looking for something special


May 16, 2013
I need something to look forward to. I want you to know me, and I want to know you. Im tired of being the huntress, im tired of being the pursuer. I need to be wanted and want to be needed. Do you have the time and the patience needed to hunt a woman as deep and creative as I. Are you strong enough and smart enough to handle a woman of my caliber?

I want you to intrigue me with your wit and intelligence. I want you to move me and seduce me with genuine intrest and passion. I need a confidant that I can trust, who can except me for the woman I am, and not just some trollop with a pretty face. There is soo much more to me than what meets the eye...

I will not lie, my time is limited and there are constraints on me. I am married and I do have kids, among other responsibilities. So my free time is precious, please don't waste it. Im on and off the computer, sporadically throughout the day, however my 'me time' begins when the h is off to work, Sun - Thurs 2am (MST) and lasts for an hour or two, till I fall asleep. Also, im free most Saturdays all day. I understand that this alone will deter most...

Im intelligent, creative, openminded, genuine, caring and affectionate. I have room in my heart for a man, a woman, or both. As I see it, love is love, why limmit oneself to the posibilities... I would like someone who enjoys reading and writing. As a start, I would love give and receive long emails regularly (at least once or twice a week), allong with nightly IMs and after getting to know eachother, we can move forward with voice to voice and then on to cam to cam, perhaps more in the future... I do so hope to find someone who looks forward to and dreams of tomorrow, as I do...

As i sit here, once again, looking sadly at my empty in box, i begin to wonder if maybe its not you, maybe its me... Perhaps I have said the wrong things. Perhaps it is my manner which has pushed every potential away, one by one... Maybe I want too much. Maybe its just me being me.

Once upon a time, I was hunted, persued. It was a slow seduction. He had admired me from afar and once we were introduced, he made every effort to earn my trust by being a friend, a shoulder, a confidant. Then one day he surprised me. As long as I live, I will never forget how he spoke to me on that day. No one ever before, or ever since, has been able to do to me what he did, with one simple sentance. He told me that I had built a world of demands and that he would not stand for it anymore. This stopped me cold in my tracks because it was so bold and so very true. A lot of things have changed since then, however some things have remained the same, Im still living in a world of demands, my demands, because deep down I am a control freak.

With His next sentence he captured me. He told me that from that moment forward i would belong to him and there would be no more demands except for his. He told me many things that day; but mostly we talked about me. A lot of what he told me was hard to hear, as the bold, naked truth oftin is. I don't know how he was able to do what he did, it was like he knew me better than I knew myself. Before long he had opened me up, and picked me apart till I lay bare before him, mind, body and spirit...

I truly miss those times long past; but the past is the past and its gone forever. The point of my stroy is that perhaps I came here for the wrong reasons, to feel again what I felt so long ago. I realize now that I can not live in the past and that I can not recreate somethin that can not be duplicated.

So, here I sit, once again, with only my thoughts to keep me company. Mayby I have so many questions and demands because deep inside im scared and I don't really know what I want, what I need. Maybe I have been hurt too many times and I have forgotten how to trust. Maybe I don't know what's expected of me. Maybe I don't know how to be submissive. Maybe I don't know what I need. All I know is that I hunger, I need and I want, but for what, I can not say exactly. Im sorry...
I find it very odd that you have an empty inbox. However, I will say, when I saw your name and signature, I thought you were a guy. It was only when I got to huntress that I realized you were female.

That might be a factor.

You might want to modify your first post title to include a reference to being female. :)

Good luck!
I find it just as hard to believe, Succubus, after doing a little profile stalking, that your inbox if completely empty......you are a fine woman who seems to enjoy her sexuality.......
I find it just as hard to believe, Succubus, after doing a little profile stalking, that your inbox if completely empty......you are a fine woman who seems to enjoy her sexuality.......

Believe it or not, at the time I posted this my inbox was infact empty. Asside from the last two days, within the last couple weeks, i have only received a handfull of mesages, most of which consisted of perhaps a sentance or two (flattering but not impressive)..

I do have many good qualities, but im far from perfect. There seems to be something about me that rubs some people the wrong way. More oftin than not, im rejected, in essence, within the first few messages. Then there simply is no return message. Maybe they got busy and forgot about me (i admit im guilty of this also), maybe they did not like something I said, maybe they knew that they were not for me, I dont know.

I need someone who is consistant in their pursuit of me and who is not going to tuck tail, or give up when they realize that im not easy or whatever. If I say somehing that you dont like and/or agree with, man up and tell me, I can take it!

I will say that over the last two days, I have recieved a couple responces worth looking into. Im trying not to get my hopes up too high though. These things take time and only time will tell if anything will come of all this...

I messaged you and am very intrigued. I enjoy he connection of chatting with someone and waiting to get home to see that e mail or message. It can brighten your day and make your day more manageable. I would love to build that with you. Let me known
You have written so much of what is in my heart as well.

I admire your skill with language as well as your knowledge of self, and bravery of post.

Oh how I would love exactly what you have described. I suppose it wouldn't speak too highly of my creativity or facility with words to say "ditto". ;)