Looking for female geek


Wish she would
Jul 19, 2022
I was inspired to put a post out on here like many others. Just looking for someone to chat with.
We can bounce story ideas, or talk about random stuff.

But just lonely.
I think it will be interesting. I'm geeked that they introduced the multiverse in the latest Doctor Strange Movie. Seeing the live-action version of the animated "What if" series was cool. So I think it will be an interesting line-up of characters for the next Avengers movies.
It was interesting that they did that, it makes sense because of their line of work, I thought it was an interesting twist. I don't read the She Hulk comics, but in the comic-verse she hooks up with power house characters like Juggernaut.

I did like that did a modern spin on the yellow suit of Dare Devil. But I'm with you, I liked the netflix series.
I once heard it called Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Midness and I agree completely ... hot take šŸ˜¤
I think it will be interesting. I'm geeked that they introduced the multiverse in the latest Doctor Strange Movie. Seeing the live-action version of the animated "What if" series was cool. So I think it will be an interesting line-up of characters for the next Avengers movies.
What If was a fantastic series. That and Wanda Vision were just brilliant!