Looking for a story where a son steals his mother from his father and humiliates him


Texas curmudgeon
Jul 27, 2014
I remember a story where the father is a misogynistic pig who buys his wife skimpy lingerie, for their anniversary if I recall, and she's upset at him for some reason. The son is home from college and somehow the father and son make a bet that involves his mother wearing the lingerie for her son, and he learns of his father being abusive to his wife. The son flips his shit and beats up his dad and kicks him out of the master bedroom. As you can expect her son's strong handling of the situation makes her all wet, and sexual hijinks ensue. It becomes so complete he ruts her like a dog and creampies her while her husband is forced to watch.

I've probably got some plot points wrong but that's what I remember. Anyone have any idea what story I'm talking about?