Looking for Lust in Portland, Oregon

maybe so

Oct 20, 2002
would like to write hot together and someday meet...(?)

YOU: are 35+ and available for a relationship that may or may not go beyond lit-- but hits the nail on the head in the --erotica part. You may or may not be involved in your real life. You are probably a guy, but I'd be open to having my bangs blown back by a woman as well. You like movies and stories, and you know how to "listen" to the post before you and build on it.

I: am 40ish female, in my prime, with no one to share it. I like books, movies, snowy scenes on Christmas cards and warm fires indoors. I thrive on sensual music, plays on words, and subtle wit.

PM me or post your response below and let's get to know one another.

Good luck in your search. I don't meet your criteria, but I like the "have my bangs blown back" part so much I had to write.

Dear Mike...

I hope I don't have "criteria" so much as offering a place to start... thanks for your reply though... what part of you doesn't fit my "criteria"...?

edit for silly typos... hate that, don't you?
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mid 30's guy from west side of portland. I liked your post, though I'm not sure about the cosy fires at this time of year. Once it's gets hot out, how do you feel about a slowly spinning ceiling fan?

Damn...and I just moved from Portland to Las Vegas.....maybe I should take a trip back.....

HandsomeHunk - Master Dom
Hi just saw your posting and I to am in the Portland area and fit the 35+ age and also in search of lust and possibly more.