looking for story: multiple people bound couch


Oct 14, 2006
Looking for a story I read a while back, don't remember if it's any good. The only scene I recall is one where several people are on a sofa, couch or similar, bound in a way that leaves them "accessible" for sex. Idon't remember if they were only women or if both men and women were bound on the couch. There were also more people in the act than only the restrained people. I do think there was a mind control or master (mistress?) thing going on, but not in a dominating fashion (he/she wasn't the "director" ordering all the acts). I hate stories that have elements of coercion or forced acts in them, so taht's not in the story either.

On this site I only read stories from nonhuman, exhibit, erotic horror, novels & novellas, and sci-fi/fantasy categories, if thats any help.