Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

prometheus 2

Literotica Guru
Nov 1, 2002
IC: Charlie was middle aged and he was going through a middle aged crisis. As he looked in the mirror he agonized over each new wrinkle, each graying hair that appeared at his temples each crowsfoot around his mouth. His eyes were still bright though they needed some assitance when he read and his step was not as quick as he had wanted it to be.

Actually Charlie was in fairly good shape. At 5’10 he weighed 160 lbs and he worked out every day so he had not developed the middle aged paunch that many of his friends had. As for his sex life it seemed he needed more and was getting less as his wife of twenty years seemed to have drifted off into a world of her own. Of course Charlie had drifted also, finding some solace in nature as he went on fishing trips and joined the health club. subscribed to a cable channel and surfed for porn on the internet.

He felt something was lacking however and the fear of loosing his sex drive had caused him to become more in tune with the opposite sex, wanting to experiment in the many ways he thought might solve his dilema. What his dilema was exactly, Charlie wasn’t sure of, however, as he felt turned on by the sight of another womans body and a desire to fulfill the fantisies that came with the visions he created in his mind, he was sure of one thing..Maybe he just needed a one night fling to prove to himself that he was still the man he used to be. Maybe he was just horney as hell on account of he wasn’t getting his needs met at home. At any rate he decided that he couldn’t go on like this, he needed to get laid and as soon as possible.

OOC: If you’re interested in helping Cahrlie out here’s your chance to satisfy his needs and to possibly satisfy a few of your own. Charlie is hetrosexual so he will be looking for women only, though a foursome wouldn’t be out of the relm of posibilities. there are as many scenarieos as there are ideas maybe your character is young and full of vigor and vitality, pulling Charlie back into his youth. maybe your character is looking for a father figure content ot have him make her feel secure and protected maybe your character is an experienced woman wanting to teach Charlie some new tricks or maybe your character is a virgin wanting her first experience to be with a man who knows all the ways to intoduce a girl to a life of passion and fullfillment. maybe you want to introduce Charlie to a life of sin and degredation.

Whatever your desires are there are a few condidtions:

You have ten posts to have your way with Charlie. if you must be away from lit for an extended period of time pm me. in turn I will give you ten post in return hoping that Charlie will be able to satisfy your needs in those ten posts.

pm me if you want to play with Charlie, first come first serve. I will let you know when it is your turn or follow the thread and Charlie will let you know if hes ready for you. the first encounter has been promised to funlovin62

join me later of you like or just read along and share Charlies journey.


Elizabeth Sanders 18 dark brown hair and and big brown eye. all around girl next door:

Liz was happy as she could be, And why not? Last night was her eighteenth birthday, and her parents got her this cool Camaro she was already out front washing it.. It was a warm day so she only through on a pair of old cut offs and one of her fathers old t shirts and tied it in the middle. The water and suds seemed to be on Liz just as much as the car but she was having fun. no one was around it was the middle of the day and he was hot any way. Just like being in one of those wet tee shirt contested she told herself as she looked down seeing her own breast clearly visible as she sort of hurried now. hosing down the car she dropped the hose as it splattered all over the front window next door. Mister Charlie lived there, he was a nice man a friend of his father. she would have been worried but she saw his wife leave for work early this morning and Mr. Charlie was never home during the day or so she thought.

The music was loud the sun was hot and the car was looking good as she dried it off running up and down the hood reaching and stretching up to roll back down drying the car her shorts riding up to her cheeks of his ass on even reach. good thing Mr. Charles not home or he would be getting a show she thought to herself. her bottom turned to his house as she wiped the car dry.

Charlie came down the stairs rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He had slept in late this morning as it was a rare treat for him to get the day off. Not finding any clean underwear he had pulled a pair of white sweatpants on. Barefoot and shirtless he looked in the hall mirror noticing his halfmast morning erection pushing out in front of him.

"Where the hell was that music coming from" he muttered under his breath and went to the dinning room window. His grumpy mood changed whe he saw his neighbors daughter washing her car in the driveway next door.

He had noticed her before but tried not to pay too much attention to her knowing she was under eighteen and jailbait. He knew better than to even get any idea about getting into her pants. This morning he was begining to think diferent however being horney as hell.... Well he could look anyway right no harm in that.

She was dressed in a pair of tight cutoff jeans and seing no panty line Charlie assumed she wasn't wearing any. She had on one of her fathers white tee shirts and had tied the loose bottm in a knot just below her breasts showing off her tan tummy and narrow waist. As she scrubbbed on the car her breasts bounced delightfully and her little round bottom wiggled provacatively.

"Oh my god!" Charlie groaned as his cock came to attention and his breath caught in his throat. If only....if only she were eighteen and he was twentyone again....if only...

Suddenly it hit him! She was eighteen ! Her father had told him that he was going to buy her a new car for her eighteenth birthday.Ohhhh my god" he gulped "She's legal and the way he felt right now he was twenty one his cock straight up his head spinning. "ell he was better that twenty one he was twenty one with the experience of being forty two. He moved closer to the window wanting to see more more of her lushious tits now jutting out against the wet fabric of her tee shirt, her nipples dark and pointing upward. Her ass cheeks sticking out from the bottom of her cutoffs her long tan legs. Damn! he'd like to have those legs wrapped around his body.

Just then a splash of water covered his window cutting off the view he was enjoying so much. Had she seen him and playfully splashed the window. Well, Charlie remembered how much fun it was to play he hadn't forgotten that. Grinning he turned away from the window and headed for the front door Hell, he thought a guys gotta have some fun once in a while .

