Looking for story(gay)


May 1, 2013
Hi, I'm new here and sorry if this isn't the correct spot to post this, but I was wondering if anyone could help me find a story that I once read on here. It was about two males(forgot if they were friends or family) that ended up having sex on the beach(at their beach house), and then a pair of police officers came and joined. Sorry that this was very vague, but if anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be wonderful.
Hi, I'm new here and sorry if this isn't the correct spot to post this, but I was wondering if anyone could help me find a story that I once read on here. It was about two males(forgot if they were friends or family) that ended up having sex on the beach(at their beach house), and then a pair of police officers came and joined. Sorry that this was very vague, but if anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be wonderful.

Wow, I have no idea... you might want to also ask on the gay board. They may know. The vast majority of what I read is s&m, and I will agree that we need a better search function on here. It's kind of a pain to search through the entire gay section.


Looking for a story? Follow this LINK.
Hi, I'm new here and sorry if this isn't the correct spot to post this, but I was wondering if anyone could help me find a story that I once read on here. It was about two males(forgot if they were friends or family) that ended up having sex on the beach(at their beach house), and then a pair of police officers came and joined. Sorry that this was very vague, but if anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be wonderful.

I've been looking for 1 story for three years, I sympathize. If that fails try the Authors Hangout, I know there's a more professional place here made for it, but no one Awnsers. The authors should no. Also try lit search below.


PS: beware of the General Board this place is full of sycopathic racists & rapists.
maybe he meant sycophants.

or maybe he's just stupid.

they both work.