Looking for more than sex


Jul 3, 2013
Are you a smart, funny, sarcastic, honest, articulate, fun loving woman that's comfortable in her own skin? Do you enjoy honesty, witty banter, innuendo, and conversations that don't always begin with, "What are you wearing?" or are typed LieK There iz sumTinG wriNG wit da OtTer perzonz keyBorEd? Do you want to take the time to get to know someone who is real and not into wasting your time? Who is generally interested in getting to know you, your likes and dislikes in and out of the bedroom, and would be happy to hear from you? Who, while he enjoys sex and all its aspects, is after more than just a quick five knuckle shuffle? If this sounds like you, or anything I've said interests you, I'd love to hear from you.
five knuckle shuffle? :confused:

have I been missing out?!
So... when you say, "I'd love to hear from you.", do you mean here, on the thread? Or are we supposed to PM you? :D ;)
How could one NOT respond to this, huh?
I hope it's not a trap. I am looking for pretty much the same thing so good luck to you. And if it is a trap...try me instead!
Thanks for all the replies! I was quite surprised to wake up to such a response this morning. :)

@Lilahdoll91 - Sounds good! Shoot me a PM if you'd like to talk more. :)

@Jen2013 - Sometimes it's a ten knuckle shuffle. But that only happens when one hand is tired, or I'm trying to spice things up. Now that I've found this page of euphemisms, I may need to update my terminology.

@sereneone4u - Thank you for the bump. It is very much appreciated. :)

@BiTodd - Thank you as well!

@pfflyerhot - Here is fine, and PMs are encouraged. Very encouraged. Please don't make me beg! (unless you like that in a man :D)

@deceptivelyinnocent - No traps here. I can see where you're coming from, as I've been down that road myself more than I'd like to remember. I'm not looking to trick anyone with fake photos, fake info about myself, or anything like that. I'm not after a quick, "Wham, bam, gotta go!" thing here. I'm just your average lonely guy looking to meet new people and hopefully develop friendships with them. In time, I'm hopeful that I can show people that my intentions are real. :)

@Ifyoukissenough - Thank you, and good luck to you as well.

@thewhitestripe - Thank you!
A bump for the best personal I have read for weeks - good man, I wish you the best of luck, you deserve it :rose:
Typical online answer in these situations: "Nothing," "A smile," "You if you were here."

My actual answer: Probably more than I should be, given how hot it is outside. :)
So depending on my mood I look at the top line or the bottom line, very good.

Next question: Do you like to go pearl diving? :)
Well if you sail the little boat carefully, I'm sure you might even get the opportunity to tickle some clams while your at it.

be back later, I have to go soak my cuticles. :)
Are you a smart, funny, sarcastic, honest, articulate, fun loving woman that's comfortable in her own skin? Do you enjoy honesty, witty banter, innuendo, and conversations that don't always begin with, "What are you wearing?" or are typed LieK There iz sumTinG wriNG wit da OtTer perzonz keyBorEd? Do you want to take the time to get to know someone who is real and not into wasting your time? Who is generally interested in getting to know you, your likes and dislikes in and out of the bedroom, and would be happy to hear from you? Who, while he enjoys sex and all its aspects, is after more than just a quick five knuckle shuffle? If this sounds like you, or anything I've said interests you, I'd love to hear from you.

Most girls want this :) you'll be very popular around here
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I like this. A lot. For a first post, I think you'll have loads of interested women! As a relatively new member myself, I still get a fair amount of pms from people with few or no posts to their name and who don't introduce themselves to me properly. The worst thing is, they show no indication of having read my previous posts and it just feels like they are sending out round robins until they get a hit!

Oops, there I go ranting again! Welcome to the forums and hope you stick around.

your rants are acceptable on the forum
Very nice personal; I'll gladly give you a bump! I think you'll find that there are many women here who are looking for someone like you...