Remembering his erection he stopped just as he stepped outside. He didn't want to scare her with his cock making a tent in his pants, but he wanted to play with her soo baddly. He spotted the morning paper on the steps, and smiled, a perfect cover he thought He picked it up and unrolling it held it in front of him as he headed for the neighbors driveway.

"Hey girl whats happening" he tried to act nonchalant. "Awesome wheels he added must be your birthday huh. Your dad told me about the surprise.

He walked toward her, an obvious look of delight in his eyes as she stood there somewhat shocked to see him.

"Got the day off, how about that its your birthday and my day off."

He made sure the newspaper was still covering his hardon as he moved even closer, grinning.

"Looks like you got more water on you than on the car, sugar. Maybe that hose is a little much for you to handle." Her shocked look turned to one of ammusment and Charlie thought he saw a glint of mischief in her brown eyes as she glanced down at the spurting hose.

"Sure is hot aint it, he remarked. But you sure look cool I could use a little cooling off myself."

Using his free hand he reached out for the hose.

Her eyes blinked back to him a few time surprised to see him home in the middle of the day. Then hoped he wasn't to upset about the water and the loud music.

"Umm ...err.... I'm Sorry Mr. Charlie. I didn't mean to squirt your window. The hose did slip out of my hands, its all slippery and stuff. ". Her hand run up and down the end almost as if she where stroking it but not m eaning anything by it she did'nt want her fathers freind angery with her.

" Again , I'm sorry. It is hot out here, do you want a drink from it to cool off? "

She saw him reach for the hose. She bent over and picked the spurting hose up off the ground and handed it to him. The tee shirt was rather large on her and now fully transparent because of all the water and soap the neck line gave him a hint of a peek at her breast as she bend down to grab the hose then reached forward and handed it to him.

"Yea I was eighteen yesterday. I love my present its cool. I always wanted one. I asked my dad for a Camaro but had no idea he would give it to me. Good deal ha? I'm going to take her out for a spin in a few minutes after I get her dry and add a coat of wax. What to join me ?"

She had forgot about the wet tee shirt it was so warm and she loved her new car. As soon as he stared to talk about it she for got everything else. But she did move to the stereo and bent over giving him another view as her ass cheeks cupped out of the bottom of the shorts, as she turned the music down.

She smiled warmly back to him as she watching him standing there with the hose in one hand the paper in the other.

"If your not busy. I mean I see you look all ready to read your paper and all."

It's not my throat thats hot Charlie thought as he watched her bend down and pick up the hose. The heat he was feeling was between his legs as he felt his cock throb even more when her tee shirt fell away from her body exposing her dark perky nipples. He wantedd to reach out right there and then and fondle them but instead he took the hose from her and took a drink like she suggested. Surprisingly it did cool him off some and he took another big swallow.

"Want to join me? If your not busy, I mean."

Charlie couldn't believe his ears He'd love to join her. It had been a long time since he'd driven or even ridden in a car as cool as this one. His wife had insisted in buying cars that were economical to drive. foreign junk that didn't have any guts. Now this was a real american made car four on the floor bucket seats leather interior and best of all a rag top He could already feel the wind in his hair as he thought of the places they could go.

He had a hard time controling his exuberance as she bent over to adjust the stereo. He reached out and pulled her hand away as she turned the volume down."No!' I like it loud, I like to feel the music" he said suddenly wanting to feel the sound of the music join the pounding of his heart. She had bent over and her tight cutoffs had ridden up uncovering even more of her delightfull ass. Charlie muffled a groan wanting to touch her there too Then he felt cold water running down his waist and into his pants.
"Oh shit!" he exclaimed as he felt the coldness against his hot cock,. and saw the newspaper disolve in front of him without thinking he dropped it and the hose too. The hose seemed to develop a life of its own as it snaked across the lawn spraying up and down. it caught both of them off guard and gave them both a good dousing. Laughing they both dove for it to get it under control.

After this excitement Charlies erection had subsided enough so that he was no longer concerned about it. but his pants were soaking wet.

She squealed as the cold water hit her body her nipples hardening against the wet materials of the shirt making it even more noticeable now then before. Then she dove fist for the hose slipping in the wet grass around the drive way. Feeling him falling on top of her taking hold of that hose as well. She couldn't stop laughing as she turned it on him squirting him now playfully.

"Don't let it get the seats wet i don't want the interior ruined.. "

She did laughed as he bent the hose it half showing her he stopped it.

"Ouch that looked like it hurts it"

She didn't; mean to say that out loud but out slipped out. She sat up and brushed herself off looking down to the soaked tee shirt . Quickly she folder her arms over her breast trying to hide the sheerness forgetting just how much did show as she sat there...

"Um I think we both need to go change , I don't want my cares seats all wet remember. I'll be out in five minutes. Ok?"

She called out as she stood and hurried inside to change not even waiting for an answer. Oh God she thought to her self how long had he been looking at that transparent tee shirt. She dried herself off and stuck her hair up in a pony tail grabbing a light sun dress something light and airy she wanted to look good in the car after all it was a hot car and she didn't want it to show her up in it. She laughed at herself as she tied the halter in place behind her neck, throwing on a quick bit of lip stick and a pair of strappy sandals.

she hurry on out the door jingling the keys as she made sure the top was down and locked in place. Looking for Mr. Charlie. She stood at the drivers side door looking fo him as she then lowered down into the seat ajusting her skirt it rode up a bit to much when she sat down. it really should have been given to her younger soster Tamy its to short for her n ow but she throught she heard Mr. Charlie so it was to late to change again.

