Looking for editor


Really Experienced
Jul 28, 2013
Sorry to be a pest but I was looking for a kind soul who acts as an editor/proof reader type thingy....

I have had my latest chapter "rejected". Apparently I didn't put something inside quotation marks or outside of quotation marks correctly!. Oh the shame!

Anyone willing to help would be very kind.

Thanks Anna x
You should include the word count and category. They're useful bits of information.

Finding one can be tough, not a lot of good ones to around these days.

But while you're looking you can check some of these out


I'm pretty sure there is one that covers "how to make characters talk" which covers the quotation marks. Lots of other helpful things as well

Thanks for all the kind advice and offers. I will message those kind gents who have offered to help out...

My chapters aren't too long 1-2 thousand words I think, and they sit in the Exhibitionist category at the moment x

Anna x