Alanna was. “Don’t you ever invite that girl over again.” They said simply, to both Alex and Alanna, the smiles and laughs that had lasted from the theater disappearing.

“Oh, don’t worry. She’s not my friend.” She wasn’t being immature or nasty, she was expressing how she felt. Brittany had betrayed the friend-code. At that, Alex gave her a rude glare, pulling his arm away and storming off. The tension he created was so unnecessary and inappropriate, it made Alanna angry. How dare he be upset with her? She was obviously a fucking slut and she had been Alanna’s FRIEND! There was no promise of sex with her; there was no excuse or reason for Alex to treat Alanna like such shit and be so rude to her. He was acting completely immaturely and it was incredibly frustrating. When he stormed off, it just made her more upset, so upset that when her parents asked what had happened, she answered honestly, something she normally wouldn’t have done.

“Alex was trying to have sex with what I thought was my friend in the movie theater, and when I came in and tried to have brother-sister time, and interrupted them, he got really upset with me and treated me like a leper. What a great son you have raised.” A few tears slipped out of her eyes as she ran up the stairs and slammed her door behind her. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been so hurt by Alex.
Alex was so angry when he got back into the room. Who the hell was Alanna to judge him or Brittany for their actions? They say birds of the same feather flock together, so what does that make Alanna? Just to spite his whole family for ruining his day, he pulled out his phone and was about to dial Brittany's number. He could invite over right now and fuck her little slut hole right in this room and there would be nothing that any of them could do about it. Just when he was about to hit call, there was a knock on his door. It was probably just Alanna looking to apologize, he thought, and let the sound go unanswered. When his father's voice drifted past the barrier, he rolled his eyes and steeled himself for another lecture about girls and sex.

His father let himself in and had a disappointed look on his face. "Would it have been worth it?" he asked, "Is having sex so important to you that you don't care about how it impacts your family? I've never seen Alanna so upset before... Son, what you're walking down right now is a very dangerous path. If you still think there's nothing wrong, then I'm going to leave you alone. But if by some small chance you feel like you want to change, I suggest you apologize to Alanna. She was just looking out for you, just like how you used to look out for her when she was little." Without waiting for Alex's response, he left and closed the door behind him.

Alex's head was spinning. He couldn't understand why Alanna cared so much about his sex life all of a sudden. She certainly didn't give a shit when he was still in high school, in fact, she was rather curious about it, sometimes asking him questions in the not-so-subtle ways that kids do. The more he thought about it, the less he understood, so Alex got up and walked to her room. He stood facing her door for what seemed like forever, building up the courage to knock. It was almost like the first time he asked a girl out. He took a few deep breaths and reminded himself to keep calm and not let his anger come through again. Then he knocked. There was no answer. He knocked again. Still nothing. He grinded his teeth in annoyance and finally just shoved the door open, barging into Alanna's room unbidden.
Alanna was embarrassed to admit it, but Alex had made her so upset she felt like crying. And admitting that to herself made her start crying, tears rolling slowly down her face. She curled up on her bed and cranked up some music, not wanting anyone to possibly hear her crying or know that he had gotten to her. Sure, it was normal for brothers and sisters to bicker, but it was weak to admit that your brother put you into tears.

Despite the music and tears, Alanna could hear her brother and father in the next room, her father's voice loud and booming, which could only mean one thing. Her father was angry and yelling at Alex. She hadn't intended it that way necessarily, but she couldn't say she wasn't at all cheered up by it.

