Looking to share stories with a quirky girl. (long)


Really Really Experienced
Feb 25, 2003
Alright, lets start where it starts. I am not new to the personals and my postings are usually of the sexual sort, so i would understand if certain women on here assumed that was all there was to me. As fun as that could be, its not really the case.

I'd really like to get to know and connect with someone of a similar mindset. What kind of mindset is that, you may wonder. Im a relatively shy guy with an individualism streak, prompted by a youth of feeling invisible. Somewhere around 18 i realized the girls talking to me were not making fun of me, and a whole new world opened up there.

But without any high school relationships, progress as an adult dating was rapid but marked with all the same mistakes and painful lessons you usually learn during younger years. I caught up eventually, but still kind of feel behind some of my peers in terms of what they were looking for, here i am solidly in my mid twenties and the last girl i slept with was 19 with a tattoo of an upside down crucifix (what can i say, i have a taste for the unconventional.) while everyone else seems to be settling in with who they a planning on loving forever.

So where do you come in? Maybe you werent very outgoing in school. Maybe you kind of feel left out by the rest of the world. Id love to share our experiences and get to know one another, if our conversations head in a more salacious direction so be it but i'm looking for a girl to amuse with my off color banter, who likes her boys tall with a ready laugh and good stories. I hope to hear from her soon.
I figure i could expand on this a little as far as what i look like. I am 6'1 with brown hair and green eyes, athletic build and pics to share.
Not at all. I live in a densely populated area, and although I could seal off my upper floor apartment by destroying a pair of staircases at the front and back, I need to secure ample supplies of food and potable water before I can claim any level of preparedness.

Care to help me get my game in order?
I never dated in HS either. Upon reflection I feel this might be largely due to fear of the local HS boys that I might actually bite- combined with the fact that the guys I actually would have gone out with hadn't discovered the opposite sex yet.
College so far- yeah, pretty much like you said yourself it was "catch up" for a bit with those first few stupid mistakes. Why are they painfully necessary for everyone to learn on their own?
Not at all. I live in a densely populated area, and although I could seal off my upper floor apartment by destroying a pair of staircases at the front and back, I need to secure ample supplies of food and potable water before I can claim any level of preparedness.

Care to help me get my game in order?

I could share a few pointers if you'd like. Food and water is good and all, obviously necessary. But what if the virus spreads too quickly for you to get back to your apartment? Weapons of choice?
Modified M1 carbine if I could get to my storage, if not I have several friends and coworkers who own handguns, 9 mm mostly. Depending on how fast the most inept of them get taken out, I could salvage one of their weapons in a pinch.

You've got me thinking now who would get eaten first. Probably my boss.
Modified M1 carbine if I could get to my storage, if not I have several friends and coworkers who own handguns, 9 mm mostly. Depending on how fast the most inept of them get taken out, I could salvage one of their weapons in a pinch.

You've got me thinking now who would get eaten first. Probably my boss.

LOL is that more wishful thinking or being realistic?
I keep a crossbow in my car in case of brain-eating undead. Otherwise I spend a lot of time thinking about immediate household items I could fashion into a weapon in a crisis. Also, sitting at a bar having a couple drinks, I always survey my surroundings for possible zombie killing or maiming objects.
Thought I'd give this thread a bump, would love to hear from some interesting girls. I've accumulated some new stories, and would love to share them.
Share with me! You sound like me, except I'm in the beginning of the discovery phase and I'm ready to give up. Haha.
I can totally relate to everything you were talking about, being invisible in high school and all. I actually still feel that way a lot now. But mainly I always like to jump at the chance to connect with another zombie enthusiast, lol. Anyway, I hope I could brighten your lonely night :)
I can completely relate to everything you said. I didn't do anything in high school at all. All I did was study and I never had a boyfriend.

Now in my late thirties, I'm kind of catching up but I still missed a lot during my teen years and twenties.
Thursday night bump. Been talking to some interesting girls as a result of this post.
Saturday afternoon bump, got a few hours to chat if anyone is up for it. fresh Pics to share, as well.
LOL is that more wishful thinking or being realistic?
I keep a crossbow in my car in case of brain-eating undead. Otherwise I spend a lot of time thinking about immediate household items I could fashion into a weapon in a crisis. Also, sitting at a bar having a couple drinks, I always survey my surroundings for possible zombie killing or maiming objects.

Crossbow? How long does it take to load in between shots? I think a melee weapon is they way to go maybe a hatchet or axe. I thought i was the only person preparing for the zombie apocalypse
Well, we could boil water inapinch but it would be better if we got some heavy duty or table filters we could just pump and drink, I doubt we will always have the luxury of time and safety to heat water in one place. We will have to do some more research.
This thread has taken quite an interesting few turns. But to move the thread back towards it's literotica roots, I'd love to have all the female company I could manage if I needed to hole up somewhere in a zombie scenario. We will certainly need to purify plenty of drinking water then.
Machete - best choice when close in. Much cheaper than samurai sword. Lite, easy and quick on return. Axe and hatchet to heavy in head of weapon. .22 rimfire hollow point LR semi-auto pistol. Sufficient for mid-distance head shots. Both machete and 22 pistol easy carry and sturdy.
Well, we could boil water inapinch but it would be better if we got some heavy duty or table filters we could just pump and drink, I doubt we will always have the luxury of time and safety to heat water in one place. We will have to do some more research.

boiling water? I have no clue how hot the water would have to be to become safe to drink, but i assume it would be very hot. So you would have to wait for it to cool so you can drink it which might not be ideal if you want to be mobile.
I like the .22 suggestion, enough to punch into the skull but not out the back, really shredding the brain. Nice choice.

The boiling is more for large amounts when you have some time, it wouldnt be an every day thing. But boiling water is one of the surest ways to purify it, and also easy on resources. There would be a lot of down time once we reached somewhere remote, and our portable filters will not last forever.
Machete - best choice when close in. Much cheaper than samurai sword. Lite, easy and quick on return. Axe and hatchet to heavy in head of weapon. .22 rimfire hollow point LR semi-auto pistol. Sufficient for mid-distance head shots. Both machete and 22 pistol easy carry and sturdy.

axe to heavy? I am a girl and by no means am i some bad ass, however i have used a axe and if this blonde girl can do it trust me its not that difficult. I have only used the axe on wood and I am sure human bone is way tougher but i am confident i can make the adjustment.