He was a bit embarrased standing there in his wet sweatpants, his half hard cock and his balls making a hump. He was glad when Liz suggested they change clothes and he dashed inside and changed into a pair of joging shorts and sandals. "Damn"! he said under his breath, no underwear he'd have to wash clothes again tonight. His wife just didn't seem to get around to it.

A colorfull shirt which he left open a couple of buttons down and a pair of cool shades completed his wardrobe and he was out the door.

Liz was sitting in the drivers seat already which was fine with him after all it was her car and she should get to drive. The stereo was playing and Charlie felt like a teenager again as he slid in beside her ignoring his seat belt. He was ready to live dangerously, he thought, sieze the moment live for today. He looked over at his lovely young companion and grinned as he saw her short tight sundress thinking how easy it would be to let his fingers explore what lay hidden above the hem. He grinned as Liz started the enginer put the camero in low gear and squeeled out of the driveway into the street.It wasn't long before they were on the freeway and driving along the river that led out of town. He leaned over and looked at her in the rear view mirror watching her young face beam with happiness as they sped down the road. It seemed natural for him to put his arm around her back and cup her bare shoulder sharing her joy.

Charlie was on top of the world. He leaned over and kissed her ear. "It doesn't get any better than this he whispered."

She giggled as she felt him kiss her ear and heard what he said. a visible chill ran though her body as she drove up the interstate. Looking over to him and then poking the CD into the deck cracking up the volume to an areosmith tune.

"Your Cool Mr. Charlie I like you. Always have. Your not like them old farts that hang around dad and play golf with him from his office your cool...

She grinned as she stepped on it and the car took off changing lanes as she laughed. Feeling him hold on a bit around her shoulder as the car lurched forwards when she shifted it into fith gear. the wind starting to blow the hem of her skirt up slightly up on her thigh.

"Wow ! What a rush. This is so cool. I know you like Aerosmith I remember you jamming to it last summer out back in your yard one night. "

Then she stopped remembering that was the night she heard the tunes and looked over the fence and she was the one that got the surprise. He was skinny dipping late at night in his own pool. She remembered she was a bit surprised to see he had a rather large package and was proud of it as well . Even saw him stroke it a time or two. She wanted to stay and watch but she almost got caught and had to leave. That made her think about today he did seen a bit excited when he fell over top of her this morning or was it that his big package again.

"Man... it's hot out here today."

She fanned her self with her hand. Thinking that pool would feel awful cool right about now.

" What do you say we hit the coast and see what she can do then stop at the beach for a swim ? Its a scorcher out today. I can pick up a suit out there unless its your treating from my birthday,. "

she joked about it as she winked to him and pulled off the next exit marked shore points. Her hand reached to the shifter and grabbed his knee instead by mistake , then looked down and took the shifter in hand and lowered it down in to gear as she headed to the beach.

"Oops sorry about that . You can get me back on the beach , you get to rub sun screan on me I burn easy...
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Charlie was feeling a rush as he listened to Liz chatter and as she expertly shifted through the gears smoothly and easily, each gear change forcing his body back into the seat creating a euphoric feeling in the back of his head. He smiled to himself. Kind like sex, he surmised or at least the way it used to be for him many years ago. If he could only have that feeling again.
The feeling of having another force take control of his body and yet be able to shift the gears when desired moving ahead holding back, riding out a feeling that finally....

He looked over at Liz. Is that the way she liked sex too? Like the way she loved to drive, to handle this machine with a natural expertise, getiing the ultimate in performace and pleasure from it.

His reverie was broken by the firm touch of her hand on his knee and her coment about a birtthday present.

"Great idea, he said. There a small gift shop ahead. Pull in there and we'll see what we can find."

The gift shop turned out to be an ideal place for them to shop as it caterered to last minute shoppers searching for beach apparell. Charlie was delighted when Liz picked out a thong bikini that left her ass cheeks completely exposed and a top that covered little more than her nipples. He found a thong bikini for him self feeling young and daring It firmly cupped his famlily jewels. but little more than that.

While she was changing He went into the grocery dept and picked up some snacks bought a basket and some sunscreen and a bottle of wine and some glasses. A couple of beach towels and a blanket completed his shopping and he met Liz at counter. He pulled out his master card and gave it to the cashier.

"Happy birthday sugar" he said as they walked out together. At the car he couldn't resist taking her in his arms and giving her a kiss. He felt so good just to be making her happy.
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She laughed as she heard him agree to her joke but hey , she was not about to turn down a free gift. Even if it was one she asked for but she did feel guilty for sort of shoving the idea down his throat , at least had to be plight about it.

"Mr. Charlie , I was only kidding, you don't have to by me anything for my birthday. I was only kinding, really."

But she still pulled into the spot at the gift shop that he told her to go to. She shut the engine off and stretched the opened the door and started walking to the store looking around. She pulled out this bright pink thong bikini. She had never had one before and always wanted to wear one but was chicken. However, out here no one really knew her and she was in a good mood. Besides she knew Mr. charlis had himself an eye full already thing morning from that wet tee shirt so what the hell ... She grabbed the one closest to her size she was a 5 and this was a 3.. it covered ... but barely ... she looked in the mirror all important parts where covered ... she smiled looking at herself in the mirror and nodded. This had to be it, the only one in pink and that was her favorite color so she picked up her sun dress and walked to the counter seeing Charlie there . With the counter filled with stuff she grined to him, thinking wow why can't my boy freinds be like him? Then he told her happy birthday as that fantastic plastic came out...

