Looking for a story about a holiday romance.


Jun 17, 2021
I need help finding a story I read around 2-3 years ago and basically it's about friends who go to a mountain resort to spend a holiday. While there one of the girls meet one of the resort staff and they immediately don't have a good impression of each other. The guy is strong and muscled and he is either a paramedic or a firefighter or something along the lines helping his friend out at the resort.
One day the girls go out to hike and it starts raining and the girl who this story is about gets separated from her friend, falls off the trail and twists or breaks her ankle. The guy goes out to rescue her and they spend the night keeping each other warm and that's where the erotica really starts. The story eventually ends with them falling in love and having a child together.
This was a either a long story or a series but I don't remember quite well if it was one or the other.

Possible genres - Erotic Couplings, Romance, Novels & Novellas or Mature

Thank you in advance!