Looking for male companion in the Seattle area


Jan 25, 2003
The things I do at 7am... If anyone is out there who would like the company of a "darkly inclined" girl, who does nothing all day but play around with her snakes(and i mean that in a non sexual manner), drop me a message. I'm always online. I'm more then happy to talk with someone...
Serpentine said:
The things I do at 7am... If anyone is out there who would like the company of a "darkly inclined" girl, who does nothing all day but play around with her snakes(and i mean that in a non sexual manner), drop me a message. I'm always online. I'm more then happy to talk with someone...
For someone on line your not taking mucg there???????????????
Cool Snake

This is my first time on a board. I lived in Seattle for about a year--transferred for work. Unfortunately, I'm stuck back here in the midwest again. I'm very jealous. Anyway, I'm always up for some conversation...

Hope to talk to you soon.

Haven't seen a Long One like that since i was a kid. Nice Snake:) , Is that a diamond Back Boa Or what. I used to Crawl in a Cage when i was a Little Boy and Play with a bunch of them, that my DAD kept. one time i got one and it Just had to bite me and i said DADDY this ones Bites, He said well then get another one to play with. i said Ok , but said to myself( i don't Think so) LOL.
You know what, your anAttractive Lady To boot. Lucky Snake to be SOOoo CLose to You.:devil:
This is my First reply So hope you are doing Well and to hear from you