Looking for someone to talk to

I’m looking for someone to chat with. I’m a 45 year old woman looking to chat. I’d love to find someone who wants to text and possibly sext if we decide to go that way.

Might want to turn your PM on
42/m and I like getting to know others before sexting, makes it hotter in my opinion.
I’m looking for someone to chat with. I’m a 45 year old woman looking to chat. I’d love to find someone who wants to text and possibly sext if we decide to go that way.
I’m 69 and would love to chat with you. PM me.
I’m looking for someone to chat with. I’m a 45 year old woman looking to chat. I’d love to find someone who wants to text and possibly sext if we decide to go that way.
Your inbox is probably gonna explode but I’d love to chat with you! Im in Alaska so I hope we’re not too far off on time zones. 😊 Sent a PM.
Hi, hope you are well.
What interest do you have? where abouts in the Blue Globe are you from?
I'm from Australia, looking to chat and see if we have some common interest that we can chat about.. send me a pm if you like to chat sometime.
I’m looking for someone to chat with. I’m a 45 year old woman looking to chat. I’d love to find someone who wants to text and possibly sext if we decide to go that way.
Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kenneth.
Good Morning RuralGirl

Love to chat been looking for an oppertunity like this im 52 in ontario canada.

pm me if you like. I would pm you but im sure your getting a ton as is.
Hey there…if you are still looking I’m 38 mwm looking for a text/sext partner. If interested please DM me.
I’m looking for someone to chat with. I’m a 45 year old woman looking to chat. I’d love to find someone who wants to text and possibly sext if we decide to go that way.
Would also love to have someone to text back and forth and get to know each other. I am 67 year old man retired have lots of time to chat.
I’m looking for someone to chat with. I’m a 45 year old woman looking to chat. I’d love to find someone who wants to text and possibly sext if we decide to go that way.
If you aren't swamped, I would enjoy a chat or thirty!!!
I’m looking for someone to chat with. I’m a 45 year old woman looking to chat. I’d love to find someone who wants to text and possibly sext if we decide to go that way.
I'm always up for chat, and evensexting, 55 year old male.Pm me