Looking for a specific type of Incest story


Masoch's 2nd Cumming
Jan 31, 2022
Is there any brother-sister incest where the characters are older and the sex isn't exactly like a wholesome adventure? Not necessarily dubious consent but maybe. It's hard to articulate exactly what I want to see, but I would prefer if it's the sister taking the lead but it's in the brother's perspective. I think I'm looking for the vibe that she's kind of overtaking him. He wants her but he doesn't want to want her because it's wrong. She wants him for other reasons having to do with their relationship being strained as siblings. So it's not just something they're sharing as two loving human beings, more complicated than that.

There's a lot of stories on this site. Does anything like that exist?
Perhaps not exactly what you're looking for (they're university age, for a start), but My Little Sister Sal might work for you. The WIWAW explains the events from Sal's perspective.
Is there any brother-sister incest where the characters are older and the sex isn't exactly like a wholesome adventure? Not necessarily dubious consent but maybe. It's hard to articulate exactly what I want to see, but I would prefer if it's the sister taking the lead but it's in the brother's perspective. I think I'm looking for the vibe that she's kind of overtaking him. He wants her but he doesn't want to want her because it's wrong. She wants him for other reasons having to do with their relationship being strained as siblings. So it's not just something they're sharing as two loving human beings, more complicated than that.

There's a lot of stories on this site. Does anything like that exist?
Aunt Nancy sort of fits that in some ways. Not the whole story, but a couple of sections.
Is there any brother-sister incest where the characters are older and the sex isn't exactly like a wholesome adventure? Not necessarily dubious consent but maybe. It's hard to articulate exactly what I want to see, but I would prefer if it's the sister taking the lead but it's in the brother's perspective. I think I'm looking for the vibe that she's kind of overtaking him. He wants her but he doesn't want to want her because it's wrong. She wants him for other reasons having to do with their relationship being strained as siblings. So it's not just something they're sharing as two loving human beings, more complicated than that.

There's a lot of stories on this site. Does anything like that exist?
This isn't something I would recommend to just anyone, but you mentioned not wholesome, and the word taken. I also know you're fine with rough content.

Siblings with Benefits chapter one. Brother and Sister are in their thirties, its from sister's POV, as for who's taking who? It's a combination of her egging him on to take her, and the encounter is as close to a fight as it is sex.

Drawbacks...first person which I now don't care for. Being literally the first thing I wrote, the grammar is in need of an intervention, and...bows head in shame, its the only story I ever used specific size when describing the brother, and its a bit much.

It's also a melancholy trip down the sister's not so stellar past, but when the sex strikes, it hits hard and its only two pages.

I always describe it as a read at your own risk.

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This isn't something I would recommend to just anyone, but you mentioned not wholesome, and the word taken. I also know you're fine with rough content.

Siblings with Benefits chapter one. Brother and Sister are in their thirties, its from sister's POV, as for who's taking who? It's a combination of her egging him on to take her, and the encounter is as close to a fight as it is sex.

Drawbacks...first person which I now don't care for. Being literally the first thing I wrote, the grammar is in need of an intervention, and...bows head in shame, its the only story I ever used specific size when describing the brother, and its a bit much.

It's also a melancholy trip down the sister's not so stellar past, but when the sex strikes, it hits hard and its only two pages.

I always describe it as a read at your own risk.

"I was back home in Rhode Island where I had spent 33 of my 39 years." ---Accidental personal details?

If I end up spending the entire weekend reading this, I might just have to kill you.:)
"I was back home in Rhode Island where I had spent 33 of my 39 years." ---Accidental personal details?

If I end up spending the entire weekend reading this, I might just have to kill you.:)
I did put it in my home state. Made it easier to come up with landmarks, specific places etc...

There is some of my real life mixed into this as far as the brother's past goes. I always said he was a much prettier and more successful version of me.

You would never read this entire thing, the grammar/technical would drive you to madness.

I keep saying that some day I'll undertake the massive project of rewriting the entire thing for the grammar, tense, and its too sex heavy because I felt I had to put sex in every chapter. I wouldn't do it for here, but for myself because despite the issues, the story is still my best work in many ways, its bleak as fuck and about two people you want to hate, but get drawn into them anyway.
Forming an idea where they live together for economic reasons in their mid- 20s. She dated for a while and has become pissed off at men in general. She's tired of the wham-bam-thank-you-maam guys where it never goes past a few dates.

But, she still has needs and there's little brother always present.

How will they get started? Maybe she likes to be nude around the house and it just happens? Will she actively seduce him?
Is there any brother-sister incest where the characters are older and the sex isn't exactly like a wholesome adventure? Not necessarily dubious consent but maybe. It's hard to articulate exactly what I want to see, but I would prefer if it's the sister taking the lead but it's in the brother's perspective. I think I'm looking for the vibe that she's kind of overtaking him. He wants her but he doesn't want to want her because it's wrong. She wants him for other reasons having to do with their relationship being strained as siblings. So it's not just something they're sharing as two loving human beings, more complicated than that.

There's a lot of stories on this site. Does anything like that exist?
Older as in mature? Shoot, I like that idea too.

My siblings have so far been young adults and teens. But otherwise my work fits your bill.

Try here: Back To Normal
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Is there any brother-sister incest where the characters are older and the sex isn't exactly like a wholesome adventure? Not necessarily dubious consent but maybe. It's hard to articulate exactly what I want to see, but I would prefer if it's the sister taking the lead but it's in the brother's perspective. I think I'm looking for the vibe that she's kind of overtaking him. He wants her but he doesn't want to want her because it's wrong. She wants him for other reasons having to do with their relationship being strained as siblings. So it's not just something they're sharing as two loving human beings, more complicated than that.

There's a lot of stories on this site. Does anything like that exist?
I'm working on one that is sort of following this, but may not be too truly to your guide. They're old enough, but not 'older'.

She's taking the lead to make him a better lover so he'll have a better future than she had. He's willing but he keeps taking steps out of his comfort zone.
Not really my wheelhouse. The closest thing I have to that, is One Loving Mother.