And then her brother bust in. Had he thought of knocking?! But the strained look on his face told her he probably had and she had probably not heard it. She turned down the music quickly, swiping at her face with her back turned to her brother. "What, what do you want?" she said sharply, turning back to him and pulling her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.
Sighing deeply, Alex shook his head and sat down next to Alanna. He took one look at her bright red cheeks and swollen eyes and knew that she had been crying. Alex put his hand to her cheek and gently brushed away the tears with his thumb. He smiled weakly at her, "How did this even happen? I thought we were going to have a great old time when I got back from college, but just a week after, I've already made you cry..." He put his arm around her shoulder and swallowed down his pride, "I'm so sorry Alanna... I really want to make it up to you." When he got no answer, he got up and headed for the door. Alanna had always needed to be tough, even when she was little. He'd said what needed to be said and he knew that she would come to him on her own time. He cast her one last look, pleading her to say something, anything, before he closed the door behind him.

Alex stood outside her door for a few moments, hoping that she would come rushing up behind him and tell him that she forgave him. When he turned around he found his father looking at him. The small nod he gave Alex was enough to let him know that his father approved. Alex went back to his room, but left the door open, just in case Alanna wanted to come in later. He picked up his phone and saw that he had lots of unread text messages. The first couple were from Brittany, demanding why he had not called her back. Afterwards, her text messages got more desperate, and she began to beg him to meet with her at her house, promising lots of favors and a good time. The last text he got was from Zack. Apparently Brittany had called him to inquire about Alex, and then they got talking. Brittany had probably settled for Zack after knowing Alex was a no show and now he was on his way to her place. His text message was all about how Alex is missing out and he couldn't help but smile and shake his head when he read it.

Surprisingly enough, Alex didn't even feel like he was missing out on much. Girls like Brittany were a dime a dozen, and although she had a pretty face and fantastic breasts, it wasn't the first time Alex had been with girls like that. Right now, all he could think about was how he could patch up his relationship with Alanna. Alex wasn't about to give up seeing girls just for his sister, but he decided to keep it on the down-low when she was around. She was a grown woman now, and Alex could understand why it would make her uncomfortable to see her brother being hounded by women. Her reaction might have been a tad extreme, but he didn't really think into it. Alanna was just going through a phase in her life, just like he did when he was her age, where sex is some kind of magical thing that holds both fear and pleasure. He hoped she would come around soon, and turned on his computer to surf the web while he waited.
Alanna whimpered as her brother’s callused thumb stroked down her cheek, cleaning away the tears. The smile he gave her made it really hard to stay angry, despite how much of a disgusting jerk he had been. He started apologizing and asking her how it had come to this already, with him having just gotten back from college and already fighting. She felt like such a baby having been caught crying, she didn’t even know what to say in response. She shook her head, pulling her face away and refusing to answer him. She knew if she did at that moment, she would just start crying again. Her brother got up and left and she felt even more awful. Why had she choked? It had always been easy to talk to him, especially during his constant apologies for upsetting her. This time was different, though.

She wondered briefly what Alex had meant by making it up to her. Normally he just said sorry and that was it, but this time he seemed genuinely upset at himself for upsetting her. Alanna picked up her phone and started to compose a text message to her brother, figuring out what she should say in response to his small speech. She thought differently of it, composing herself and heading for his bedroom. She checked her appearance in the mirror, happy that her tears had dried and she didn’t look like a cry baby anymore.

It had just really upset her that her brother had been so pulled in by her slutty friend’s pathetic moves! He could have pretty much any girl he wanted, why did he have to react that way? It was supposed to be a family outing, not an opportunity for him to get laid! And in front of his sister, no less. Disgusting. She entered his bedroom, not bothering to knock. He was on the computer when she arrived and she sat down on the bed behind him, waiting for him to notice her.
"Fuck," Alex muttered to himself, "I really messed up..." He sighed and turned to look out the window when he saw the faint reflection of Alanna behind him. Alex jumped in surprise and nearly fell out of his seat. He was about to turn around and lash out at her for coming in without noticing him. What if he was doing something that she shouldn't see? When he turned around to chastise her, all his anger dissipated. Alanna looked beautiful. Maybe it was just because he wasn't about to get with Brittany, and his body was still full of testosterone, but she looked drop dead gorgeous at the moment. If she had been just a bit closer to him, he might have grabbed her and kissed her in a way that a brother shouldn't have.