"Here don't for get this "

She turned around and leaned into Charlie so he could get the price tag to hand to the lady behind the counter . It was attached to the back of the thong where she couldn't reach it. She held in a chuckled as she saw his eyes as she bend over a bit and he took off the tag then they all went back to the car.

She giggled at the kiss even returning one of her own sweetly. And her arms slide around his waist as she smiled to him, with a hug. Her breasts pressed up against him as she held him tight. Then swatted his ass seeing the thong he was wearing.

"Look at you Mr. Sexy... "

She turned him around and looked at the back end.

Now I can't call you Mr. Charlie any more... I can't go around calling you Mr. Sexy either ... Well, not in public anyway. How about I call you Charlie for today... You seem to cool to be called Mr. like an old fart... OK?

"I mean if it to out of line I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect at all. I like you. like I said your cool. Your not like the others my dad hangs out with, and not a bad bode either.

She opened the door to the car and stared the engine up throwing the dress into the back seat on the floor along with her sandles. she saw him get in and close the door after he put his stuff behind the seat to.

"Ready ... hang on."

She pulled out as the car when through the gears smoothly. One through five the car listened as she stroked it though its paces. Till the beach came into sight anyway . There where two out here. One to the left a private nude beach that everyone knew about and the other public beach for all to use. As she pulled up to the toll booth to park only one car ahead of them. she looked to him and joked.

"To the left or right Mr. Sexy?"

She watched as she joked out to him in a serious tone or trying to be at t,then she pulled up to the booth and paid for the public beach pulling to the right into a spot laughing.

"Had ya going there a minute didn't I. You can still get there if ya want to take a peek . Theres a bridge that connects the two, but you have to pay once you get over to that side."

She shut off the engine as she got to her hands and knees reaching over the back seat to the top. UN latching the snaps and grabbing the basket. She dropped it into his lap as she then climbed out and hit the button to put the top up on the covertable. locking the doors. waiting for him.


He heard her say " hey don't forget this and he deftly removed the price tag letting his fingers roam gently across her back. He leaned over and his eyes lingered on her breasts from over her shoulders. The bikini tight against her firm breasts pushed them together to form a most delightful valley and Charlie imagined what it would be like to have his face pressed against her in this wonderful place.

"Yes, liz, just call me charlie. Think of me as your boyfrind for the day pretend that we're .... well you know.... he blushed a little. Hey sugar I like you a lot, you make me feel young, something I miss, you're so much fun to be with and hey your sexy and beautiful and ...well I just think we can have a great time together.

He looked at her hoping that she would treat him like a young man that she could have fun with. It certainly seemed that way they were having fun allready wern't they he thought, she was flirting with him and when he flirted back she enjoyed it. He loved it when she giggled and played with him. He wanted more and this was his chance to get it. He notice how supple she was and how natural she was in her movements not at all ashamed of her almost nude body. He wold have like to got to the nude beach but seemed she wanted to show off her bikni for a bit. When she suggested that they could use the bridge later he smiled and began to become aroused at the thought of seeing her naked. Her bikinki bottom just couvered her round little mound and Charlie noticed the absense of hair on her thighs even though her naturally brown hair was thick on her head. No doubt she shaved but he wondered how much, having a secret fantasy to see a completely shaved pussy, something he hadn't experienced.

as they made their way onto the beach, he walked behind her, enjoying the view her body was so firm and smooth and she moved so naturally seductive. Any man would love to be in his place right now and Charlies head began to swell. Something else began to swell too struggling against the confines of his skimpy bikini.

"ast one in is a rotten egg he cried as he caught up to her and pinched her bare butt cheek. Liz squeeled with delight as she sprinted for the water. Charlie was right behind her. They were both laughing uncontrolably as the were unindated by a breaker wave onward they plunged until beyond the breakers they were neck deep in water. Liz began shaking the water out of her hair and Charlie cooing off his family jewels but still excited about being with this lovely creature. He looked in her big rown eyes and feeling mischevious dove under and grabbed her waist Pulling her up and toward him pressing his head between her breasts.
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She laughed as she took of for the water dropping everything in place on the beach. She made it first and looked back to him giggling still. Pulling her hair from the tie and let all that long hair fly free a round her bare shoulder shaking it out. She looked to him to say something just as she saw him plunge under the next wave that about knocked her over. Suddenly she then was grabbed and hoisted up into the air. Charlie had her at the waist as she again squealed and giggled her arms grabbed at his neck pushing his head even deeper into the cleave that was present from the suit. She let her long legs wrap around his waist locking at the ankles holding him in place as she wiggled her hip triumphantly.

She looked down at him all soaking wet holding her. He wasn't bad looking, matter of fact he was in very good shape for a man of his age, and rather sexy. She enjoyed his playfulness with her it made her feel alive, grown up. she was 18 now ... she was liking being with Charlie. Then she yelled back to him.

"Now whose got who..."

She felt the power of the waves rush by then both as he held her and she locked on to him holding tighter when the wave about knocked them over. It did pull the fabric free from her breast as one side of her boob poked back out to Charlie . Who from his vantage point had a very good view. Having no idea it had shifted as she looked back to the beach.
" Charlie, What about that wine I saw ya buy? I'm thirsty, what do you say we call a truss and go back to shore and drink some of that. Maybe then can talk ya into going over to the other beach for a peek."

She teased him yes but she was courious about it as well and hey, this was really fun having him treat her like his girl friend instead of the kid that lived next door.

A"Now whos got who?"

He heard her say before a wave washed over them again. He knew who and he loved it as her strong legs encircled his waist her breasts in his face. One had freed itself from the fabric and its nipple stood out dark and deliciously tempting. Charlie couldnt' resist the temptation to cover it with his mouth and suckle for a moment on its hardness.

