Looking for a story in LW category


Jan 20, 2020
Hello dear friends!

I'm looking for a story that I've read in the past but cant find it now (don't remember the author or title).
The story took place on Christmas Holidays, during which husband little by little gave his wife clues that he knows that she is cheating for a long time and that their kids are not his. His final clue for her was a neckless/bracelet/charm with set of different color stones (where different colors represent him her and children so that stones of children doesn't match his). Taking the jewelry and the stones, she finally realizes that he knows.
In culmination, her lover even came to their home so the kids could meet their real father but kids not really friendly with him, the lover goes mad and being rude to the kids thus the wife kicked him out (but I'm not sure that this part belongs to this story).

Thanks in advance!