He knew that the lust in his eyes were apparent, so he quickly shut it closed blinked quickly a few times until the world turned back to normal. Alanna was Alanna again, his sister, and nothing more. He sat there quietly for a few moments, staring at her intently. He had hoped that she would say something first, but apparently she wasn't going to give him that luxury. Alex cleared his throat. trying to find the right words to say to her. He hadn't remembered the last time that is was so hard to talk to Alanna. There had been worst experiences that she caught him in, like watching porn, and once even when he was eating out his girlfriend, but they'd always managed to joke about it afterwards and talk it out.

Something about this time with Brittany made the tension in this room go over the top. Alex didn't understand why a handjob from Brittany was such a big deal to Alanna, since she had caught him doing worse things in the past. For a second, Alanna looked beautiful again, and he felt his groin twitch. Alex cleared his throat again, this time, unable to dispel the hold that her beauty had over him, "Uhh," he croaked lamely, "What's up sis?"
When Alex finally turned around, the initial look on his face scared her. He looked angry, probably because she’d just walked into his room and sat down, without warning him or announcing her entry. But hey, she was supposed to be mad at him, not the other way around. Immediately the look on his face changed, and she couldn’t place it, but he was staring at her intently and silently, and she cocked her head perplexedly.

Finally he spoke, awkwardly asking her what was up. Her eyes flashed and she dug her nails into her palms, trying to control her anger. Was he seriously asking her what was up? He knew damn well why she was there! They had to get to the bottom of all this!

“We need to talk about what happened and you need to understand why it’s absolutely NOT okay. You came to apologize, so you obviously know why I’m here. What you did with Brittany or what you almost did is unacceptable. She was my friend. That’s not the same as me catching you almost doing something with some girl or me hearing rumors about your sex life. In front of me, no less. We need to have some manners if we’re going to be living together and spending time together. You’re an adult. I don’t see how this is difficult for you to understand and why you’re behaving like a fucking child.”
Alex was not expecting Alanna's outburst. After apologizing to her and practically begging for her to forgive him, he thought they would have a civilized conversation and talk it out, but she seemed hell-bent on lecturing him. What the hell? As if father hadn't already done enough. His anger at missing out on the action with Brittany was coming to a full boil and he finally snapped when she reminded him of it. "I already apologized Alanna, so why are you still preaching to me about all this shit? I'd just like to be able to do something without having you on my ass all the time! And what's all this shit about Brittany? It wasn't like I was making any moves on her, she was practically forcing herself on me, it's not like I could've controlled her actions."

He glared at her defiantly and paused for a few moments to regain his breath. "Why is this so difficult for me you ask? YOU know damn well why it's so fucking difficult. Sure maybe I was little overprotective of you when you were a kid, but when I was in college, I didn't give a shit who you were sleeping with, and I sure as hell don't care now. Do you have any idea how fucking bad it feels to get cockblocked when you know that it's within reach. Goddamn it Alanna, if I knew you would behave like this, I would've just gone with Brittany. In fact, I might just call her right now. Do you want me to call Zack too? Maybe a good fuck would get the bitch out of you."

Alex whipped out his phone and started to dial her number into his phone. He sighed when he saw her face, so full of sadness. What had he said that would make her sad? He would rather have her argue back with him than cry again. He put the phone down and got up and hugged her. "Look Alanna, I just lost control of myself. I didn't mean to call you a bitch. I just hope you'd understand. Just put yourself in my shoes for a second, a smoking hot girl was coming onto me without any effort on my part. Couple that with the fact that I haven't gotten any in a while and you have a recipe for disaster. You must have been in a situation like this before right? Maybe you and a guy were about to get it on and mom and dad came home or something? It sucks, right? I'm sorry for acting the way I did, but I would appreciate if you don't interfere with my sex life, just like how I don't care who you're sleeping with either."