Lost thread?

My guess on this is you, or someone in your thread, started a discussion that may have run afoul of the rules and it was wiped. Now, a mod cannot remove a thread, they can remove posts within it and say why they did it, but if its gone, that's Laurel, and that means a mod deemed it to be something that shouldn't just be closed and left there, but nuked.
Why would you think mods can’t remove threads, though? I don’t know what happened in this case, but we absolutely can remove threads.

ETA: No posts or threads from the OP in the Mod Queue, though. In this case it had to be done by admin/site owners.
Why would you think mods can’t remove threads, though? I don’t know what happened in this case, but we absolutely can remove threads.
My impression was that you can edit a post to put the 'removed for..." reason, but could not actually wipe a post out, same for threads.

TBH there's a mod here that if they can do that, its a serious problem.
My impression was that you can edit a post to put the 'removed for..." reason, but could not actually wipe a post out, same for threads.

TBH there's a mod here that if they can do that, its a serious problem.
We have always been able to edit posts (with or without the publicly posted reason - I tend to save that for the most egregious content), remove posts completely, and remove threads.