"mmmmm he murmured, remembering how hard it was to talk with a boob in ones mouth mmmmm."

Liz was saying something about the wine and taking a peek at the other beach. but with the thunder of the tide and the roar of lust in the back of his head he could only murmur yes after her removed his lips from that delightfull nub, of course.

He followed her up the beach and picked up the basket. the cold water had settled his erection down a bit but the excitement of her nippple in his mouth had left it at half mast and still bulging in the fabric if his bikini.

Paying at the bridge he followed her across and found a spot to put the basket down. He spread the blanket trying not to gawk at the nude bathers afraid he might get excited so he concentrated his attention on Liz as she got the glasses out and rummaged through the goodies. She pulled out a can of whipped cream. she giggled "What ever are we going to use this for she exclaimed. Charlie looked at her breasts still beneath the cloth and said errr.... well theres some strawberries in there too sugar and who knows what other ideas we might have. He opened the wine and poured two glasses. He raise his and she raised hers and they clinked them together.

"To being young in body and in mind he said may we stay that way forever." then he grinned speaking of bodies, arn't we supposed to get naked on this side of the bridge sugar?. they may ask us to leave if we don't."

About jumping out of her skin she felt his mouth close over her breast. She had no idea her top had slipped or that Charlie would do that to her but Mmm ... did it feel good it made her tingle way down deep. She moaned softly feeling the warmth of his mouth cover her erect nipple. she didn't know what to say she only nodded as he took her back to the beach she looked to him as she fixed her top and picked up the things she could carry he asked her to go to the nude beach.. no she said it she kept teasing him about it, Well she stared it she couldn't chicken out now. And besides to get a chance to see him again in the all together sort of aroused her more then she realized. His mouth did feel awful good against her nipple they both where rock hard now from his touch.

They walked over the bridge and she saw him pay, then walked by a few nude bathers just laying there in the sand. He spread the blanket and set out the picnic. She reached in and saw the can of whipped cream getting her own ideas as she then heard him say about the strawberries, she laughed and lifted her glass he gave her smiled hearing his toast then his comment. He was right people where already looking at them, they where the only ones with clothing still on.

"I guess your right but who goes first? Oh boy this is weird Charlie. OK odd or even?"

She held out her hand making a fist as he called out Odd. Shaking one, two three as he did the same with a smirk. She looked back to him her mouth wide open as she lost and she knew she had to be first.

He's just a boy friend to day. She told herself and she stood up reaching to the back of her suite untying the top lacing then the second behind her back as she threw it to him with a giggle then she slithered out of her bottoms. She sat down quickly not even bothering to cover her self as she smirked back to him. Her breast jiggled as she sat so quickly her nipple still rock hard from the excitement. She was glad she had shaved the night before now he can't see her moisture between her thighs on her bush, because there was none now to catch the wetness. She enjoyed the feeling of the freedom it brought and she even was getting turned on that Charlie was watching her. she couldn't help notice the bulge in his suite when they came out of the water last time but he was just sucking on her nipple and doing oh so good at it to. She was seeing Charlie in a whole new light today. Then she blurted out.

"Come on Mr. Sexy... Your turn. lets see what ya got. "

She looked up at him looking down at her as she leaned over and once again in the bag she pulled out a bottle of sun screen.

"Now for sure we will defiantly be needing this I'll do you first... i.. I umm... I mean I will rub the sun screen on your back first Charlie."

A nervous giggle followed as she watched him, yet she felt very sexy sitting there fully nude in front of this man offering to do his back.:devil:
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Charie's eyes just about popped out of his head when she undid her top and then tossed it nonchalantly to him. Even though he had seen one bare breast in the water and even had a chance to suck on the nipple, the sight of both her breasts so perfect, so beautifully perfect right in fron of him in the bright afternoon sun made his head spin. He felt his cock begin to grow struggling agaist the fabric of his thong. he felt a lump come to his throat and arousal began deep inside his whole body. Then as if were the most natural thing in the world she slithered out of her bottoms and sat down casually on the blanket. He gazed for a moment at her mound, his eyes brightening as he realized his fantasy, her pussy was shavesd clean it looked so soft and inviting The slit centered in the softness of that mound gave a hint of moist pinkness and dissapeared beneath her between her thighs. Charlie was in heaven ...or the next best thing hell maybe even better than heaven he thought again.

Her words broke his erotic tthoughts.

"Now Mr. Sexy it's your turn....let's see what you got"

and then something about sunscreen but he didn't hear that too clearly as he was thinking about how she would react to seeing what he had.

He was quite proud if it. actually more than most men he knew. His wife certainly was satisfied with his package until she lost interest in sex alltogether being too busy to spend time playing with him. Now standing here in front of this beautifull young woman he felt proud again knowing that she would like what she saw..

He hooked his thumbs in the elastic waistband and with a big grin on his face and a twinkle in his dark eyes slowly pulled his bikini down. His erection now fully hard pulled back against the cloth the head of his big cock trapped in the elastic edge. as the bikini came down it pulled his cock down with it and stretched the fabric out and away from his body. When his cock was extended straight out straining to be free from its enclosure Charlies stopped tugging and held still for a moment giving Liz a little preview of what she was soon to see.

With a quick jerk Charlie pulled hard and his cock now free bounced back up against his stomach reaching above and beyond his navel. It quivered there and then Charlie bent over and slipped his bikinis the rest of the way off. He boldy sat down crosslegged in front of her.

"Yes sugar, we certainly need lots of sunscreen now don't we. "start with my arms first and then I'll do yours and then .....well there are lots of other vulnerable spots to cover arn't there?

