I am nineteen years old, female and straight. I’m looking for someone to have a good chat with (sex or just casual). I may seem shy at first, but if you give me the time and patience, then I finally let my strings go loose, I’ve always been like it, and I do not know why!
I’m basically looking for someone to talk to, who can make me laugh (hopefully vice versa) and is willing to give me the patience to come through. Willing to chat, but no cam.
Looking forward to a PM.
I am nineteen years old, female and straight. I’m looking for someone to have a good chat with (sex or just casual). I may seem shy at first, but if you give me the time and patience, then I finally let my strings go loose, I’ve always been like it, and I do not know why!
I’m basically looking for someone to talk to, who can make me laugh (hopefully vice versa) and is willing to give me the patience to come through. Willing to chat, but no cam.
Looking forward to a PM.
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