I have tried posting before, but so far no results. So I will try a lengthier explanation of my situation, and what im looking for. I am a married man, with a beautiful and sexy wife. The sex we have is AMAZING, and she is definately a "perfect fit". You might be wondering why then am i looking to chat/ have a "cyber affair"? I have a WAY higher sexual craving than her. I am not looking/ or wanting to go outside my marriage for a physically satisfying situation. Just needing/ wanting to talk with someone who is in a simillar situation that wouldnt mind helping eachother out. I also am "secretly" turned on by thoughts of taboo things such as incest and roleplay. Incest to me DOES NOT mean perverted ideas with kids (thats fucked up!) Incest desires i have are things like, sister and me in senoir year high school, or college. Also, similar thoughts of "mommy" play get my arousal. I also enjoy good old fashioned "dirty fantasies" So, if you are a WOMAN who thinks this to be something fun and enjoyable...PM me