He held out his arms to her.
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She lifted her gaze to him feeling the blush rising from her own cheeks as she felt his gaze almost burning her he seemed to like what he saw, she thought to her self. Then she smiled back to him waiting not hiding her blushing. Yea he liked what he saw all right the huge bulge in his suite told her that well enough. Then he teased her lowering his suite so she could see inside a bit,but when he lowered that thong she wondered how he ever keep it all hidden in there. Her eyes about bulged seeing that cock straining and bouncing against his stomach like that.

"Holly shi... Damn Charlie, that thing is huge... How big is that thing? "

She laughed as she lowered her voice. She then did blush again realizing that was spoken out loud, she was thinking it but she now saw what he had close up. And it looked big back in his yard that night she peeked then. But now wow, even bigger and thicker up close. Her nipples where erect now seeing his rather large package, and she tingled again below as she shook the sunscreen causing her boobs to bounce. She knew she had a pretty good figure and her breast seem to catch all the guys eyes. she was well endowed 38 C was nothing that she could hide on her otherwise small form. and she saw Charlie staring at them a few times to day and he even sucked on one that blew her away back in the water now what would he do? it was her turn to be daring, well as daring as she could muster the courage with the guy next door, but then again he was Charlie just another Boyfriend she kept telling herself.

She took his arm and stared to pour some sun screen along his shoulders and down his arm she made sure her boobs would swing in time with her rubbing his arms even taking his arm and stroking it slowly as she moaned softly then leaning over him her breast pressed against his chest as she working the lotion into the other arm he held out and she moaned again rubbing the lotion in to his arms up by his shoulder as she leaned in to his neck and kissed along the side of it by his ear and moaned again with a whisper nibbling his earlobe playfully with that playful giggle.

"This is going to be fun... Anything else you want rubbed Charlie. But I got a confession to make to you Charlie, but not until I get that cream all over me ok? "

She had to hide the smirk as she sat back down and waited to see his reaction to her actions and at her daring words and innuendoes

MMMMMmmmmmm was all that Charlie could muster up in response to her ministrations. her hands glided across his arms and shoulders and her lips against his his neck and on his earlob made his cock jump in anticpation.

"This is going to be fun"

He heard her say and he grinned widely just thinking about how much fun he was going to have when it was his turn to rub. Something else she said was in the back of his mind about rubbing soemthinge else and he was sure he knew what she meant cause all the time she was putting on the sunscreen she was watching his cock twitch and quiver, her browne eyes wide with amazement.

It was his turn and as she sat down he took the sunscreen from her and seeing his first target, or rather two targets, squeezed a generous amount on the crest of each of her lucious breasts. it wasn't hard to hit the right spot for they were huge. Charlie could hardly believe how big they were more than a mouthfull each that was for sure even more than a handfull even with Charlies big hands. The globs of sunscreen quivered on the tops of her breast as she giggled and Charlie lifted both hands to cover them to make sure none fell off before he could rub it in. With both hands at once Charlie rubbed grinning like a boy with a new toy , well two new toys to be exact. Her breasts as large as they were firm as mellons not a bit of sag or any wrinkles. He concentrated on the edges first cupping the cuved outsides his fingers crircling as best they could. When he pushed them together they made the most delightful v and Charlie leaned forward pushing his face into the valley blowing kisses on her skin. His circles grew smaller and closer together until his tuhmbs and forefinger found the hard little nipples and he squeezed them in delight moaning his pleasure int her cleavage. Pulling away he looked into her eyes seeing her passion rise with every pinch and tweek. Reluctant to leave this delcious place but knowing there were other places he wanted to rub Charlie squeezed another glob of lotion on and encirllig her shoulders rubbed her back all the while pulling her breasts into his chest tickling her with his chest hairs making her giggle again. She pushed him away and he grabbed for her again his slippery hands missing their mark. She was laughing hysterically now and Charlie was full of mirth too as he pushed her on to her back and pulled himself above her, his knees between her spread legs his cock pointing straight toward her pussy.

Suddenly he got a serious look on his face thinking about what she had said about having a confession to make. Right now with his cock just an inch from her pussy, so close in fact he could feel the heat coming from it, he paused hoping her confession was that she wanted to have sex with him as much as he wanted to have sex with her. He looked into her big brown eyes and waited.

She held her breath feeling his hands sliding all over his breast. her nipples if possible even grew harder against his palms as he squeezed her breast in his hand then his fingers tweaked her nipples as she arched her back pushing the even harder into his arms Mmm ... She moaned over and over feeling him her own heat getting wetter and wetter at the moment. she had her eyes closed enjoying his attention till she felt his hand lift from her body she moved just in time playfully as she squirmed thinking she had the upper hand she was all slippery now.She laughed watching him miss then she fell back as he pushed her to the blanket and was over top of her hands grabbed around his waist as she stared up to him seeing the seriousness of the situation and feeling him part her legs with his knees.

He asked her about the confession should she tell him or should she stay quiet about it ? then felt the tip of his shaft brush against her mount not enter only brush against her she gasped out in pleasure feeling him so near and felt the wetness from the head from his own excitment. then she thought now or never. maybe it would turn him on even more. her hands stared to roam up along the back of his bottom fingers tracing the crack of his ass as she ran her hands over his firm backside, kneading and touching him all the while she

"You want to head my confession now Charlie... I wanted to tell you about it since you got in that thong.? "

She saw his head nod yes as he stared down to her still those eyes digging into hers loaded with lust and desire the same emotions she now felt under him.

