Looking for good stories in order to learn style


Jan 10, 2013
Because I’m not a native English speaker, there are several challenges to me, when I’m writing a new story. I have a wonderful, patient editor, who has helped me a lot, so there is a solution to the problems of grammar.

I had some constructive criticism about the vagueness of the description the sexual act in my recent story, and I’d like to improve that in my next posts.

My intention is to make descriptions of sex physical, visual and emotional; what you see and feel alters your state of mind, too. I would like you to suggest me some exemplary stories, where the sex act is described in a holistic way. I lack the necessary vocabulary and style to write it English in the way I want. I don’t believe in clichés or too vulgar language. Vulgarity has definitely a place in erotic writing, but it is like Habanero chili, you need to use it with moderation in order to make a perfect dish. And sometimes it is better avoiding it altogether.

Would you kindly give me some hints of text that you think exceptionally well written? They can be in Lit, but of course all fiction serves my purposes. A good story is the best teacher in style and language. If you have anything in mind, please let me know!
Because I’m not a native English speaker, there are several challenges to me, when I’m writing a new story. I have a wonderful, patient editor, who has helped me a lot, so there is a solution to the problems of grammar.

I had some constructive criticism about the vagueness of the description the sexual act in my recent story, and I’d like to improve that in my next posts.

My intention is to make descriptions of sex physical, visual and emotional; what you see and feel alters your state of mind, too. I would like you to suggest me some exemplary stories, where the sex act is described in a holistic way. I lack the necessary vocabulary and style to write it English in the way I want. I don’t believe in clichés or too vulgar language. Vulgarity has definitely a place in erotic writing, but it is like Habanero chili, you need to use it with moderation in order to make a perfect dish. And sometimes it is better avoiding it altogether.

Would you kindly give me some hints of text that you think exceptionally well written? They can be in Lit, but of course all fiction serves my purposes. A good story is the best teacher in style and language. If you have anything in mind, please let me know!

I suggest you need to define the parameters a little. What CLASS of story do you prefer?

But I would suggest you check out Alex de Kock, OggBashan or Mistress Lynn to start with.
I suggest you need to define the parameters a little. What CLASS of story do you prefer?

But I would suggest you check out Alex de Kock, OggBashan or Mistress Lynn to start with.

I'm interested in the vocabulary and the style how to describe a heterosexual intercourse, genital, oral, anal and other forms; how to describe positions, movements, sensations etc. The sexual act is a microcosm, and I would like to study the way how different authors describe that inner space.
The sexual act is a microcosm, and I would like to study the way how different authors describe that inner space.

I can already see your problem! :D
But you're in the right place. The whole site is stuffed full of explicit writing. This one is particularly hot: The Accidental Nudist Cabin by TX_Tall_Tales.

Personally I um, cough, learned a lot from a fanfiction story about Batman and Wonder Woman which I perused in the interests of research. ;). It's in my favourites. I like Lien_Geller too, he's very funny as well as explicit. If you want it a bit dark, try LaRascasse, I edit for him, although I should warn you he does hideous things to fine wines in his stories.

You can cruise through any category you like the look of and read the Hall of Fame stories and contest winners. Score as you go. Er, I mean, do the ratings ;).

I don't think anyone can find your style for you. Read the most popular stories in your favorite categories, read the othe stories of the authors you like, and pay attention to the style
of the stories you like, as well as the stories you dislike. Emulate the former, shun the latter.
I can already see your problem! :D
But you're in the right place. The whole site is stuffed full of explicit writing. This one is particularly hot: The Accidental Nudist Cabin by TX_Tall_Tales.

Personally I um, cough, learned a lot from a fanfiction story about Batman and Wonder Woman which I perused in the interests of research. ;). It's in my favourites. I like Lien_Geller too, he's very funny as well as explicit. If you want it a bit dark, try LaRascasse, I edit for him, although I should warn you he does hideous things to fine wines in his stories.

You can cruise through any category you like the look of and read the Hall of Fame stories and contest winners. Score as you go. Er, I mean, do the ratings ;).


No. Fraid not. One page in I bailed out. THE ACCIDENTAL NUDIST reminds me of ballet violence. The cast prances all over hell before anything happens, leaping and waving their swords at no one in particular. But then I like the kind of subtlety you get with blitzkrieg or the Gestapo breaking down your front door at 3AM. I dont wanna stop and smell the roses from the git-go.
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To learn good style, you'd need to read bad ones too--for comparison. But, generally, I'd have to say that someone needing to be spoonfed at the first step of the journey, isn't going to be traveling very far.

Suggest you do a lot of reading on your own and discovering for yourself what works better than something else of what you've read.
For general fiction, may I suggest Nabokov? He wrote fluently in English but he liked to play with the language in a way that native English speakers wouldn't think of. And you have a Russian screenname, so maybe you already know of him.
Style redux.

I've said it before, and its true, the best way to master style is from exposure to lotsa music, even sound. That is find the sound you like and fit your your words to the sound.

Try this to get the idea.
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Wouldn't the style be dependent upon the character? If it's a low class working dude, the style might be crude. It it's a touchy-feely hippie, the style might be more metaphysical. A womans' POV might be totally different than a man's POV of the same scene.

