Looking for a story


Sep 19, 2002
Okay, I'm new to the forums and I hope that this is the right place for this comment. If not, please tell me where to put it! [Thanks.]

I read a story at least a year ago that featured two couples in a rented spa + room having an orgasm competition. I only remember two of the names: Sindra and Mike.

I'm almost certain that it was a literotica story- even more so when I found a submission by JadeFireHeart with the same character names (in the same style). I sent feedback to her and asked her if she'd submitted others under a different name but got no response.

Can anyone remember reading this story and point me to it? I'm trying to remember the title or author- or some clues as to them- but dismally failing. Thank you in advance.
Finding a story

Amara, try pulling up the Search Stories text (grouping a few lines beneath the group listings). I entered the author name (JadeFireHeart) and nothing else and, voila, she has one story listed to her credit. 'Locker Room Fun' was posted 12/25/01 and includes the characters Mike and Sindra so just may be the story you are looking for.
Another method, if you know the member name is to use Member Search. With it you should be able to pull up the member profile that includes a listing of stories by that author. Or, there is an Author Search avenue. Most any of those will work although some are a bit more cumbersome to use.
Good Luck,
Re: Finding a story

>I entered the author name (JadeFireHeart) and nothing else and, voila, she has one story listed to her credit. 'Locker Room Fun' was posted 12/25/01 and includes the characters Mike and Sindra so just may be the story you are looking for.

This is the story that I found with the same characters- the username I sent the feedback e-mail to that received no response. As I said, I can't remember the name or the author of the story, otherwise I'd use the indexes. That's why I did a shoutout to see if someone had read it recently and could remember author/title.
Amara said:
Okay, I'm new to the forums and I hope that this is the right place for this comment. If not, please tell me where to put it! [Thanks.]

I read a story at least a year ago that featured two couples in a rented spa + room having an orgasm competition. I only remember two of the names: Sindra and Mike.

I'm almost certain that it was a literotica story- even more so when I found a submission by JadeFireHeart with the same character names (in the same style). I sent feedback to her and asked her if she'd submitted others under a different name but got no response.

Can anyone remember reading this story and point me to it? I'm trying to remember the title or author- or some clues as to them- but dismally failing. Thank you in advance.


C Love has written 3 or 4 stories similiar to "Locker Room Fun". The stories are about college students engaging in "group" sex.

Re: Re: Re: Looking for a story

Unregistered said:


There are 3 "Sindra and Mike" stories at http://www.asstr.org/main.html.
I found them by typing "Sindra" in the search box. They were written several years ago by an unknown author.

I forgot to log in before I posted the above message.