Lord of the Rings question


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
Okay all you lotr fans out there...

IV"e thought about this question many many times and cannot get an asnwer.
I was watching the extended dvd last night and thought of it again.


anyone who hasn't read the books and not seen the moveis may not want to read on, or many questions will arise I know lol.

okay every member of the fellowship serves a purpose in a big way, except Legolos so why was he chosen to be a member of the fellowship.

As Gandolf said everyone serves there purpose, even Golom served a purpose, but Legolos DOSN'T

okay lets see the members and there important roles.

The Hobbits.
Frodo He is the Ring Barrer the Whole purpose of the fellowship.

Sam He Protects Frodo at almost every paril. and He Becomes the Ring Barrer after Frodo falls. or the ring will have been lost again

Merry Finds Treebeard and talks him into bringing down Isingard.

Pippin His Couriosity causes Sauron to poses his mind after peiring into the orb. Gandolf sais something like if Pippin didn't do this Sauron would have surly posesed Gandolfs mind. and no telling what would have happened. so in the long run Pippin caused sooo much trouble, but this one act saved gandolf.

Fatty Served moved Frodo's things to his new home and covered for his absence so the other hobbits would not realise he was gone.

Golumn Noone has the power to destroy the ring, everyone who touches it becomes in love with it and CAN'T destroy it. Golumn by acceden't causes the ring to fall into the crack of mount doom finaly serving the purpose Gandolf said he would one day serve.... he then jumped in after the ring cause he was in love with it and didn't want to see it destroyed... but he still served a great purpose.

Gimly okay besides the 13 Dwarfs in the hobbit Gimly is the only one but dwarfs deserve a catagory.
Gimly told them of Moria if they wouldn't have gone there Gandolf would have never died. if he would have not died he'd have never been reborn with his new powers. so Gimly very important.

Boromier by attacking Frodo he caused the fellowship to split, if they stayed together the fellowship will have failed.
he also convices Aragorn to accept the thron that is rightfuly his.

Aragorn Aragorn brings them to the land of Rohon bringing the riders into the war (a turning point)

Eomor and the King Of Rohon Defend against the armys of Mordor giveing Frodo Sam and Golum time to sneek in unknoticed.

Eowyn Is the only person ever to kill a Ring Wrath and make them stay dead.

Foromer (sp) (and stupid name) Leads the Gondore army against Mordor alowing frodo sam and golumn to sneek in ...

Trents and Ents
Treebeard and all the others attacked Isengard takeing out the wariors of the white hand.

Demi Gods
Gandolf Started the fellowship on there way. Put the whole game together, Called all armys together as one, Protected the fellowship, Caused them all to realise there purpose.

Tom Bombidial. Saved the ring from being lost on two ocations.

Sauromon becomeing evil made him forfit his rank as the white, alowing Gandolf to take his place and gain more power.

queen Galadrial Told Frodo and Sam (not in exact words) that they must leave the fellowship and to protect Frodo at all costs. and gave them all the gifts that play important roles

Elron Formed the Fellowship, and told the two elfs that were to be membors of the original 9 to let Merry and Pipin take there place.


now this is how I see each character?
does anyone agree? and..... CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY THE FUCK LEGOLOS WENT??????????
discuss please.
Jeez I can't answer this, but you sure are worked up about this very, very important issue. Here, sit down, let me fix you a drink...
peachykeen said:
Jeez I can't answer this, but you sure are worked up about this very, very important issue. Here, sit down, let me fix you a drink...

but it IS important, why did Tolkin put him in the book?

every fucking person even if they were just a bit part.... they were important

Legolos as far as I can tell is not important.
My friends and I had this discussion the other day. We couldn't come up with an answer either. One of my friends and I have read the books and all that good stuff. We couldn't even think of anything.

I'm glad it's not just us stumped. If we come up with anything Fly, I'll be sure to let you know.
because he kills stuff and looks the coolest doing it

he helps rescue them from the snow on top of the mountain as being an elf he can walk on top of the snow

ummm i haven't read it in a while but theres some other stuff i know he spots stuff better then any of the others
Legolas accompanies the fellowship to represent the elves, what with them being one of the major races.

He forges links between the non-friendly dwarves and elves too.
What a lot of work in that post! Whew!

Wasn't Legolas responsible for talking Galadriel's elves into sparing the lives of our wayward adventurers? I thought it was his arrow that killed the cave troll, wasn't it?

Actually, maybe he's important in a less direct way. His folk and Gimli's folk have always been at odds, but until these 2 get to know each other and appreciate the beauty that cave together, for instance, the elves didn't really know the dwarves and vice/versa. The fast friendship of these 2, for which Legolas is necessary, kind of gets at the point of th difference between the good guys and the bad guys, here. They're our example of what principles (besides survival) are at stake in this conflict.