I'm really enjoying Raymond Chandler right now. He was a noir writer in the 30' - 50's. I would call his style "microscopic". He'll point out tiny details - the cigarette butts in the ashtray, the worn spot on the carpet - which bring the reader really close to the action. Some here say you're not supposed to describe your characters in any detail, but then these same writers go on to describe the sex act in detail. I think it comes down to style choice, more than "rules".

If you're not yet comfortable with describing a long, drawn out sex act, construct your story so you don't have to. There's more to sex than the act itself. As a reader, I skip over long drawn out sex acts - unless the neighbor next door is peeking through the window and one of the people having sex knows it while the other doesn't. :devil:
I admire a lot the way Nabokov writes, and he has published some of his esthetic ideas in his book about Gogol. Nabokov hated vulgarity, and explicit descriptions of sex acts were considered as vulgar at his time.

What I'm actually looking for, are good descriptions of the sexual act in English. I lack the vocabulary and the sense of appropriate style, because I don't live in an English speaking country and the use of my English is in the business only.
Sometimes the best descriptions of sex are done just through innuendo. Like Dee says, it depends on the characters and the story you're telling. But there are lots of good descriptions of sex on here and also on Smashwords, some are free there and some are to pay for.

I have a review site where I check out stories although they do all have to be safe sex. There are some hot numbers there and you can read the brief description before you go to the story:
Feminist Erotica

If you find any good stories which are safe sex while you're exploring, will you let me know?
Wouldn't the style be dependent upon the character? If it's a low class working dude, the style might be crude. It it's a touchy-feely hippie, the style might be more metaphysical. A womans' POV might be totally different than a man's POV of the same scene.

I'm really enjoying Raymond Chandler right now. He was a noir writer in the 30' - 50's. I would call his style "microscopic". He'll point out tiny details - the cigarette butts in the ashtray, the worn spot on the carpet - which bring the reader really close to the action. Some here say you're not supposed to describe your characters in any detail, but then these same writers go on to describe the sex act in detail. I think it comes down to style choice, more than "rules".

If you're not yet comfortable with describing a long, drawn out sex act, construct your story so you don't have to. There's more to sex than the act itself. As a reader, I skip over long drawn out sex acts - unless the neighbor next door is peeking through the window and one of the people having sex knows it while the other doesn't. :devil:

Chandler wrote a helpful essay about writing, titled THE SIMPLE ART OF MURDER. In it he speaks of all kinds of stories, and what is and isnt important to the writing. But what says it all is his observation that the best writers compose scenes that never existed before.
Read mine, then do the opposite!:D

Lovecraft's stories would be very helpful to you! They are way too hot and explicit for me to review on my weebly Feminist Erotica blog. :D

BTW Look for the red H by stories, which shows readers have marked them out as :devil:ishly Hot. (Lovecraft has loads.)

(Ooops, did I get something on my nose just then, LC? ;) )
Lovecraft's stories would be very helpful to you! They are way too hot and explicit for me to review on my weebly Feminist Erotica blog. :D

BTW Look for the red H by stories, which shows readers have marked them out as :devil:ishly Hot. (Lovecraft has loads.)

(Ooops, did I get something on my nose just then, LC? ;) )

Ha-ha, nah I'd have to be able to give you something to be worth brown nosing.

But I want to make a point about the sacred red "H's"

They're very subjective. I've read a lot of the top rated stories on the site and sometimes been "meh"

On the other hand I've read stories I thought were very good and seen their sscores are well below 4.5

The problem here is its all subject to taste and the story I find hot you might think stinks and the other way around.

Also once you build a decent fan base getting an H is not hard because the fans become a little biased.

I'm prouder of my non incest H's because I don;t have a following in really any other category.
If you're not yet comfortable with describing a long, drawn out sex act, construct your story so you don't have to. There's more to sex than the act itself. As a reader, I skip over long drawn out sex acts - unless the neighbor next door is peeking through the window and one of the people having sex knows it while the other doesn't. :devil:
Yes, the stories I enjoy mostly are sexy throughout, not just in the act itself. :)
Ha-ha, nah I'd have to be able to give you something to be worth brown nosing.

But I want to make a point about the sacred red "H's"

They're very subjective. I've read a lot of the top rated stories on the site and sometimes been "meh"

On the other hand I've read stories I thought were very good and seen their sscores are well below 4.5

The problem here is its all subject to taste and the story I find hot you might think stinks and the other way around.

Also once you build a decent fan base getting an H is not hard because the fans become a little biased.

I'm prouder of my non incest H's because I don;t have a following in really any other category.

Last nite I sampled some Steven Reich music, and his stuff is sublime but will never be popular as its avant garde and different in every way that matters. His thing is percussion and rhythm.
I'm sure you know this, probably the most legally and historically significant sex scene in erotica. It isn't particularly explicit and nowadays would probably have lots of its quirks edited out of it! but it's so-o-o sexy and beautiful.

Lady Chatterley's Lover (naughty extract helpfully provided by The Independent!)

Lawrence uses "softly" too much, and "circling in his knees?". Really? His knees? The Loving Wives trolls would eat him for breakfast.
Lawrence uses "softly" too much, and "circling in his knees?". Really? His knees? The Loving Wives trolls would eat him for breakfast.

I feel it in my knees sometimes. If it's really good. (Tee hee!)
He uses 'And' to start sentences. And I like it.
Yup, Matvei, Lawrence's English is terrible, but his erotic writing is top dollar.