Louisiana now requires Ten Commandments in public school classrooms


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003

So?? We will the religions that use the 10 Commandments go back to honoring the Sabbath on the Sabbath?

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God.”

Maybe we only need nine commandments

God forbid any other religious types wander into those classrooms
The so-called school teachers have gay and pride and rainbow and f** and tranny shit all over the place.It's time to replace all that with the ten commandments
The so-called school teachers have gay and pride and rainbow and f** and tranny shit all over the place.It's time to replace all that with the ten commandments

You'd have to grab the Bible propping up a corner of your motor home to be able to recite them. 🙄
The so-called school teachers have gay and pride and rainbow and f** and tranny shit all over the place.It's time to replace all that with the ten commandments
They should put up the tent commandments next to the pride flag.

Louisiana Second Grade Student: “What does covet thy neighbor's wife mean?”

Teacher: “Um, it means to want to take her for your own.”

Student: “What?! Why would I want Mrs Cross? She smells funny!”

The class laughs.

Other Student: “I wouldn’t mind having Mrs White as my own. She makes the best chocolate chip cookies.”

Another Student: “Yeah. I covet Mrs White too.”

Teacher thinks to herself that it’s not too late to change careers.
If I were REQUIRED to display the ten commandments in a school I'd have them printed on all the toilet paper.
The so-called school teachers have gay and pride and rainbow and f** and tranny shit all over the place.It's time to replace all that with the ten commandments
Why can't we have both??

While I think the legislature is overstepping having it be "required" I really don't have too many problems with the Ten commandments. Lets take a look at them, shall we?

"Thou shalt not kill." Makes sense. Although I've heard plenty of calls for violence against immigrants and liberals on here.
"You shall have no other gods before me," and "You shall not make idols." Well, basically anyone who worships a giant golden penis shaped gorilla has obvious issues so... don't have any problems with this one either. Though, I see some people on here worshipping Donald Trump, so...
"You shall not take the name of the lord God in vain." When people claim to represent Christian values but promote lying, violence, intolerance and hate, they are doing just that. Which is why I agree with this commandment.
"Remember the Sabbath day." Working seven days straight without a day off will make ANYONE burn out. Makes sense to me.
"Honor they mother and father." Well, you disrespect MY mother or father, then we are gonna have words. PRetty much same with you, right?
"You shall not commit adultery." People read a lot more into this than intended; but basically, how would you feel if your partner cheated on you without your consent? After all, Trump had no issues with cheating on his spouse, so I'm guessing you Trump supporters don't place much stake in this commandment.
"You shall not steal." Pretty much everyone agrees with this one, right?
"You shall not bear false witness." Well, well, well. How many lies has Trump told that you guys applaud every second? Apparently "Bearing false witness" is totally okay with some people- as long as the RIGHT people are bearing false witness.
"You shall not covet." But but but... greed is what drives capitalism, and what motivates people like Trump for more money and more power. Greed is totally moral to you people.

FRankly, ExxWhyZee, I'm kind of surprised you are supporting the Ten Commandments. Since the people you so openly admire seem to flagrantly disobey them so often, I would assume you do as well.