" All right, last summer ... It was late< I was taking a swim. I heard Aerosmith playing sort of loud over at your place, well ya know that fence beside our house and yours ? well I sort of stood on the chair and looked over to see if there was a party going on. It was kind of... I saw you Charlie . I saw you skinny dipping in your pool, I watched then I saw you stroking it a few times... I liked it... I wanted to come over, but I thought I would get in trouble and I almost got caught watching you. Every since then I sort of had this thing for you. And now this. Make love to me Charlie let me feel what is feels like to be a women. I want to know ... I want you to show me."

She kept her eyes to him as she spoke her tone sort of sultry and very sexy as she watched his eyes as she told him she had been watching him and did want him. Her hand slide down his butt to grab his cock Fingers slowly curled arounf the shaft and start to stroke over it slowly. It was then she felt the drips over the end only added to the slickness she already had from the lotion before as she continued her eyes never leaving his.

He wattched her as she told nim her confession looking deep into her sultry brown eyes. she was beautiful he thought and for now she was his. He was delighted to know that she had wanted him before and now it was perfect as she was his girl today. Tomorrow he didn't know but it mattered little for now she was his. Even before she asked Charlie knew he was going to make love with her but her words.....

"Make love to me Charlie let me feel what is feels like to be a women. I want to know ...
I want you to show me."

.....increased his desire for her even more. That and her little hand stroking firmly on his cock, urging it to further hardness. Yes he would show her. he felt like a teenager yet he had the experience of an older man behind him knowing what it would take to make her feel like a woman.

He looked down to the place where they were almost connected He watched as she drew her knees up and spread her legs.

"Oohhhhh sugar he moaned you are so beautiful down there" Her pink pussy lips wet with silky moistness seemed to open before his eyes as he continued to stare. Pink and soft and moist they waited his cock head pulsing in front of her hot opening. Her hand on his cock moved it down and as it entered her he felt her quiver in expectation.

She was so tight and so hot and so.....Go slow Charlie told himself make this time last make this time the best for you and for your sugar.

His head bent down to hers and he murmured as their lips joined together. His tongue snaked inside her mouth and probed for her tongue pulling it into his mouth just as his cock was entering her pussy. Inch by inch it disappeared inside her tight velvet pussy. They moaned their pleasure into each others mouths and finally when they were completely united they released ech others mouthes to breath raggedly together. He looked in her eyes again and began to stroke, long languid strokes each one building in length and intensity. his resolved to make this the best time ever for her tempered his own need as he continued to stroke.

she felt him move lower over top of her, as she guided his cock to her moist openingOh did, she wanted this. Wanted it for a long time n ow and today she was going to be granted her opportunity at it at him. Ever since that night at the pool she dreamed about what it might be like to be with him yet , she never told a soul and now she felt the head of his cock pressing against her heat.

He suddenly kissed her his lips locked over her smoothing her pain as he entered her for. the first time she didn't cry out she felt the stabbing pain as he broke through her barrier but he was slow , gentle till he was fully insideher, all of him. she moaned out under his lips as the pain stopped and the sensation of total bliss touched her at his first motion. He rocked in against her slowly at first letting her get use to him inside her his size his girth. She moaned out feeling him filling her over and over his cock thrusts into her as she lifted her hips up to him. This may have been her first time, but she sure knew what to do. Her legs lifted up to wrap around his waist pulling at him pulling in him deeper , as she arched her back and moaned out loudly feeling the warmth the fire he was causing in her. She shivered in delight feeling the growing energy he was grinding into with. Letting her lips nibble their way down along his neck to his chest capturing his nipple, nibbling at it and feeling it harded in her own mouth as she moaned against it.

"Charlie.. yes.... Oh yes more ... more ... this feels so good , give me more!"

She really stared to thrust back at him her whole body was on fire and he started it . She felt like she was going to explode as she felt him drilling into her deeper and deeper each time. Her head was thrown back now moaning as she felt him filling her over and over. her hands roamed his chest and back just holding on riding out the pleasures he was showing her right there on the beach right in the sand they made love openly and freely for the first time ever.

"Charlie.. yes.... Oh yes more ... more ... this feels so good , give me more!"

Her words of encouragement caused Charlie's cock to grow even bigger and thicker as he moved against her. she was so tight and he loved it.

They had become lovers so quickly that Charlie could hardly believe it was happening. When he had enterered her he saw a spark of pain in her eyes but only for an instant. He realized she was a virgin but didn't want to spoil the passion they were sharing by making a big deal out of it so he had just moved slow and purposly thinking of them being lovers and that they were sharing what lovers share, each others bodies freely and completely.

Now as he pulled her even closer wanting to give her more, much more, he reveled in this closeness, feeling her wettness surround even his balls as her pussy lips slick and swollen, circled the base of his shaft.

ooooohhhhh gooood! he moaned as he threw back his head and breathed in the fresh air, what a ride what a rush, like a fine tuned engine he put his body into high gear and bore into her like he'd never ever done before, knowing that she was enjoying the ride as much as he. Not wanting to stop... not ever wanting to stop... just enjoy the rrrrideee... god what a ride it was. something in the back of his mind told him to slow down, slow down before he blew his engine the roar in his ears told him his rpms were too high he had to slow down! He knew he had to downshift now! but how? he looked down at Liz below him watching her breast bounce with each stroke and then he grinned.

"Your turn to drive sugar." he said his voice husky with desire. His hands circled her waist and he turned over pulling her on top of him, not missing a stroke as they remaied joined together his cock deep inside her. He pushed her shoulders up and away from him as his hands tried vainly to encompass her breasts, he said softly again.

