Alright, lets start where it starts. I am not new to the personals and my postings are usually of the sexual sort, so i would understand if certain women on here assumed that was all there was to me. As fun as that could be, its not really the case.
I'd really like to get to know and connect with someone of a similar mindset. What kind of mindset is that, you may wonder. Im a relatively shy guy with an individualism streak, prompted by a youth of feeling invisible. Somewhere around 18 i realized the girls talking to me were not making fun of me, and a whole new world opened up there.
But without any high school relationships, progress as an adult dating was rapid but marked with all the same mistakes and painful lessons you usually learn during younger years. I caught up eventually, but still kind of feel behind some of my peers in terms of what they were looking for, here i am solidly in my mid twenties and the last girl i slept with was 19 with a tattoo of an upside down crucifix (what can i say, i have a taste for the unconventional.) while everyone else seems to be settling in with who they a planning on loving forever.
So where do you come in? Maybe you werent very outgoing in school. Maybe you kind of feel left out by the rest of the world. Id love to share our experiences and get to know one another, if our conversations head in a more salacious direction so be it but i'm looking for a girl to amuse with my off color banter, who likes her boys tall with a ready laugh and good stories. I hope to hear from her soon.
I'd really like to get to know and connect with someone of a similar mindset. What kind of mindset is that, you may wonder. Im a relatively shy guy with an individualism streak, prompted by a youth of feeling invisible. Somewhere around 18 i realized the girls talking to me were not making fun of me, and a whole new world opened up there.
But without any high school relationships, progress as an adult dating was rapid but marked with all the same mistakes and painful lessons you usually learn during younger years. I caught up eventually, but still kind of feel behind some of my peers in terms of what they were looking for, here i am solidly in my mid twenties and the last girl i slept with was 19 with a tattoo of an upside down crucifix (what can i say, i have a taste for the unconventional.) while everyone else seems to be settling in with who they a planning on loving forever.
So where do you come in? Maybe you werent very outgoing in school. Maybe you kind of feel left out by the rest of the world. Id love to share our experiences and get to know one another, if our conversations head in a more salacious direction so be it but i'm looking for a girl to amuse with my off color banter, who likes her boys tall with a ready laugh and good stories. I hope to hear from her soon.