Story revolves around a pilot who was in the navy. He is now working on an aircraft engine. Whilst he was away at sea his wife took up with a French Canadian artist, who literally took over his family whenever he was at sea.
She even took the kids away to meet and live with the artists family. She was his slut.
The artist dies and his real wife brings a portrait of the cheating spouse to the house for her. The husband sees the risqué portrait and realises what was happening.
Her double life is discovered.
There was another sequel to the story as well.
Also another author wrote a similar story like the original.
Can someone tell the names of both stories and the other sequel with a different ending.
Please help
She even took the kids away to meet and live with the artists family. She was his slut.
The artist dies and his real wife brings a portrait of the cheating spouse to the house for her. The husband sees the risqué portrait and realises what was happening.
Her double life is discovered.
There was another sequel to the story as well.
Also another author wrote a similar story like the original.
Can someone tell the names of both stories and the other sequel with a different ending.
Please help