Looking for a story about a shop. Help please!


Jan 5, 2023
I searched this many times but still can't find. It's about a college girl going to a sex shop without much money and shop assistant introduces her a free sample kit. So she gets it and there is a chastity belt in it and after wearing it she can't find the key so she finds out she needs to buy 2nd kit for the key. As she doesn't have money for it she ask shop assistant about that. So shop assistant asks her to be a model for the sex shop to earn that money. And she does the modelling. That's how it flows.
I remember that. Can't remember what it was called, sorry.
I used to see it a lot. I have half a memory of there being maybe a Monica involved.
I remember this story but have not been able to find it.
If you find it, please let me know )
I have searched a lot, if you remember any phrase name or anything please let me know.
Everything I remembered(which isn't much) I've already used in the search and it didn't help )
But I think the first time I came across this story was when I was looking for something on the subject of lingerie fitting
Everything I remembered(which isn't much) I've already used in the search and it didn't help )
But I think the first time I came across this story was when I was looking for something on the subject of lingerie fitting
How do I find it if it was deleted :/