Lovely Ladies of Lit in London!


Really Experienced
Jun 9, 2004
Hey there ladies,

I'll be stopping over in London for a night at the end of November on my way home from Germany to Canada. I'm looking for a lovely, sexy lady to meet up to share an evening (or more) with. I'm looking for a nice evening, getting to know another litster in a town that I know a little bit, but not really well. I'd love to be shown the town a little and have a good time! Not looking for sex, although it would be nice for it to remain a possibility.

Who am I? A single, 35-year-old Canadian male musician who has been living in Germany for the past year. I'm also finishing my PhD (what I'm returning to Canada to do). I'm a great conversationalist, intelligent, clean, have been called attractive by some ladies, and am not afraid of a fun night out!

Send me a PM or reply here :) Thanks very much, and I look forward to chatting with members of the London chapter of the Lovely Ladies of Lit!
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...that there have been no replies. Seriously. You must be joking, girls. Musician...PhD...Canadian? No? Has the entire world gone crazy?

I know you London girls have all those sexy Brits, but it would seem a musician with a PhD is a slam-dunk.

Saxyman, hope they pour out of the woodwork for you, my dear.
...that there have been no replies. Seriously. You must be joking, girls. Musician...PhD...Canadian? No? Has the entire world gone crazy?

I know you London girls have all those sexy Brits, but it would seem a musician with a PhD is a slam-dunk.

Saxyman, hope they pour out of the woodwork for you, my dear.
Perhaps the women there are like a lot of the women over here. Bold on the typewriter, but scared to take a chance in real life.
...that there have been no replies. Seriously. You must be joking, girls. Musician...PhD...Canadian? No? Has the entire world gone crazy?

I know you London girls have all those sexy Brits, but it would seem a musician with a PhD is a slam-dunk.

Saxyman, hope they pour out of the woodwork for you, my dear.

Thanks Scheherazade. Great name, by the way :) One of my favourite pieces. Love those Russian composers! I think that there is some reticence to meeting up in the real world and I understand that. There are certainly more than enough crazies out there to put people off actually taking the plunge and getting together. I do assure all people out there that I'm no more crazy than the average person (especially one who has given up the last 7 years of their life to do a freaking PhD... i mean what's up with that?) and that meeting up with me will at least be a fun night of interesting conversation :)
Thanks Scheherazade. Great name, by the way :) One of my favourite pieces. Love those Russian composers! I think that there is some reticence to meeting up in the real world and I understand that. There are certainly more than enough crazies out there to put people off actually taking the plunge and getting together. I do assure all people out there that I'm no more crazy than the average person (especially one who has given up the last 7 years of their life to do a freaking PhD... i mean what's up with that?) and that meeting up with me will at least be a fun night of interesting conversation :)

If you're after casual sex in London for the night, try some of the UK swingers sites...women on there tend to be a little less coy and a bit more proactive than is my impression on here-some are free to join too...and no, I'm not advertising any but just being practical-they really can be great places to meet up with what it appears you're looking for

Either that or get over to the Playground and engage with some of the UK women over there, you've got a whole month to impress them...;)

Good luck

Thanks for your opinion Janey. I'm not looking for casual sex (I thought I made that clear in the OP). And I have tried engaging people in other ways, but it seems to me that the women of lit are very wary of men approaching them.
Thanks for your opinion Janey. I'm not looking for casual sex (I thought I made that clear in the OP). And I have tried engaging people in other ways, but it seems to me that the women of lit are very wary of men approaching them.

Very wary indeed. The men I have spoken with on Lit have been gentlemen for the most part, but there are an awful lot of guys (and the ladies will back me up on this) who love to send unsolicited cock shots about 2 - 4 messages in. Wow. So, yeah, don't do that.

Also, there's a safety factor for women that any smart girl will be mindful of. (I'm talking physical safety, of course; emotional safety is another story...) As tempting as it is to want to meet, it's risky. Not that I'm sure you're not completely harmless...

But the UK ladies tend to be a sassy lot...the ones I've seen posting, anyhow. I'm sure you will have plenty of offers before your trip! :)
Thanks Scheherazade. Great name, by the way :) One of my favourite pieces. Love those Russian composers! I think that there is some reticence to meeting up in the real world and I understand that. There are certainly more than enough crazies out there to put people off actually taking the plunge and getting together. I do assure all people out there that I'm no more crazy than the average person (especially one who has given up the last 7 years of their life to do a freaking PhD... i mean what's up with that?) and that meeting up with me will at least be a fun night of interesting conversation :)

The PhD does certify you as crazy. No doubt there...
Thanks for your opinion Janey. I'm not looking for casual sex (I thought I made that clear in the OP). And I have tried engaging people in other ways, but it seems to me that the women of lit are very wary of men approaching them.
You may have the best of intentions and be the nicest of guys, but to people who you have not yet met, you are just words on a page.
You could be fact or could be fiction.

I wish you luck, I've traveled a bunch and am preparing for another lifes journey. I'll be looking for new friends when I reach my destination. Wherever that may be.

But someone will pop out from a crevass that you least expect.

You'll just need to put yourself out there. You'll need to go to a pub and start up a conversation. Bring you Sax with you. That's a great ice breaker. Play a little Inner City Blues.

Good luck enjoy the Brits. I love the way they talk, but don't care for the way that they cook their food.