Yeah... that's the ticket...
Starblayde said:
Legolas accompanies the fellowship to represent the elves, what with them being one of the major races.

He forges links between the non-friendly dwarves and elves too.

actualy no.

Gimli and Legolas didn't become freinds till after Gimli met Galadrial... she made him a freind of the elvs. and only that ONE dwarf, the rest are almost all slaughtered.

and as for representing the elves...... any elf could have done this so again I ask.... what special purpose did he serve???
StrawberryPez said:
Starblade....is that his only purpose though? I mean is that it?

He help guide them to... goddamn it whats it called.... big elven place in the woods with galadriel... Lorien? Ah hell... the Fellowship wouldn't have been let in there without him
Fly_On_Wall said:
any elf could have done this

Any dwarf could have gone along too! Just happened that Gimli, son of Gloin was around at the meeting in Rivendell
Chuckwrox said:
What a lot of work in that post! Whew!

Wasn't Legolas responsible for talking Galadriel's elves into sparing the lives of our wayward adventurers? I thought it was his arrow that killed the cave troll, wasn't it?

Actually, maybe he's important in a less direct way. His folk and Gimli's folk have always been at odds, but until these 2 get to know each other and appreciate the beauty that cave together, for instance, the elves didn't really know the dwarves and vice/versa. The fast friendship of these 2, for which Legolas is necessary, kind of gets at the point of th difference between the good guys and the bad guys, here. They're our example of what principles (besides survival) are at stake in this conflict.

Yeah... that's the ticket...

cave troll..... not in the book, Aragorn convinced the elfs to let the fellowship pass the golden forest.

the elves and dwarfs never become freinds after this... only legolas and Gimli do.
if you read the book... after the ring is destroyed the elfs leave middle earth. so a freindship is never kindeled....

but most people say to me that's what Legolas did was make the elves and dwarfs freinds once again.
Starblayde said:
He help guide them to... goddamn it whats it called.... big elven place in the woods with galadriel... Lorien? Ah hell... the Fellowship wouldn't have been let in there without him

Jeez...you seem rather distracted with this post ;)

I'm sure the story of him will be more clearly explained in The Two Towers. I could always go read the books again but jeez..that would take effort. :D
Isnt Gimli the only dwarf ever to travel to the westeern isles (i.e. pass on to another plain of existence) because of his friendship with Legolas?
In the books there is an underlying element of mistrust between the dwarves and elves, the friendship between the two members of each race is supposed to symbolize the races coming together to fight a greater enemy.

A bit like us Brit's and the French everytime the Germans get upity :D
Starblayde said:
Isnt Gimli the only dwarf ever to travel to the westeern isles (i.e. pass on to another plain of existence) because of his friendship with Legolas?

I think he was... bet then again I"d have to read the Silmarils again I think others did there, not 100% though

and yes any dwarf could have done that but..... Gimli never seen the mine of Moria...

13 dwarfs were in the Hobbit Glorin was one of them he never returned to Moria so his son never seen the place, this is one reason Gimli wanted to so there so much. So who is to say any other dwarf would have been persistant on going there.... (besides I think many other dwarfs would have known about the belrog so would not have sugested this.

lol I still don't see a very important role that legolas played for the fellowship.

the ring and fellowship are in questions, everyone did something to suport them... but him.
even if he did unite the elves and dwarfs... what did that do for the fellowhsip?
They needed an Elf. Legolas was in Rivendell, and of a suitably heroic persuasion.

Deal :D

Legolas kills a lot of Orcs, helps get the Fellowship off Carrandras (the big snowy mountain), spots the flock of bird-spies (in the movie) at great distance.

In the Two Towers, he also kills yet more orcs, Helping to defend.. un... Helm's Deep is it? from the Orcs and also generally kicks ass when called upon.

Good enough for you?
Fly_On_Wall said:
cave troll..... not in the book, Aragorn convinced the elfs to let the fellowship pass the golden forest.

the elves and dwarfs never become freinds after this... only legolas and Gimli do.
if you read the book... after the ring is destroyed the elfs leave middle earth. so a freindship is never kindeled....

but most people say to me that's what Legolas did was make the elves and dwarfs freinds once again.

The cave troll is in the book, I just found it. Though the reason you don't remember it is because it is only mentioned once on a single page. But certainly there's no mention of Legolas' killing it.
Chuckwrox said:
The cave troll is in the book, I just found it. Though the reason you don't remember it is because it is only mentioned once on a single page. But certainly there's no mention of Legolas' killing it.

in the caves? when Frodo gets squired? (witch was done by two orcs)