Looks like I'm not the only person who wrecks someone's face for hurling racial slurs

dr king would be so proud

That's a very telling quote.

Too bad the majority of younger black men and women have no idea what he really stood for.

As for the original post?

Good for that guy, you never know who you're screwing with.

There was a great video on sublime directory a couple of years back where an older black man smacked a younger one for saying Nigger.

Goes back to the Martin Luther reference.
That's a very telling quote.

Too bad the majority of younger black men and women have no idea what he really stood for.

As for the original post?

Good for that guy, you never know who you're screwing with.
And he didn't even need to brag about knowing Shaolin Kempo, either. ;)
And he didn't even need to brag about knowing Shaolin Kempo, either. ;)

It would be a waste on a guy like that anyway, a good rap in the mouth is all they need.

Besides, I thought it was Kung fu I was accused of knowing.;)
What gets me is niggers can say nigger all they want and call each other nigger but if a white man calls them nigger or even wispers nigger, niggers get all tore up. Some fucking monkeys are dumb as a damn brick. A few years ago, I worked with a nigger and I said the word around him often and he didnt say or do a damn thing. By the way, I like black people, my best friend is black, but I hate niggers. Theres a difference.
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It would be a waste on a guy like that anyway, a good rap in the mouth is all they need.

Besides, I thought it was Kung fu I was accused of knowing.;)
You really don't know anything that would be harmful to anyone. Neither do your daughters. Your frantic posturing seemed to get a few mangina GBers hot, though, so no doubt you scored some e-dates. :)
You really don't know anything that would be harmful to anyone. Neither do your daughters. Your frantic posturing seemed to get a few mangina GBers hot, though, so no doubt you scored some e-dates. :)

Say what you will, but nothing anyone "postures" about here is any different than your "I'll beat you up in an alley" sig.

What makes you different? Nothing really.

We have opposite views on a certain topic.

I went to your blog and checked it out.

I find it interesting you would call anyone a bigot. An entire blog spewing hate and blame at women and white folk.

Sounds like bigotry to me.

This is the net LJ and your views are no less angry or any more right than a lot of other posters here.

And I admit to flaming you a bit, but I'm not doing that now, I'm telling you as I see it and what I see is a person as bigoted as he accuses other of being.

A bigot is not just someone who does not like black people its anyone who loathes anyone for their color/gender/sexual preference or religion and according to your blog you hate more than half the people on the planet.

Not good to be that mad.
those dudes are fuckin pussies! because of one word, that justifies 2 dudes beating up one old guy. they are more than niggas, theyre wet cunts too
What gets me is niggers can say nigger all they want and call each other nigger but if a white man calls them nigger or even wispers nigger, niggers get all tore up. Some fucking monkeys are dumb as a damn brick. A few years ago, I worked with a nigger and I said the word around him often and he didnt say or do a damn thing. By the way, I like black people, my best friend is black, but I hate niggers. Theres a difference.

Disgusting, ignorant post.
What gets me is niggers can say nigger all they want and call each other nigger but if a white man calls them nigger or even wispers nigger, niggers get all tore up. Some fucking monkeys are dumb as a damn brick. A few years ago, I worked with a nigger and I said the word around him often and he didnt say or do a damn thing. By the way, I like black people, my best friend is black, but I hate niggers. Theres a difference.

i agree with you. i am puerto rican, and let me tell you there is a world of differences between spanish people, and spics. i love my people. spics could go suck a dick though
Say what you will, but nothing anyone "postures" about here is any different than your "I'll beat you up in an alley" sig.
My sig does not say "beat you up in an alley".

I have had to put up with tons of physical violence threats on here from people who turn around and claim to be innocent when I shoot back. Hence, the sig: don't bother threatening me because you can't back it up. Nobody on here can, even if they were in person.

And before we go on: Please show the examples of hate or blame at women or white folks, in my blog.
My sig does not say "beat you up in an alley".

dude don't be coy, your sig, the images, and even this thread title screams "fuck you, i'm Tommy Tough-shit!"
dude don't be coy, your sig, the images, and even this thread title screams "fuck you, i'm Tommy Tough-shit!"
I guess you haven't been around here for long, so I'll let you in on something.

I don't care how you interpret anything. My sig says "don't start none, won't be none", and that's the end of that. What you have to say about it doesn't mean jack shit. If I cared even in the least, I wouldn't have put it there.
I guess you haven't been around here for long, so I'll let you in on something.

I don't care how you interpret anything. My sig says "don't start none, won't be none", and that's the end of that. What you have to say about it doesn't mean jack shit. If I cared even in the least, I wouldn't have put it there.

obviously you care shitloads, which is why you're blaring it in your sig on every single post.

whatever. go sucker punch somebody, go be a man.
What gets me is niggers can say nigger all they want and call each other nigger but if a white man calls them nigger or even wispers nigger, niggers get all tore up. Some fucking monkeys are dumb as a damn brick. A few years ago, I worked with a nigger and I said the word around him often and he didnt say or do a damn thing. By the way, I like black people, my best friend is black, but I hate niggers. Theres a difference.
It's a good thing you have never had the balls to say this out loud, you would be eating all your subsequent meals through a straw.

Absolutely true, you don't need to make a fool of yourself and try to argue this.

You're welcome!
It's a good thing you have never had the balls to say this out loud, you would be eating all your subsequent meals through a straw.

Absolutely true, you don't need to make a fool of yourself and try to argue this.

You're welcome!

Your big black ass threatning people on the internet, betcha wont do it in my face. Two can play that game, you shit colored monkey ass.