"Its your turn sugar."

He saw her smile a look of triumph in her brown eyes as he settled back on the blanket ready for her to take over.

She never knew he would be like this with her so gentle so easy he thrusted into her as she felt every inch he would give her and she rolled her hips up to meet him. the sensation was thrilling alive so full of energy and excitement he rolled her over top of him and she was riding him as she moaned and rolled her hips in a circle over top of him. her eyes locked with his her hands roaming over his chest kneading taunt flesh under her fingers. She was lost to him in a world all her own with only the two of them both in side.

she felt herself building to a release a deep sensation over took her feeling his thrusted going deeper into her this way she cried out as she held tight to his shoulders now thrusting and thrashing wildly over top of him. as she reached her first climax with him he eyes rolled back her head as well leaned way back as she arched up her back to him groaning and moaning rather loudly feeling the spurts of energy rushing from her body to his as she exploded against him her hips going wild out of controls to him her body thrashing and he r nipples so hard it hurt her as she felt her energy rush from her entire soul. Her breathing quickened as she parted her lips to moan out his name.

"CHARLIE! ..................Oh Godddddddddd!!!! "

It took her a few moments as she stared to him her eyes slowly opened, her chest heaving out of breath gazing down and amazed at this wondrous feeling he had just made alive in her she stared down to him in awe her body still driving him home trying to bring him to the same frenzies state she was in her smile only brought it out more to her.

"CHARLIE! ..................Oh Godddddddddd!!!! "

He heard her cry as he felt her body begin to spasm on top of him. Yes he thought this is what he wanted for her to make her first time one of total consumation, to lead her to the climax her body so frantically had reached for.

He reached up and pulled her down to him even as she kept thrusting. He continued to thrust back as his mouth found one of her delicious breasts, he could smell the aroma of their lovemaking as their bodies meshed together. Her pussy tightened around his shaft spasming as he attempted to drive further and further into her, reaching for a climax of his own. frantically he sucked at her nipple as his other hand went down to probe the apex of her swollen pussy lips searching for the hardened nub that would trigger her second climax and bring about his own. He released her nipple just long enough to cry. "

Oooooh sugar I'mmmmm cuming fuck meeeee!! he felt his cum begin somewhere deep inside him and flow like molten lava up, up, up and out.

She heard him, she saw him. Watching his face as she helped him to find his of release. Liz squeezed her mussels tighten milking him as she felt him tell her he was cumming. yet she didn't need him to tell her, she could feel it, it was that strong, that emotional the heat he sent to her from his cock exploding against her walls sent her over the edge. Again she clung to him her breathing increased as she moaned out her head leaned back as she again found that same place he was now in, together they meet in total euphoria.

Oh Charlie yessssssssssss...

her body convulsed her hand reached up to grab her tit's squeezing then fondling them as hey bounced and jiggled from he thrusting. She rode him and she rode him hard now. she could feel his balls slapping against her ass as she moved quickly up and down on his long shaft, she felt ever spurt he let lose to her. Moaning out loudly not caring who was around or who was watching. She had her Charlie pleasing her and she was pleasing him. Again she opened her eyes a she collapse to his chest, her breath in ragged gasps laying there. Her lips laying silken kisses to his chest as her cheek pressed there against him listening to the rapid beating of his heart as he tried to catch his breath himself.

"Oh God ... oh God.... Oh Charlie that's was incredible... We got to do that again..."

Trusting eyes looked up at him as she smiled and her hands caressed his chest and sides.

The ride home was uneventfull as each were thinking their own thoughts about what had happened on the beach, smilng at each other occasionally and giving each other little love taps from time to time. Charlie leaned back in the seat as Liz drove feeling again the rush as she shifted through the gears and expertly turned corners and changed lanes. Of how it compared to their lovemaking despite her inexperience she was very good at both.... a natural. Charlie had enjoyed both rides the one at the beach a lot more because he had had the opportunity to be in control part of the time. Liz seemed to read his thoughts as she pulled over and patted his thigh just below his limp cock and said.

"Your turn Charlie and then seeing the puzzled look on his face added giggling, the car, Charlie the car." She jumped out and as Charlie eagerly slid over she lifted he sundress and gave him a view of her cute ass. Bending further she spread her legs and he gasped as her hairless pussy greeted him, bringing back the feeling that he had when he first saw it a few hours ago.

But it was getting late her dad would soon be home soon and Charlies wife too, so he adjusted the seat to accomadate his long legs and when Liz jumped in off they went.

Soon they were pulling into the driveway and they saw both her dad Bills car in the driveway and his wifes honda accord in his. Charlies heart went to his throat but Liz still high from their day at the beach reached over and honked the horn. Bill opened the front house door, half dressed probably getting ready to take a shower and Charlie was sure he would be pissed having been interupted. He beamed widelly instead and laughed when Liz jumped out and ran to him throwing her arms around him and kissing him wildly.

"Oh Daddy thanks so much for the car, I took Mr Charlie for a ride...We had so much fun!"

Her dad looked at me and smiled

"That right Charlie? Did my daughter show you how much fun the kids have today was it a good ride Charlie? Bet you'd like to go again."

Charlie was speechless wondering if Bill had any idea that he'd made love to his daughter all afternoon.

Afraid for a moment to meet his gaze Charle looked beyond him to the back yard. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her. His wife coming out of the Bills back door, her hair all tangled, her blouse half off and barefooted, her shoes in her hand.
Well what's good for gander is good for the goose he thought and he turned to Bill and beaming he said

"Sure did my friend and maybe we'll do it again sometime." He winked at Liz as he said it.
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